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Gallagher and Associates Dental Practice

Gallagher and Associates Dental Practice

Show Phone Number

37 Fenian Street, DublinIreland

Very Good
from 25 users
Filters cached at 2024/12/15 16:52:57

Opening hours

Monday08:45 - 19:30
Tuesday08:45 - 17:30
Wednesday08:45 - 17:30
Thursday08:45 - 19:30
Friday08:45 - 17:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Very Good ServiceScore™ 7.3 from 25 votes ★ 2 verified patient reviews. Visit our Dentist - 37 Fenian Street, Dublin, Ireland.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation
Dental Implants
Teeth Whitening
Dental Crowns
Dental Bridges
Teeth Cleaning
Root canals
Wisdom Tooth Extraction
See all treatments & prices

About Gallagher and Associates Dental Practice

For more information about Gallagher and Associates Dental Practice in Dublin please contact the clinic.
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Patient reviews

4.8 from 2 verified reviews
James Leach, Ireland
( Review verified by phone and email)

By far the best experience I have had

4.5 50 Extractions

I have been to some butchers in my time I mean Dentists, and like everyone else, I don't like them. However, my first visit to Gallagher's was by far the best experience I have had. 5 pm appointment to have a tooth extraction left the premises at 5.20 pm like id just been to see a doctor. Conor is as professional as they come, tells you what he's doing and when he's going to do it. See you again soon.

Treated by: Dr Conor Gallagher
Louise, Ireland
( Verified user. Review confirmed by email)

I am pleased

5 50 Dentist Consultation • Paid: €100

I am pleased.

See what others think about the clinic's customer service:

Martin, Ireland05.04.2013
Fair and honest, info a bit 'murky'.



Bone Graft


Dental Bridges


Dental Checkup


Dental Crowns


Dental Implants


Dentist Consultation




Denturist Consultation


Endodontist Consultation




Wisdom Tooth Extraction


Family Dentist Consultation




Gum Surgery


Implant Dentist Consultation


Periodontist Consultation


Periodontitis Treatment


Root canals


Teeth Cleaning


Teeth Whitening

Gallagher and Associates Dental Practice - 37 Fenian Street, Dublin,

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Private Patients Welcome
Dr Conor  Gallagher - Principal Surgeon at Gallagher and Associates Dental Practice

Dr Conor Gallagher

Job Title:
  Principal Surgeon
He originally from Co. Tyrone qualified as a general dentist in 1987 from the University of Manchester. He worked for a number of years in the greater Manchester area gaining experience in all aspects of general dentistry. Also during this time in Manchester he continued his undergraduate research into " the aesthetics of Cleft Lip and Palate patient". This published research (with Prof. Bill Shaw and Dr. Cathy Asher) was presented at the World and European Orthodontic Conferences in Jerusalem and London respectively. Dr. Gallagher received an award, from the 64th European Orthodontic Conference in London, for his work in determining the best post surgical aesthetic results, in cleft lip and palate patients. He returned to Ireland in 1991 and worked initially in Derry and Carndonagh. He then relocated to Belfast working as a dental associate until in 1995 he availed of the opportunity to become the resident dentist in Grafton St Medical Practice, Dublin .
Ms Bridget Smith - Dental Hygienist at Gallagher and Associates Dental Practice

Ms Bridget Smith

Job Title:
  Dental Hygienist
She joined the practice in 2005, as our resident dental hygienist. Bridget brought not only her very well tuned hygienist skills, but also her attention to detail and management style. She has transformed the hygiene side of the practice to where it is today - a busy, efficient hygiene service offering oral hygiene instruction to root debridment, diet analysis to fissure sealants, conventional calculus removal to laser obliterization of the biofilm.
Dr Paul Burgess -  at Gallagher and Associates Dental Practice

Dr Paul Burgess

BDS, MRD RCD(Ed), MDFSRCS(Lon),MSc, MClinDent, DPDS(Brist) gradudated from the University of Newcastle in 1988. Having decided to specialise, he undertook a 3 year specialist training course in Periodontics at the Eastman Dental University in London, gaining an M.Sc.(Perio) with distinction in 1998. and the following year a M. Clin. Dent. (Perio) from the University of London. Then having completed the MFDS at the Royal College of Surgeons (2003), he was appointed onto the Special Registrar in Periodontics of the General Dental Council.
Show Phone Number

37 Fenian Street, DublinIreland