Well-known surgeons performing vaginoplasty in the UK are listed on WhatClinic
Vaginoplasty is a cosmetic or reconstructive surgical procedure where the vagina of the patient is surgically tightened or reconstructed. It is performed to tighten vaginas that have become loose after childbirth or after the removal of tumours or malignant growths.
WhatClinic has 35 listings of specialist UK based plastic and cosmetic surgeons who perform vaginoplasty procedures. You can browse our site and find the best surgeon for your needs. Patients from across the world come to the UK looking for surgeons who perform vaginoplasty procedures. The surgical excellence of UK trained surgeons is well known worldwide. Vaginoplasty procedures are performed for patients by plastic and reconstructive surgeons in the UK at private hospitals and clinics. The procedure is performed for qualifying patients at NHS funded public hospitals.
It takes about two hours to perform Vaginoplasty procedures.
How much do vaginoplasty procedures cost in the UK?
Vaginoplasty surgery costs around £3293 in the UK.
WhatClinic has 97 genuine reviews by patients who have had vaginoplasty procedures performed in the UK.
How do patients travel to the UK for vaginoplasty procedures?
London’s four major international airports are some of the busiest in the world. Most international airlines fly to London and to other major cities in the UK.
We have all the information you need about public and private plastic surgery clinics that provide vaginoplasty in the UK. Compare all the plastic surgeons and contact the vaginoplasty clinic in the UK that's right for you.
Vaginoplasty prices from £2253 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 35 Vaginoplasty Clinics in the UK with 97 verified patient reviews.