Physiotherapy Clinics CT2 Postcode

All 4 clinics that provide Physiotherapy in CT2 postcode

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We have all the information you need about public and private physiotherapy clinics in CT2 postcode. Compare all the physiotherapy clinics and contact the physiotherapist in CT2 postcode who's right for you.

Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 4 Physiotherapy Clinics in CT2 postcode with 147 verified patient reviews.

from 256 users
BodyWell Group - We take your health seriously so come and see us for a free consultation and let our team help you return to the best of healthFeatured

BodyWell Group

0203 322 9884 ext: 69625 30 Whitstable Road, Blean, Canterbury, CT2 9EB
4.9 from 144 verified reviews
I'm finally moving freelyShana, UK, 04 02 24

My spine was in knots, pain a constant companion. The Bodywell Group's expert approach, especially physiotherapist Silvia's magic touch, brought relief! Adjustments & deep tissue massages later, I'm finally moving freely. Can't recommend them enough!

Physiotherapist Consultation  
Deep Tissue Massage £20 - £40
Fully qualified Wellness Practitioners provide this extremely efficient and effective service.  Definitely worth visiting!
Sports Massage £20 - £40
Wellness Practitioners who specialise in sports related activities provide this service.  If you have tried elsewhere, we can promise this will be the best sports massage you will recieve.
15 more treatments
No score yet
Canterbury Health Practice - Chiropractic Clinic in the UK

Canterbury Health Practice

30 Whitstable Road, Blean, Canterbury, CT2 9EB
Spinal correction and rehabilitation is the expertise provided by the practice principal at this clinic located in Blean in Kent. Services provided at the clinic include a thorough examination of the spinal disorders affecting patients on the first visit, a treatment plan that includes the approximate time that will be taken to cure patients, the number of sessions, exercise prescriptions and lifestyle modification advice to help patients get better in the shortest possible time and to prevent recurrence of the disorder.
Physiotherapist Consultation  
Deep Tissue Massage  
Back Pain Treatment  
2 more treatments
No score yet
Team Buckley - Physiotherapy Clinic in the UK

Team Buckley

2 broad oak road, Canterbury, Ct27pw
For more information about Team Buckley in Canterbury please contact the clinic.
Physiotherapist Consultation  
from 91 users
All Health Matters - Castle House - Head Office - General Practice in the UK

All Health Matters - Castle House - Head Office

Castle House, Orchard Street, Canterbury, CT2 8AP
4.9 from 3 verified reviews
I was seen on time and the result was amazingSue, UK, 24 09 24

I cannot thank Sarah enough! My ears required irrigation, and everything went exceptionally well. I was seen on time, and the result was amazing—I can hear once more! Thanks very much.

Physiotherapist Consultation  
Spider Veins Treatment  
Facial Thread Veins Treatment  
18 more treatments

No further information on Physiotherapy Clinics in CT2 postcode

Nearby Physiotherapy Clinics:

from 2 users
The Northgate Physiotherapy Clinic - Physiotherapy Clinic in the UK

The Northgate Physiotherapy Clinic

At the Holistic Health Clinic, 62 Northgate, Canterbury, CT1 1BB
For more information about The Northgate Physiotherapy Clinic in Canterbury please contact the clinic.
Physiotherapist Consultation from £45
Sports Massage from £45
Sports Therapy  
2 more treatments
from 7 users
Bluebell Physiotherapy Centre - Canterbury - Physiotherapy Clinic in the UK

Bluebell Physiotherapy Centre - Canterbury

Lombard House, 12/17 Upper Bridge Street, Canterbury, CT1 2NF
4.5 from 1 verified review
The whole process from start to finish has been excellentArmen, UK, 16 04 21

I just wanted to write to say thank you for the recent treatment that I have received from Peter following a car accident. The whole process from start to finish has been excellent. Once again thank you. Tom Lissenden

Physiotherapist Assessment  
Deep Tissue Massage  
27 more treatments
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