Glass Ionomer Filling Mexicali

All 7 Glass Ionomer Filling Clinics in Mexicali

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Glass Ionomer Filling prices from $30 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 7 Glass Ionomer Filling Clinics in Mexicali with 5 verified patient reviews.

Very Good
from 27 users
Dentaire-dentistry Expert - Dental Clinic in MexicoFeatured

Dentaire-dentistry Expert

St. Madero No 1324, Mexicali, 21100
<p>Dentist-expert in dentistry opened its doors with the help of doctors H&eacute;ctor Murillo and Estefania Mendoza with the idea of becoming a highly specialized dental centre that combined the excellence of the treatments with the most personal and close treatment.</p><p>Today, Dr Hector Murillo and Dr.Estefania Mendoza lead a professional and dedicated team made up of 10 doctors who practice their area of specialisation exclusively -Orthodontics, Periodontics, Implants, General Dentistry and Dental Aesthetics-. All of them work together and in a coordinated manner to achieve the best result for each treatment.</p> <p>We have specialist dentists in all areas of Dentistry. Furthermore, each of our professionals is dedicated to their speciality exclusively, which means they have a very broad vision and great experience in the treatments they perform.</p>
Glass Ionomer Filling  
Porcelain Filling  
1 more treatment
No score yet
Mexicali Dental - Dental Clinic in Mexico

Mexicali Dental

Av. Reforma 719, 2do piso Local 3, Col. Primera Sección, Mexicali, 21100
For more information about Mexicali Dental in Mexicali please contact the clinic.
Glass Ionomer Cement Filling $30 - $60
Fillings $30 - $60
No score yet
Somos Sonrisas - Dental Clinic in Mexico

Somos Sonrisas

Estatal 92, Fraccionamiento Quinta Alcazar de Toledo, local C, Mexicali, 21395
For more information about Somos Sonrisas in Mexicali please contact the clinic.
Glass Ionomer Filling  
from 12 users
The Smiling Teeth - Dental Clinic in Mexico

The Smiling Teeth

Calle F 1393. Entre Reforma y Madero, Mexicali, 21100
5.0 from 1 verified review
The smiling teeth clinic teeth is not just a dental office, we patients are not only patients, are people who have different problems and looking for a friendly place in our hands place your oral health.The clinic is staffed primarily by Dr. Juan Carlos Miranda Villa, the one who is responsible for your teeth will look as you want, in the reception is attended by his wife Karina Reynoso which always concerned that everything goes well and as a patient you always be happy with their work, we also have a large team of specialists who will be ready to assist you and your family.
Glass Ionomer Filling  
White Filling  
4 more treatments
from 24 users
Dental Bogadeza - Dr Sonia Edeza

Dental Bogadeza

Av. Madero No. 706, Zona Centro, Mexicali, 21850
5.0 from 2 verified reviews
DENTAL BOGADEZA Dental office of DDS Sonia Edeza is located in Mexicali BC, Mexico. It is 3 minutes from border of the city of Calexico CA. DDS Sonia Edeza is one of the best dentists in Los Algodones  and Mexicali BC. Her dental office is characterized by experience,excellent service and honesty. Dra. Sonia Edeza has 14 years of experencie and provides services in los Algodones  since 2006 and now in Mexicali BC, and she is always in constant education at conferences, courses, etc. Patients to give their best every day.
Glass Ionomer Cement Filling from $39
Fillings from $39
Amalgam Filling from $39
1 more treatment
Very Good
from 20 users
Perioimplant - Dental Clinic in Mexico


Av. Cristóbal Colón 955, Mexicali, 21100
5.0 from 1 verified review
Dr Cynthia Castañeda is a dentist periodontologist from the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, UAG.  Member of the American Academy of Periodontology, and member of the Asociación Mexicana de Periodontología. We are a team of splecialized dentists, that offer you advanced and affordable professional treatments. By doing an interdesciplinary diagnosis, we propose you the best treatment options for you. We do General Dentistry,  Dental implants,  Periodontics or treatment for gum and lost of bone disease,  Endodontics or root canal,  Orthodontics,  Smile disigner by a specialist in protheses and occlusion,  Implant System All on Four, All on Six. We have  Certification of Sterilization by Defend Sporetest, MyDent International.  Have you ever been diagnosed for severe bone lost and you have been told that you cannot receive dental implants? We have many fixed protheses solutions for you in PERIOIMPLANT.
Glass Ionomer Cement Filling from $29
Fillings $34 - $44
White Filling from $34
2 more treatments
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