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Nha khoa Quốc Tế Hà Nội Seoul

Nha khoa Quốc Tế Hà Nội Seoul

Show Phone Number

115 Giải Phóng, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà NộiVietnam

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Opening hours

Monday08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday08:00 - 19:00
Thursday08:00 - 19:00
Friday08:00 - 19:00
Saturday08:00 - 19:00
Sunday08:00 - 19:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Dentist - 115 Giải Phóng, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội, Vietnam. Staff: Dr Tran Viet Hà, Dr Trinh Thi Hong Gam, Dr Nguyen Thi Phòng.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation


Ceramic braces increased aesthetics from 40000000 ₫
Ceramic braces itself forced from 50000000 ₫

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening in-office from 2500000 ₫
Whitening at home (2-3 weeks) from 1500000 ₫


Extractions door from 400000 ₫
Teeth extractions from 600000 ₫
Milk tooth extraction from 20000 ₫
Removing tartar + polishing + guide VSRM from 200000 ₫
See all treatments & prices

About Nha khoa Quốc Tế Hà Nội Seoul

For more information about Nha khoa Quốc Tế Hà Nội Seoul in Hà Noi please contact the clinic.
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Bone Graft



from 40000000 ₫

Ceramic braces increased aesthetics

from 50000000 ₫

Ceramic braces itself forced

Fixed Braces
from 25000000 ₫

Fixed orthodontic braces traditional 3M-USA

from 35000000 ₫

Fixed orthodontic braces Smartclip 3M-USA Investment Required

Removable Braces
from 5000000 ₫

Removable orthodontic no real hot

from 6000000 ₫

Removable orthodontic hot snails

from 50000 ₫

Dental X-ray scan


Dentist Consultation

from 20000 ₫

Milk tooth extraction

from 400000 ₫

Extractions door

from 600000 ₫

Teeth extractions

from 700000 ₫

Wisdom tooth extraction erect 8

from 150000 ₫

Children's dental fillings

from 200000 ₫

Dental fillings

from 400000 ₫

Cosmetic dental fillings


Root Canals

from 900000 ₫

Molar root canal treatment

from 200000 ₫

Removing tartar + polishing + guide VSRM

Teeth Whitening
from 2500000 ₫

Teeth whitening in-office (30 mins)

from 1500000 ₫

Whitening at home (2-3 weeks)

Nha khoa Quốc Tế Hà Nội Seoul - 115 Giải Phóng, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome

Dr Tran Viet Hà

MD graduated from Hanoi Medical University courses 1999-2005 Master thesis Specialized Dental Hanoi Medical University 2012-2014. Graduated DIU specialized implants and aesthetic restorations, Bordeaux 2 University 2009-2011 French Republic. Specialized professional training implants in Seoul, Korea in 2014. Specialized professional development implants at the University of Southern California, USA, 2015. Medical practice certificates, specialized medical treatment Dental Medical by Hanoi Department No. 001 432 / HNO-CCHN.

Dr Trinh Thi Hong Gam

Specialist graduate Dentistry, University of 2003-2009 school year dentomaxillofacial. Master's thesis, Dr. inpatient hospital 2010-2013 school year. DIU specialized graduate orthodontic and aesthetic restorations, University of Bordeaux 2 France 2012

Dr Nguyen Thi Phòng

Specialist graduate Dentistry, University of 2003-2009 school year dentomaxillofacial. Master thesis Specialized Dental Hanoi Medical University 2012-2014.
Show Phone Number

115 Giải Phóng, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà NộiVietnam