What is Orthognathic Surgery?
Orthognathic Surgery is jaw surgery or surgery to correct the function of the jaw. It is performed to help patients bite correctly, to correct underbites or overbites, speak with clarity and, sometimes, to help them breathe more easily. The procedure can take up to two to four hours.
Is Orthognathic Surgery painful?
Orthognathic Surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and patients should not feel pain during the procedure.
How long does recovery after Orthognathic Surgery take?
Patients take one to four weeks to recover from jaw surgery for a single jaw. They may take six to eight weeks to recover from double jaw surgery. Recovery depends on each individual patient. Patients should not travel by air until cleared to do so by their surgeon.
What post-operative care is required after Orthognathic Surgery?
Patients should sleep on their backs with their head elevated for at least a week. They should try to talk and exercise their jaw. They should take short walks. They should not do strenuous exercises or lift heavy objects for at least two months after surgery. They can place hot or cold packs on the swollen area to bring down any swelling. They should take all the prescribed medications correctly.
What are the alternatives to Orthognathic Surgery?
Alternatives to Orthognathic Surgery include surgically placing facial implants, anti-aging injectables, orthodontic bite correction, using braces, or nonsurgical overbite and underbite correction using other dental techniques.
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