Non-Surgical Extractions Mexicali

All 11 Non-Surgical Extractions Clinics in Mexicali

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Non-Surgical Extractions prices from $50 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 11 Non-Surgical Extractions Clinics in Mexicali with 20 verified patient reviews.

Very Good
from 92 users
Dr. Kim Dentistry by IPSE - Dental Clinic in MexicoFeatured

Dr. Kim Dentistry by IPSE

(877) 304-0812 ext: 64541 Calzada Justo Sierra 440 - C, Colonia Nueva, Mexicali, 21100
5.0 from 1 verified review
His hours are good and he is a smart personGrant, US, 10 02 24

Dr. Kim takes the time to explain and show what is needed and how he would like to do each procedure. Would I recommend Dr. Kim. Yes, no problem. My mouth feels good. His hours are good and he is a smart person. Interesting to hear a person from Korea go from speaking to his assistants then switching to English speaking to me with a Korean accent. Would I go back? Yes without a question.

Non-Surgical Extractions from $60
Wisdom Tooth Extraction from $150
Surgical Extractions from $85
Very Good
from 28 users
Dentaire-dentistry Expert - Dental Clinic in MexicoFeatured

Dentaire-dentistry Expert

St. Madero No 1324, Mexicali, 21100
<p>Dentist-expert in dentistry opened its doors with the help of doctors H&eacute;ctor Murillo and Estefania Mendoza with the idea of becoming a highly specialized dental centre that combined the excellence of the treatments with the most personal and close treatment.</p><p>Today, Dr Hector Murillo and Dr.Estefania Mendoza lead a professional and dedicated team made up of 10 doctors who practice their area of specialisation exclusively -Orthodontics, Periodontics, Implants, General Dentistry and Dental Aesthetics-. All of them work together and in a coordinated manner to achieve the best result for each treatment.</p> <p>We have specialist dentists in all areas of Dentistry. Furthermore, each of our professionals is dedicated to their speciality exclusively, which means they have a very broad vision and great experience in the treatments they perform.</p>
Non-Surgical Extractions  
Wisdom Tooth Extraction  
1 more treatment
from 103 users
CIVICO DENTAL CARE - DDS. Oscar Manuel Mendivil MarroquinFeatured


(877) 304-0812 ext: 61547 Calzada Independencia 1086, Centro Civico, CENTRO CIVICO, MEXICALI, 21000
4.7 from 13 verified reviews
His warm nature and level of care are excellentJavier, UK, 26 03 21

Dental Care is a truly fantastic clinic. From the moment you step into the practice, you know that you are being looked after by professionals. His warm nature and level of care are excellent. Would recommend it to anyone who needs a dentist.

Non-Surgical Extractions from $80
Extractions (simple) from $50
Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Wisdom Tooth Extraction (nom surgical) from $100
1 more treatment
No score yet
Mexicali Dental - Dental Clinic in Mexico

Mexicali Dental

Av. Reforma 719, 2do piso Local 3, Col. Primera Sección, Mexicali, 21100
For more information about Mexicali Dental in Mexicali please contact the clinic.
Non-Surgical Extractions from $50
Extractions $40 - $50
Wisdom Tooth Extraction $130 - $150
1 more treatment
Very Good
from 17 users
Dr Jesus Osorio Rios Mexicali Dentist - DR JESUS OSORIO

Dr Jesus Osorio Rios Mexicali Dentist

Mineros 1490-1, Col. Industrial, Mexicali, 21010
Dr. Jesus Osorio Rios and Dra.. Elia Garcia Barrueta.                   Dr. Jesus Osorio Rios graduated from UAM-X in 1984 Mexico, D.F., Post-graduate in Maxillofacial Prosthesis in 1989, Diplomate in Implant Dentistry. Professor of the Dental School in Mexicali since 1990. He is in charge of Dental Implant program of continue education, he is a Professor of the Prosthesis program and Orthodontic program in the Postgraduate. He taught since 1990 Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, Total Prosthesis and Operative Dentistry. He is a member of Mexican Dental Association, American Dental Association, International Society for Maxillofacial Rehabilitation (ISMR), Latin American Society of Rehabilitation of the Face and Maxillofacial Prosthesis, German Implant Society, Mexican Operative Dentistry Academy,  Mexicali Group of Bucal and Maxillofacial Implantology. He is an opinion leader of the VOCO company, it is a German dental material company in Mexico. also the following implants company IMTEC, RITTER, ADIN. Lecturer in Mexico, USA, Colombia, Germany, Cuba, Argentina. Past President of the Dental College of Mexicali 2005, Mexicali Group of Bucal and Maxillofacial Implantology. Dr Elia Garcia graduated from the UABC in 1982, Post grade in Endodontics UNAM in 1989.Member of Baja California Endodontic College. We offer you specialized dental care in one clinic at general dentistry prices.Treatments realized by specialist in the area. We are a Dental Specialist group, we hav
Non-Surgical Extractions $50 - $80
Simple Extraction include anesthesia, extraction, clean the alveolus and place medication into the hole that helps healing
Wisdom Tooth Extraction $200 - $300
Include tooth into the bone. Treatment include Xray, local anesthesia, surgery, treatment of the socket, follow consultation, stitches. 
1 more treatment
No score yet
Somos Sonrisas - Dental Clinic in Mexico

Somos Sonrisas

Estatal 92, Fraccionamiento Quinta Alcazar de Toledo, local C, Mexicali, 21395
For more information about Somos Sonrisas in Mexicali please contact the clinic.
Non-Surgical Extractions  
Wisdom Tooth Extraction  
1 more treatment
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