Tummy Tuck Ireland

All 4 Tummy Tuck Clinics in Ireland

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What is a Tummy Tuck?

Tummy Tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to reduce abdominal fat. The result is a slimmer and firmer abdomen.

How is a Tummy Tuck procedure done?

To perform a tummy tuck procedure, first general anaesthesia is administered. For patients with large tummies, the surgeon will cut the abdomen horizontally between the hip bones and contour the abdominal muscles, skin and tissues. The surgeon will place drainage tubes under the skin if required. Patients with fat deposits only below their navel will need a shorter and less complex procedure where the surgeon will make a smaller incision and perform key-hole surgery, inserting a small camera to see what needs to be done.

What are the alternatives to a Tummy Tuck?

Alternatives to a tummy tuck procedure are liposuction procedures, diet and exercise, and radiofrequency or laser assisted procedures to reduce abdominal fat.

What is the recovery time after a Tummy Tuck?

Patients recover from a mini or partial tummy tuck procedure within a month but full recovery after a full tummy tuck procedure will take about 6 months.

Tummy Tuck vs Mini Tummy Tuck

The full tummy tuck procedure is employed when patients require the contouring of the entire abdominal region. The procedure takes about four to five hours to complete. It takes about six months to completely recover from a tummy tuck procedure. A mini tummy tuck procedure is for patients who have excessive localized fat in their lower abdomen. The procedure is minimally invasive and takes about one hour. Patients recover from a mini tummy tuck procedure within a month.

How long does swelling last after Tummy Tuck?

Swelling after a tummy tuck procedure may last for about six months.

We have all the information you need about public and private plastic surgery clinics that provide tummy tuck in Ireland. Compare all the plastic surgeons and contact the tummy tuck clinic in Ireland that's right for you.

Tummy Tuck prices from €7240 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 4 Tummy Tuck Clinics in Ireland with 273 verified patient reviews.

from 2,516 users
Auralia - Dublin - Dr David HewinFeatured

Auralia - Dublin

(01) 697 1575 The Plaza Parkwest Business Park, Nangor Road, Dublin, D12WDN2
4.9 from 111 verified reviews
Best decision I made this yearShannon, Ireland, 17 08 23

I had breast augmentation done in May 2023 with Auralia. All the staff were extremely kind and helpful. I am so happy with my results. I was going back and forth about my decision for over a year as I was unsure if I needed a lift as I had gone to consultations with lots of other clinics some telling me I needed a lift and some telling me I didn’t. And one surgeon even turning me away saying that the look I wanted to achieve was not possible. I was very disheartened and confused by this which had me going back and forth on my decision. I then had my consultation with Auralia and I was put at ease and the surgeon explained to me that the implant alone would give me the lift that I needed. I got to try on different-sized implants during my consultation which I didn’t get in other consultations with other clinics. the recovery was very quick and I was back to work in 5 days with no issues. Best decision I made this year.

Tummy Tuck  
Full Abdominoplasty  
6 more treatments
2 other locations in Ireland for Auralia - Dublin
Auralia - Limerick

Auralia - Limerick

(061) 639 249 3 Steamboat Quay, Dock Rd, Limerick City
Auralia - Kilkenny

Auralia - Kilkenny

(056) 780 7217 28 High St., Kilkenny
No score yet
Aesthetic Surgery Ireland - Margaret ODonnell MB FRCSI,  FRCSI (Plast)

Aesthetic Surgery Ireland

62 Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin, Dublin 4
The 4 Consultant Plastic Surgeons with Aesthetic Surgery Ireland are fully accredited, on the Specialist Register of Plastic Surgery with the Irish Medical Council and based in Ireland. All consultations and non-surgical treatments are conducted in our clinic in Ballsbridge whilst all surgical procedures are performed in major Dublin hospitals.ArtPerforming the art of cosmetic surgery revolves around a surgeon's skills and aesthetic finesse, combined with a feeling for form and harmony. Training and knowledge of both reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery is an essential foundation for developing effective aesthetic surgical skills.ScienceThe science of cosmetic surgery involves a comprehensive knowledge of surgical techniques and medical devices, and a clear understanding of what can be achieved for each patient. Only a Consultant Plastic Surgeon is equipped with this extensive knowledge of surgical and non-surgical techniques for cosmetic surgery.IntegrityAt the centre of a surgeon-patient relationship is a commitment by Aesthetic Surgery Ireland to treat each patient with the utmost integrity.At the heart of our integrity are the following core principles:Consultant Plastic Surgeons are on the Specialist Register of Plastic Surgery of the Irish Medical Council and reside in IrelandPatients are treated with honesty, empathy and transparency at all timesPatients are offered comprehensive and balanced procedure informationPatients are offered freedom of choice without un
Tummy Tuck  
CoolSculpting Fat Freezing  
Mini Abdominoplasty  
3 more treatments
Very Good
from 407 users
John Curran Plastic Surgery, Bon Secours Hospital, Tralee - Plastic Surgery Clinic in Ireland

John Curran Plastic Surgery, Bon Secours Hospital, Tralee

Suite 2B, The Bon Secours Hospital, Strand Street, Tralee, V92P663
4.9 from 12 verified reviews
I would highly recommend this doctor to anyoneDave, Ireland, 30 01 23

I met with Dr Curran regarding liposuction and he was very upfront and honest about what was best for me and liposuction was not in my best interest. He gave me a view things to look at which was great help. I would highly recommend him to anyone

Tummy Tuck €7240 - €10390
Includes 1 night hospital stay.
Lipoabdominoplasty €7240 - €10390
Includes 1 night hospital stay
Mini Abdominoplasty up to €4940
4 more treatments
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