Dentists Acuna

All 4 clinics that provide Dentistry in Acuna

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We have all the information you need about public and private dental clinics in Acuna. Compare all the dental clinics and contact the dentist in Acuna who's right for you.

Prices from $20 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Free consultation ★ Choose from 4 Dentists in Acuna with 4 verified patient reviews.

from 58 users
FLOSS Specialized Dental Solutions - Dr. Jose Luis Valdes Iruegas DDS, MD

FLOSS Specialized Dental Solutions

HIDALGO 292, CENTRO, Ciudad Acuña, 26200
4.8 from 3 verified reviews
Great service, great doctor and very friendly staffRoberto, US, 08 07 24

Great service, great doctor and very friendly staff. The office is very clean and using the most up to date technology!

Dentist Consultation $20 - $30
Dental Implants $1700 - $1900
Braces $1500 - $3500
13 more treatments
from 65 users
Dental Specialist Acuna - Dental Clinic in Mexico

Dental Specialist Acuna

Bravo 397, Zona centro, Acuña, 26200
We are Periodontal, Dental implants and Oral Surgery Specialist, with top facility, if you are looking for a good dental work, being treated with honesty, respect, and a good deal, this is the office you've been looking for!!!
Dentist Consultation from $20
Dental Implants from $701
Dental Bridges $250 - $350
30 more treatments
from 33 users
Clinica Dental Avanzada - Dental Clinic in Mexico

Clinica Dental Avanzada

Allende #370 sur altos, Cd. Acuña, 26200
4.8 from 1 verified review
En Clinica dental avanzada nos comprometemos  a ofrecerte una atención de calidad basada en la excelencia, en un ambiente grato, acogedor y tranquilo.   Tomarnos el tiempo necesario para escuchar las inquietudes de cada paciente, poniendo énfasis en resolver sus problemas en forma personalizada y llegar junto con él a la mejor alternativa de tratamiento, de acuerdo a sus necesidades. Lo que les permitirá recuperar su sonrisa, y con ella su autoestima, seguridad y confianza. Además, para esto tenemos a disposición equipos y materiales nuevos de alta tecnología.
Dentist Consultation  
Dental Implants  
18 more treatments
No score yet
Dr. Aide Talamantes D.D.S. - Dental Clinic in Mexico

Dr. Aide Talamantes D.D.S.

Bravo 385, Cd. Acuna centro
Overseas patients are welcomed at this dental clinic located at Coahuila in Mexico and treated at affordable prices. High quality gentle dental care is provided and the team uses the best available dental equipment and the latest techniques to transform the smile of patients. All international standards of sterilization and cross infection control are strictly followed at the clinic. Services provided include comprehensive examinations and professional dental cleaning, oral hygiene instructions, general dental care, cosmetic smile appearance improvement procedures and fitting partial or complete dentures for patients with missing teeth.
Dentist Consultation free
34 more treatments
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