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Dr. Uta Gönner & Dr. Volkan Gönner-Özkan

Dr. Uta Gönner & Dr. Volkan Gönner-Özkan

Show Phone Number

Westerbachstr. 23c, Kronberg, 61476Germany

from 6 users
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Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 12:30 | 13:30 - 17:30
Tuesday08:30 - 12:30 | 13:30 - 17:30
Wednesday08:30 - 12:30 | 13:30 - 17:30
Thursday08:30 - 12:30 | 13:30 - 19:00
Friday08:30 - 12:00 | 13:30 - 19:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.0 from 6 votes ★ Visit our Dentist - Westerbachstr. 23c, Kronberg, 61476, Germany.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation
Orthodontic Retainer
Lingual Braces
Orthodontist Consultation
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About Dr. Uta Gönner & Dr. Volkan Gönner-Özkan

For more information about Dr. Uta Gönner & Dr. Volkan Gönner-Özkan in Frankfurt please contact the clinic.
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  • WFO - World Federation of Orthodontists (International) 
  • EOS - European Orthodontic Society (International) 





Lingual Braces


Orthodontic Retainer


Dentist Consultation




Orthodontist Consultation

Dr. Uta Gönner & Dr. Volkan Gönner-Özkan - Westerbachstr. 23c, Kronberg, 61476,

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Private Patients WelcomePublic Health Insurance
Uta Gönner - Dentist at Dr. Uta Gönner & Dr. Volkan Gönner-Özkan

Uta Gönner

Job Title:
Invisible Braces (Lingual Technique) Alternatives to Orthognathic Surgery of Jaw Malpositions Interdisciplinary Cooperations in Adults, Juveniles and Children Diagnostic and Therapy of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) Interdisciplinary Consultation of Children and Juveniles with Rheumatic Disease Functional-Esthetic Treatment with Botulinum Curriculum Vitae Since 2009 Lecturer: MARA – Workshop – "From Labprocess to Clinical Application" Since 2008 Practice in Kronberg/Ts. 2007 Board Certification as an Orthodontist and Founding of the Frankfurt Study Group – Innovative Orthodontics 2003 – 2007 Resident in a Postgraduate Programme for Orthodontics (Erasmus), Department of Orthodontics, Carolinum in Frankfurt/M. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University) 2004 Doctoral Thesis 2001 – 2008 Advanced Training in Orthodontics at the Orthodontic Office of Douglas E. Toll in Bad Soden/Ts. 1995 – 2001 Study of Dentistry at University Kiel Professional Appointments Abroad France 1-year Lingual Programme In-office, Paris, Dr. Fillion Japan: Kanagawa University, Dep. of Orthodontics, Yokosuka, Prof. Sato Tokyo Medical and Dental School, Dep. of Orthodontics, Tokyo, Prof. Takemoto Orthodontic Office, Tokyo, Dr. Takemoto South Korea: Yonsei University, Dep. of Orthodontics, Seoul, Prof. Park Kyungpook University, Dep. of Orthodontics, Daegu, Prof. Kyung USA: The Tweed Study Course, Tucson, Arizona Member of the Following Professional Associations Collège Européen d'Orthodontie German Society for Orthodontics (DGKFO; Multiloop Edgewise Archwire Foundation (MEAW) Tweed Foundation rthodontists
Volkan Gönner-Özkan -  at Dr. Uta Gönner & Dr. Volkan Gönner-Özkan

Volkan Gönner-Özkan

Orthodontist Main Focus Invisible Braces (Lingual Technique) Alternatives to Orthognathic Surgery of Jaw Malpositions Interdisciplinary Cooperations in Adults, Juveniles and Children Diagnostic and Therapy of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) with a Special Focus on Rheumatic Disease in Children and Juveniles Functional-Esthetic Treatment with Botulinum Curriculum Vitae Since 2009 Lecturer: MARA – Workshop – "From Labprocess to Clinical Application" Since 2008 Member of the International Advisory Committee of the World Implant Orthodontic Association Since 2008 Practice in Kronberg/Ts. 2008 Board Certification as an Orthodontist and Founding of the Frankfurt Study Group – Innovative Orthodontics 2006 – 2008 Resident in a Postgraduate Programme for Orthodontics (Erasmus), Department of Orthodontics, Carolinum in Frankfurt/M. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University) 2005 Founding of the IAKR (Interdisciplinary Study Group of Rheumatology) in Frankfurt/M. 2004 – 2008 Advanced Training in Orthodontics and Resident at the Orthodontic Office of Douglas E. Toll in Bad Soden/Ts. 2003 – 2005 Interdisciplinary Consultation of Children and Juveniles with Idiopathic Arthritis at the Pediatric Department of Rheumatology Buch in Berlin (Head: Assistant Professor: Dr. med. K. Minden) 2002 Doctoral Thesis 1999 Assistent Lecturer in Dissection Course of Dentistry Students at the Faculty of Anatomy at the Free University Berlin (Charité), Prof. Dr. R. Graf 1998 – 2004 Scientific Assistant at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry at the Free University Berlin (Charité), Prof. W. B. Freesmeyer. Focus on TMD and Diagnostic; Esthetic Reconstruction and Complex Interdisciplinary Treatment Approaches with Removable and Fixed Prosthodontics. 1992 – 1997 Study of Dentistry at the Free University Berlin (today Charité) Professional Appointments Abroad France 1-year Lingual Programme In-office, Paris, Dr. Fillion Japan: Kanagawa University, Dep. of Orthodontics, Yokosuka, Prof. Sato Tokyo Medical and Dental School, Dep. of Orthodontics, Tokyo, Prof. Takemoto Orthodontic Office, Tokyo, Dr. Takemoto South Korea: Yonsei University, Dep. of Orthodontics, Seoul, Prof. Park Kyungpook University, Dep. of Orthodontics, Daegu, Prof. Kyung USA: The Tweed Study Course, Tucson, Arizona Member of the Following Professional Associatons Collège Européen d'Orthodontie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kieferorthopädie European Orthodontic Society Multiloop Edgewise Arwire Foundation (MEAW) Tweed Foundation World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO; World Implant Orthodontic Association
Show Phone Number

Westerbachstr. 23c, Kronberg, 61476Germany