I would like to tell of my experience at Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry. First off, I am not a travelling person. When I was looking at getting 6 teeth looked after in my home province of Alberta, I was told between $3,000 to $4,000 a tooth, that's $18,000 to $24,000. Someone had mentioned to me about looking at Mexico, so I started doing some research online. I came across their YouTube channel, and started watching a lot of their videos, looked at reviews on Facebook and other social sites. After watching some videos, I decided to look to get a “makeover.” I contacted them, and shortly after, Paty emailed me back asking for my dental X-Rays. A few days later, I was sent a personal YouTube video from Dr German letting me know what they could do for me, to get “The Hollywood Smile.” They let me know how many days I needed to be there, but I took extra time to enjoy myself. I booked time off of work, got my finances in order, Paty was in constant contact with me, Araceli had sent me a list of hotels for me to choose from close by, as I wanted to walk to the dentist office, I booked my flight, and Paty had arranged to have me picked up from the airport. They also picked me for my first dental appointment.
After filling out some paperwork, we got started. One of my teeth was beyond saving, so I was getting 27 crowns, 1 tooth pulled, 1 wisdom tooth pulled, a root canal, and an implant is done for the tooth pulled. The first day my top teeth were filed down, and a temporary set was placed over top. Next appointment, the bottoms were done, the 2 teeth that needed to be pulled were removed, the screw for the implant was placed, and along with a temporary for them. Casts were made during both visits so the crowns could be made. I had met Norma, who had given me a list of things to do nearby, places to see, tours, etc. I had several days to relax and do things, and basically a vacation. My next appointment the crowns were set in and they had checked everything to make sure it was all good. Next day my tops were installed, along with a root canal. Next day my bottoms were installed. My last visit was to a final check to see if I had any issues. I am not going to lie, there was a pain. I had a massive amount of work done during my time. But I wasn’t in so much pain I couldn’t leave my hotel and go enjoy myself. I would like to thank Dr Caesar, Dr Gloria, Dr Olivia, and Dr Krishna for all their expertise in the dentist field to make sure everything I was looking for was taken care of.
There are also several ladies who helped me out. Lizette every day welcomed me, always talked to me, and usually took me into the room I was going to be in for my appointment. Carmen helped me out filling out paperwork, took X-Rays, and would see me out after my appointment. Barbara who helped me out when I was having a hard time trying to figure out how to phone outside of Mexico, as my flight was changed by Air Canada. Hazel who was helping me fill out my paperwork as I was all finished, also took my final X-Rays, she was very friendly asking me about my hobbies and what not. We were talking about gardening. Norma who gave me all the stuff to do, checked up on me regularly, to see if I needed anything, and she texted me to see how I was feeling after I was back home in Canada. Mariela who texted me my appointment times. There are some that I know I am forgetting their names, but they all went out of their way to make me feel special, and not being rushed through, or just another person going to the dentist.
Even though I had a lot more work done in Mexico than I was looking to get done in Canada, I still saved money. My original quote here I was looking at $24,000 to get 6 teeth taken care of. I still would have had yellow teeth, and gap which I did not like. I hated my old smile, I never showed my teeth. I spent $19,000 at the dentist, I have shining white teeth, no gap, they look natural, and I am proud to show these off. Even throw in the flight, hotel, and money spent during my visit, it wouldn’t come close. Plus I am much happier.
Like I said at the top, I am not a traveller, I went to Mexico for the first time, by myself. I took the chance. I have to go back in 5-6 months to get my implant finished off after it heals. I do not regret anything about this. If I can do it, what is stopping you?
Again, I would like to thank everyone at Cancun Cosmetic Dentistry.