Surgical Extractions Gauteng

All 16 Surgical Extractions Clinics in Gauteng

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Surgical Extractions prices from r891 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 16 Surgical Extractions Clinics in Gauteng with 55 verified patient reviews.

from 666 users
R Nel and Z Grobler Inc t/a SS Dental - Dental Clinic in South AfricaFeatured

R Nel and Z Grobler Inc t/a SS Dental

087 550 3622 ext: 71952 75 George Storrar Drive, Groenkloof, Pretoria, 0181
4.6 from 23 verified reviews
The technology they use are absolutely the newest and great experience overallPetrie, South Africa, 05 08 20

Excellent professional service for a family that was dead scared of a dentist. Dr Zander is so accommodating even play your favourite music during the appointment. Also have to mention the technology they use are absolutely the newest and great experience overall.

Surgical Extractions R1800 - R2500
Extractions R1500 - R2500
Wisdom Tooth Extraction R1800 - R2500
1 more treatment
Very Good
from 555 users
Newtown Dental Studio - Dental Clinic in South AfricaFeatured

Newtown Dental Studio

100 carr street, Newtown Junction mall, shop 327, Johannesburg, 2001
5.0 from 2 verified reviews
Overall it was a very good experienceDianne, South Africa, 22 10 22

We went to get partial dentures for my son. First week the dentist took the measurements. The second week we went to collect the dentures. They fitted well and we will see in the next 2 weeks how they go. So far so good. The staff are friendly and professional and the dentist knows her job very well and was very helpful and answered all our questions. Overall it was a very good experience.

Surgical Extractions from R900
Wisdom Tooth Extraction from R1850
Non-Surgical Extractions from R650
from 116 users
Big Red Tooth Dental Practice - Dental Clinic in South Africa

Big Red Tooth Dental Practice

109 Leslie Avenue Norscot, Fourways Sandton, Johannesburg, 2191
4.5 from 5 verified reviews
Please note we are a private practice dedicated to providing exceptional dental care. We are not contracted to medical aid schemes, and our rates are above medical aid rates, and we do not accept payment plans. Our practice is located at 109 Leslie Avenue, Fourways, Sandton.  We offer a comprehensive range of dental services, including but not limited to: - General dentistry - Paediatric dentistry - Cosmetic dentistry - Prosthodontics - Endodontics - Oral hygiene - Paediatric in-chair sedations - Implant crowns - Crowns - Dentures - Bridges - Aligners Regular Business Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Saturday: 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM Appointments and General Inquiries call: 0873518333 Emergency Dentist upon Availability of a practitioner (After Business Hours): 0845779786 You can also make a appointment or find our information with our email  Please be aware that we operate on an appointment-only basis and do not accommodate walk-in appointments. Consultation fee is R976 for an initial consultation without additional treatments or X-rays. The cost of other services will vary based on the customized treatment plan recommended by our dental professionals. In cases requiring emergency after-hours assistance, a call-out fee of R1500 will apply in addition to any treatment costs incurred.  For a detailed breakdown of our service fees or further information, please fe
Surgical Extractions from R2800
Extractions from R1913
2 more treatments
Very Good
from 858 users
Sunninghill & Waterfall Dentists - Dental Clinic in South Africa

Sunninghill & Waterfall Dentists

57 Tana Road, Corner Lingerette Avenue, Sunninghill Gradens, Sandton, 2157
4.5 from 3 verified reviews
The dentist checks in with you after your treatment to make sure you’re doing fineJocelyn, South Africa, 08 01 23

Dr Sibda creates a calm and happy environment which is so great especially if you (like me) suffer with anxiety going to any doctor. Removed 2 wisdoms at the same time and it was swift and careful. Also Dr Sibda checks in with you after your extraction to make sure you’re doing fine.

Surgical Extractions  
Wisdom Tooth Extraction  
1 more treatment
from 189 users
Sandton Dental Aesthetics - Dental Clinic in South Africa

Sandton Dental Aesthetics

57, Corner Tana Close and Lingerette Avenue, Sunninghill Gardens, Sandton, 2157
4.8 from 2 verified reviews
WHY WE DO IT  - The importance of a healthy smileA healthy and natural smile has a considerable positive impact on your appearance, daily life and self-confidence. Today, millions of people all over the world are affected by missing, decayed and poorly aligned teeth attributed to natural ageing processes, accidents and trauma, disease and many other factors. Regardless of the causes, poor oral health has a devastating impact on the quality of your life and your general wellbeing. Poor oral health restricts the pleasure of eating your favourite foods and often affects your social relationships. In more extreme cases you may feel incapable or embarrassed to smile.We are here to ensure that you always have a healthy, radiant smile or to build a new smile for you ! Visiting a Medical Facility in South Africa isn’t as outlandish as it might sound. South Africa has pioneered the world’s first successful heart transplant and a host of other medical innovations and procedures. South Africa has a highly regulated medical regulatory system ensuring that you receive the highest standards of care. Practitioners must be registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) and are also required to continuously further their education and skill set levels. A benefit of getting your procedures done in South Africa is South Africa itself ! Through our Rewards Travel Program with our 5 star Partner Hotel Group, Tintswalo, you are assured of a holiday of a lifetime ! Stay at a
Surgical Extractions  
Wisdom Tooth Extraction  
Non-Surgical Extractions  
from 132 users
Dr Veruschka Melissa Jose - Fourways Facial Surgery and Aesthetics

Dr Veruschka Melissa Jose

Life Fourways Hospital, Cedar Avenue West, Fourways Johannesburg, 2055
FOURWAYS FACIAL & ORAL SURGERY & AESTHETICS We are a specialist practice in Johannesburg, in the upmarket suburb of Fourways. Dr V Jose-Bryant is a fully qualified and accredited, Specialist Maxillo Facial & Oral Surgeon. Please note: NO treatment, assessments or estimates can be undertaken without an initial consultation appointment  and clinically assessing the patient. The practice does not respond to requests for quotes without first examining and assessing the patient.Kindly contact Practice Admin directly to book an initial consultation with Dr Jose-Bryant. We regret that due to SA Law & Liability we can not accept to this practice Foreign nationals who do not possess a SA Residence Permit.
Surgical Extractions  
Wisdom Tooth Extraction  
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