R D Dental Hospital & Research Center is a specialized unit of Oral & maxillofacial Surgery. In the field of oral health care,
Oral & maxillofacial Surgery
play an important role for early detection and management of wide spectrum of diseases, injuries and defects in the head, neck, face, jaws and the hard & soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region.
The R D Dental Hospital & research Center is a center of excellence in patient care, education and research,
which enhance the delivery of care to patients in an integrated and balanced way. The R D Dental Hospital & research Centre located in the center of capital just 3 km form railway station is a specialized unit of oral & maxillofacial surgery for patients on a local, regional and national basis. The R D dental
hospital & Research Center provides services across the full range of specialties in oral & maxillofacial surgery.
Our aim to aware the more and more people to oral health care and prevents bad prognosis, high mortality, high treatment cost and increased complications of these diseases due to delayed diagnosis and
provide affordable super specialization treatment to you as well as
collected data was used for further development of Oral & Maxillofacial field.
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