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Gellért Dental Studio

Gellért Dental Studio

Show Phone Number

Kelenhegyi út 39, Budapest, 1118Hungary

from 17 users
Filters cached at 2024/12/29 09:05:23

Opening hours

Monday08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday08:00 - 18:00
Thursday08:00 - 18:00
Friday08:00 - 14:00
Prices from 123657 Ft - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.2 from 17 votes ★ 1 verified patient review. Visit our Dentist - Kelenhegyi út 39, Budapest, 1118, Hungary.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation
Implants made of glued crown 39027881 Ft - 410409 Ft
Veneers from 154057 Ft

Teeth Whitening

Professional LED lamps in office whitening from 49298376 Ft
Home teeth whitening (full teeth, top and bottom) from 24649188 Ft
Denture jaw from 41081980 Ft

Dental Crowns

Conventional metal-ceramic crown 20540990 Ft - 246081 Ft
created Under a Microscope crown from 28757386 Ft
Metal-free crown from 32865584 Ft
See all treatments & prices

About Gellért Dental Studio

  The Gellért Dental Studio is not only a dental center, but also provides other provides other services and leisure activities for its guests in the world famous St. Gellért Hotel and Spa. You can enjoy luxurious accommodations, a beauty salon, the health spa, therapeutic treatments and medical massages. Reasons for choosing Gellért Dental Studio The GDS is located in the historic part of Budapest. The offices are elegant and air-conditioned. The dental team uses the most advanced technology. Treatments are personal and individualised with appointments made for your convenience We provide highly qualified consultants and specialists, dental technicians,and dental hygienists. Aesthetic dentistry is especially important for the dentists at GDS.We provide all medical and technological conditions for preparing metal-freeand allergy-tested crowns and bridges, porcelain veneers, inlays and jacket crowns.We also provide tooth whitening with permanent results using the latest technology.We also specialise is the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease.We use the finest quality implants placed by specially trained oral surgeons. Our goal is to create a pleasant atmosphere and to achieve perfect aesthetics based on your needs.
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Patient reviews

5.0 from 1 verified review
Dan, Hungary
( Verified user. Review confirmed by email)

Great service, no extra charge

5 50 Dentist Consultation

Repair work on tooth. Great service, no extra charge!

See what others think about the clinic's customer service:

Dan, Hungary25.01.2012

Languages spoken





from 246491880 Ft

Adult orthodontics (depending on model)


Cosmetic Dentist Consultation


Dental Bonding

123657 Ft - 287985 Ft

Dental Bridges


Dental Checkup

Dental Crowns
20540990 Ft - 246081 Ft

Conventional metal-ceramic crown

from 28757386 Ft

created Under a Microscope crown

from 32865584 Ft

Metal-free crown

39027881 Ft - 410409 Ft

Implants made of glued crown


Dentist Consultation

from 41081980 Ft

Denture jaw


Denturist Consultation


Endodontist Consultation


Family Dentist Consultation

4108198 Ft - 54228 Ft

Fillings (photo polymer)


Amalgam Filling


White Filling


Gum Surgery


Gum Contouring and Reshaping


Implant Dentist Consultation

from 28757386 Ft

Gradia-ceramic inlay

from 24649188 Ft

Gold Inlay


Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Consultation


Orthodontist Consultation


Periodontist Consultation


Periodontitis Treatment


Restorative Dentist Consultation

from 10270495 Ft

Treatment of root canal

Teeth Cleaning
from 4108198 Ft

Dental Cleaning  (30 mins)

from 6573117 Ft

Dental Cleaning  (1 hour)

Teeth Whitening
from 49298376 Ft

Professional LED lamps in office whitening

from 24649188 Ft

Home teeth whitening (full teeth, top and bottom)

from 24649188 Ft

Home Whitening Kits

from 154057 Ft



Composite Veneers

from 36973782 Ft

Veneers (porcelain made by the technician facet)

Gellért Dental Studio - Kelenhegyi út 39, Budapest, 1118,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Beáta Kávássy - Principal Dentist at Gellért Dental Studio

Dr Beáta Kávássy

Job Title:
  Principal Dentist
Dr Katalin Csizmadia - Dentist at Gellért Dental Studio

Dr Katalin Csizmadia

Job Title:
Aesthetics have been winning ground in all parts of life. In modern dentistry aesthetics has taken on the same importance as heath and functionality. I believe that it is of utmost importance for me to maintain an equal balance of all of the above. I am a member of the Hungarian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry and the European Cosmetic Dental Association.
Dr Viktor Németh - Dentist at Gellért Dental Studio

Dr Viktor Németh

Job Title:
The treatment and cure without empathy is good for nothing. As a man I am able to help treating with empathy.

Ms Barbara Csiki

Show Phone Number

Kelenhegyi út 39, Budapest, 1118Hungary