Ultrasound Therapy Ireland

All 72 Ultrasound Therapy Clinics in Ireland

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Ultrasound Therapy prices from €55 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 72 Ultrasound Therapy Clinics in Ireland with 279 verified patient reviews.

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Monaghan Therapy - Physiotherapy Clinic in IrelandFeatured

Monaghan Therapy

(01) 525 5342 ext: 60019 7 Glaslough Street, Co. Monaghan, Monaghan, h18d544
Monaghan Therapy is a dedicated wellness center specialising in Neuromuscular Therapy. Through targeted soft tissue treatment, trigger point management, and skilled touch, they alleviate pain, enhance flexibility, and promote balanced well-being. From daily aches to chronic conditions like arthritis and sciatica, Monaghan Therapy offers a pathway to reduced discomfort and improved vitality.
Ultrasound Therapy from €60
Dry Needling from €60
Spinal Rehabilitation - Neck and Back Injury €60 - €70
12 more treatments
from 89 users
Lakeland Sports Injury Clinic - Lisa McCarthy - Physiotherapy Clinic in IrelandFeatured

Lakeland Sports Injury Clinic - Lisa McCarthy

(01) 525 5342 ext: 44097 Drumbreanlis, Carrigallen, H12 F840
4.9 from 35 verified reviews
I found it great value as it started to work straight away so I knew it wasn’t a waste of moneyMartina, Ireland, 05 02 24

I had neck pain for a couple of years and Lisa worked on me over four appointments and I haven’t had any pain since. Lisa is very professional and knowledgeable and explains everything first which leaves you feeling relaxed and comfortable. I found it great value as it started to work straight away so I knew it wasn’t a waste of money. I have recommended Lisa to lots of my friends

Ultrasound Therapy from €60
Physiotherapist Consultation 60 mins from €60
Medical Acupuncture from €60
21 more treatments
from 49 users
Darren Macfarlane Sports Injury Therapy - Physiotherapy Clinic in Ireland

Darren Macfarlane Sports Injury Therapy

5 Devon Place, The Crescent, Galway City, H91 F7DN
5.0 from 6 verified reviews
The physiotherapist was very professionalBerni, Ireland, 13 09 23

Had a lot of relief after dry needling. Darren was very professional.

Ultrasound Therapy  
Physiotherapist Consultation
Physiotherapist Consultation up to €60
Shockwave Therapy up to €60
23 more treatments
from 99 users
Freda OKeeffe - Greystones Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic -  Freda OKeeffe
4.9 from 24 verified reviews
Now, 5 days later, it’s so much improvedMairéad, Ireland, 26 02 23

Freda diagnosed and treated with ultrasound, tendonitis in my wrist. She sent me away with a set of daily exercises and instructions on the type of splint I needed. Now, 5 days later, it’s so much improved and I’m due back for my 2nd appt in a couple of days.

Ultrasound Therapy from €55
Physiotherapist Consultation from €55
Dry Needling/ Western Acupuncture from €55
24 more treatments
from 8 users
Physio Performance - Physiotherapy Clinic in Ireland

Physio Performance

Energie FItness Club, Retail Park, Drogheda
5.0 from 3 verified reviews
What a great experienceHugh, Ireland, 20 12 22

Robbie Smyth and the Physio Performance team were great. I had a long term achilles tendon problem. When I first attended the clinic Robbie said that I might even need surgery. However, with the correct treatment, exercises and gym work I am now nearly 100%. It took nearly a year to rehabilitate but with the treatment and a lot of hard work in the gym, I was eventually able to run the Dublin City Marathon last October. What a great experience. Thanks Robbie.

Ultrasound Therapy  
Physiotherapist Consultation  
Dry Needling  
24 more treatments
from 6 users
Reiki Healing / Shamanic Counsellor - Holistic Health Clinic in Ireland
Deeply invested in the areas of healing and personal growth, Rafal gently guides people toward their own innate health and happiness through education, ceremony, soul retrieval, sound healing, and Shamanic Reiki Healing. Rafal’s intention is to assist clients and students in finding their soul’s path, their true self, their source of power and freedom. He offers this with deep gratitude to his teachers, spirit guides, and the native healers and communities who have been so generous with their teaching, healing, and ceremonies. Rafal is an Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master, Cone Master Hopo, Shamanism practitioner and work in Cork and Dublin area  but it is also the possibility consultation via Skype.Rafal believes is “The spirits are teachers, not therapists” – They are here to teach us to be better humans. The helping spirits are here to help us sort out how to live well in our time.  Even Death and the Trickster along with plants, animals, and the elements are part of this cast of compassionate characters who are tirelessly committed to teaching us to be better humans.  The spirits do not come to assist us for self-help or enlightenment; they come to assist us in doing the precious, unique thing we have come here to do in a way that is good for all living things.
Ultrasound Therapy up to €80
Counselling up to €80
Reiki up to €80
6 more treatments
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