Plastic Surgery
Breast Implants
Breast Augmentation with Prosthesis
Breast Augmentation with own fat
Mammoplasty Lift - Mastopexy
Blepharoplasty - Eyelid Surgery (Bags)
Genital Reshaping
Phallus Enlargement (Phalloplasty elongation)
Thickening of Phallus (phalloplasty thickening)
Scrotal Lifting - scrotoplasty
Surgery bridle - Frenulectomy
Recreation hymenal membrane
Reduction of enlarged clitoris
Rehabilitation of ambiguous genitalia
Labiaplasty or Ninfoplastia
Lipoinfiltración of labia
Remodeling of the pubis (Mount Venus) with or without lifting
Body Remodeling and Sagging Liposuction
Plastic Surgeon Consultation
Tummy Tuck
Tuck Abdominoplasty
Elma Abdominoplasty Liposuction
Vaginal Rejuvenation
Treatment of vaginal agenesis
Medical Aesthetics
Dermal Fillers
Dermal Fillers
Elimination of Dark Circles
Cheek Filler
Balls of Bichat
Rejuvenating Neck Chest and Hands
Medical Laser Hair Removal (2 hours, 8 sessions)
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Elimination of Dark Circles
Mesoplasty Body (Cellulite)
RF Treatment
Reaffirmation, Facial Sagging
Treatment for Wrinkles
Excessive Sweating
Varices Sclerosis Microfoam