Gum Surgery Bellville

All 3 Gum Surgery Clinics in Bellville

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What is Gum Surgery?

Gum surgery is a surgical procedure to treat periodontal gum diseases. There are two types of gum surgery. The flap surgery involves making a flap like opening in the gum and cleaning plaque from deep periodontal pockets. Gum grafting surgery is performed when the patient has insufficient gum tissue. Gum surgery takes about 60 to 90 minutes.  

Is Gum Surgery painful?

Gum surgery is performed after administering local anaesthesia. Patients should not feel any pain during the surgery.

When can I travel by air after Gum Surgery?

Patients should travel by air up to two days after gum surgery. They should get certification from their doctor as fit for travel by air before embarking on their journey.

How long does recovery after Gum Surgery take?

Complete recovery from gum surgery will take three to four weeks.  

What post-operative care is required after Gum Surgery?

Patients should take all prescribed medications correctly. They should apply ice packs on their face to bring down the swelling. They should eat soft food till the stitches are removed. They should rinse their mouths gently for the first few days after surgery. Patients should not smoke or drink alcohol for at least a month. They should sleep with their head elevated till the swelling comes down. Patients should avoid strenuous exercise and lifting heavy objects for at least a month.  

What are the alternatives to gum surgery?

The alternative to gum surgery is the laser assisted gum disease treatment also called LANAP.

We have all the information you need about public and private dental clinics that provide gum surgery in Bellville. Compare all the dentists and contact the gum surgery clinic in Bellville that's right for you.

Gum Surgery prices from r1479 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 3 Gum Surgery Clinics in Bellville with 55 verified patient reviews.

from 879 users
All Smiles Dentist - Century City - Dr Sayed Dental SurgeryFeatured

All Smiles Dentist - Century City

Century Medical Suites, Century City, Cape Town, 7441
4.5 from 22 verified reviews
I'm very happy with their serviceJosh, South Africa, 02 05 23

I'm very happy with their service and personal attention to detail.

Gum Surgery R1500 - R5000
Gum Contouring and Reshaping R1500 - R8500
Gingival Flap Surgery R2500 - R10000
1 more treatment
from 1,375 users
Dr Johan Hartshorne - Dental Clinic in South AfricaFeatured

Dr Johan Hartshorne

087 550 3622 ext: 64087 Intercare Medical and Dental Centre, 43 Old Oak Road, Tyger Valley, 7536
4.8 from 32 verified reviews
I was completely at easePeter, South Africa, 25 01 24

A very nice Dentist. I am normally not at ease seeing a dentist. I was completely at ease.

Gum Surgery R3800 - R8700
Gum Contouring and Reshaping R3845 - R6860
Gingival Flap Surgery R6800 - R9800
from 170 users
Dr. André M. Dumas - Dental Clinic in South Africa

Dr. André M. Dumas

6 Pontac Street, Oude Westhof, Bellville, Cape Town, 7530
4.3 from 1 verified review
A range of dental services are rendered by this dental clinic in Bellville in Capetown South Africa. Services provided include general dentistry, specialized dentistry, family dentistry, children’s dentistry and dental hygiene instruction. The Brite Smile teeth whitening procedure is performed at the clinic. The best available equipment and techniques are used to treat patients at the clinic. The clinic is registered with all major insurance schemes. The clinic strives to provide the most affordable treatments to patients.
Gum Surgery  
Dentist Consultation  
Dental Implants  
17 more treatments

No further information on Gum Surgery clinics in Bellville

Gum Surgery clinics within 30km of Bellville:

Very Good
from 40 users
Jay Dental - Dental Clinic in South Africa

Jay Dental

213 Hibernian Towers, 9 Kruger street, Strand, Cape Town, 0044
5.0 from 5 verified reviews
I am beyond pleased with my outcomeChristopher, South Africa, 17 01 24

WOW, Dr Jay personally answered my call when i phoned in over festive period looking for a dentist for some relief. He was busy with an emergency procedure but told me to come on through and he will assist. Not even a month later and a tooth that's given me endless problems and i was referred for surgical removement previously has been removed, painlessly i might add. I have had a root canal and the most functional and beautiful bridge was made and fitted for me. The man's a cross between an artist and a master but oh so humble and reassuring every step of the way. I am beyond pleased with my outcome, the timeframe, the advice and explanations as well as the overall service. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Gum Surgery
Periodontal Surgery  
Gum Graft Surgery  
Dentist Consultation  
21 more treatments
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