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Highpoint Dental Clinic

Highpoint Dental Clinic

Show Phone Number

82 North Road, Highgate, London, Greater London, N6 4AAUK

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Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday09:00 - 18:00
Thursday09:00 - 18:00
Friday09:00 - 17:00
Prices from £140 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Dentist - 82 North Road, Highgate, London, Greater London, N6 4AA, UK. High Point Dental Care, located at 82 North road, London, ha...

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation
Dental Implants
Teeth Whitening
Dental Crowns
Dental Bridges
Root canals
Wisdom Tooth Extraction up to £140
See all treatments & prices

About Highpoint Dental Clinic

High Point Dental Care, located at 82 North road, London, has a large panel of dental surgeons providing service in general dentistry, periodontal and oral surgery, cosmetic dentistry and oral hygiene. Their premise door has three steps, hence wheel chair access is limited. They treat both NHS and private patients.

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Clinic services

Open weekends - Saturdays by appointment only


up to £1500

Bone Graft

bone augmentation



Adult Braces


Child Braces


Clear Braces


Fixed Braces


Lingual Braces


Metal Braces


Orthodontic Retainer


Six Month Smiles™


Cosmetic Dentist Consultation


Dental Bridges


Implant Bridge


PFM Bridge


Porcelain Bridge


Dental Checkup


New Patient Dental Examination


Routine Dental Examination


Dental Crowns


PFM Crown


Porcelain Crown


Dental Implants


Single Implant


Dental Sealant


Dental X-Ray


Digital Dental X-Ray


Dentist Consultation


Denturist Consultation


Emergency Dentist Consultation


Endodontist Consultation



up to £140

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

simple wisdom tooth removal

Family Dentist Consultation




Amalgam Filling


White Filling


Fluoride Therapy


Gingivitis Treatment


Hygienist Session


Implant Dentist Consultation


Inlay or Onlay


Porcelain Inlay or Onlay


Mouth Guard


Orthodontist Consultation


Periodontist Consultation


Periodontitis Treatment


Root canals


Incisor Root Canal


Molar Root Canal


Premolar Root Canal


Sedation for dental treatments


Sinus Lift


Teeth Whitening


Home Whitening Kits


Zoom! Teeth Whitening




Porcelain Veneers

Highpoint Dental Clinic - Dr Michael Falekkos

Payment information

ChequesCredit cards


Private Patients WelcomeNHSNew Charge Exempt Adults NHSChildren age 0 to 18 NHSNew Fee Paying NHS
Dr Michael Falekkos - Orthodontist at Highpoint Dental Clinic

Dr Mike Jackson

Job Title:
Qualified in 1987 and 1988 respectively at the University of Witwatesrand in South Africa. They have provided dental care at successful Practices in Dagenham, Ilford and the West End since the early 1990’s and are also the owners of the renowned Crouch Hall Dental Care in Crouch End. Both are keen attendees of courses for advancement and excellence in dentistry, and offer a comprehensive service in cosmetic and restorative care. Both Highpoint Dental Clinic and Crouch Hall Dental Care have been awarded BUPA accreditation.

Dr Negin Mosahebi

Job Title:
BDS MFDS RCS (Ed) MSc (Endo)
Dr. Negin Mosahebi qualified from Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ Dental Institute in 1998. She won the Malleson Prize for her final year research project on caries detection. Negin continued to work at Guy’s Hospital where she gained significant experiences in restorative and oral maxillofacial fields. Whilst working in general practice, Negin became an elected Member of the Faculty of Dental Surgeons at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2002. Since 2003 Negin has devoted her practice solely to  Endodontics and has worked in several referral-based practices in London. During this time she completed her Masters in Endodontics in September 2006 and completed her specialist training at Guy’s Hospital (MClinDent) in 2009. Negin joined our team in December 2009.

Dr Thomas Gahan

Job Title:
  Oral Surgeon
  Implantology, Periodontics
B.Dent.SC (Dublin) M.Dent (Rand)
Dr Gahan is a specialist periodontist providing treatment for gum disease, implant placements as well as perioplastic procedures. He has been a university and implant course lecturer and has successfully placed over 5,000 implants to date with a 97% success rate. Dr Thomas Gahan qualified in 1978 at Trinity College Dublin, and attained a masters degree in Periodontics at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesberg. Dr Gahan joined our team in 2004.
Show Phone Number

82 North Road, Highgate, London, Greater London, N6 4AAUK