About Gellért Dental Studio
The Gellért Dental Studio is not only a dental center, but also provides other provides other services and leisure activities for its guests in the world famous St. Gellért Hotel and Spa. You can enjoy luxurious accommodations, a beauty salon, the health spa, therapeutic treatments and medical massages. Reasons for choosing Gellért Dental Studio The GDS is located in the historic part of Budapest. The offices are elegant and air-conditioned. The dental team uses the most advanced technology. Treatments are personal and individualised with appointments made for your convenience We provide highly qualified consultants and specialists, dental technicians,and dental hygienists. Aesthetic dentistry is especially important for the dentists at GDS.We provide all medical and technological conditions for preparing metal-freeand allergy-tested crowns and bridges, porcelain veneers, inlays and jacket crowns.We also provide tooth whitening with permanent results using the latest technology.We also specialise is the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease.We use the finest quality implants placed by specially trained oral surgeons. Our goal is to create a pleasant atmosphere and to achieve perfect aesthetics based on your needs.
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