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Zahnärzte Zürich Gartenstrasse

Zahnärzte Zürich Gartenstrasse

Show Phone Number

Gartenstrasse 33, Zürich, CH 8002Switzerland

from 1 user
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Opening hours

Monday08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday08:00 - 17:00
Thursday08:00 - 18:00
Friday08:00 - 17:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Dentist - Gartenstrasse 33, Zürich, CH 8002, Switzerland. Staff: Dr Lorenza Dahm, Dr Hülya Gentile, Dr Saba Kamouneh.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation
Dental Implants
Teeth Whitening
Dental Crowns
Dental Bridges
Teeth Cleaning
Root canals
Composite Fillings
See all treatments & prices

About Zahnärzte Zürich Gartenstrasse

For more information about Zahnärzte Zürich Gartenstrasse in Zurich please contact the clinic.
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  • AACD - American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (US) 



Cosmetic Dentist Consultation


Dental Bridges


Dental Checkup


Dental Crowns


Dental Implants


Dentist Consultation




Fixed Partial Dentures


Removable Partial Dentures


Endodontist Consultation


Composite Fillings


Porcelain Filling


Gum Surgery


Hygienist Session


Implant Dentist Consultation


Orthodontist Consultation


Paediatric Dentist Consultation


Periodontist Consultation


Periodontal Treatment


Root canals


Sinus Lift


Teeth Cleaning


Teeth Whitening



Zahnärzte Zürich Gartenstrasse - Gartenstrasse 33, Zürich, CH 8002,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Lorenza Dahm - Principal Dentist at Zahnärzte Zürich Gartenstrasse

Dr Lorenza Dahm

Job Title:
  Principal Dentist
2011 SSO Weiterbildungsausweis für allgemeine Zahnmedizin 2000 Took over Dr med. dent. F. Gressly’s office 1999 Assistantship in Zurich at the Periodontology office of Dr med. dent. F. Gressly 1996 Awarded doctorate, Dr med. dent. for “Dental Erosion in Top Sportsmen and Women” at the Department of Preventive Dentistry under the directorship of Professor Dr med. dent. K. Marthaler 1994-1998 Assistantship in Zurich at the general office of Dr med. dent. S. Eidenbenz 1993-1994 Assistantship in Zurich at the Dental Training Clinic 1992 Passed the state examinations at the University of Zurich 1987-1992 Studied dentistry at the University of Zurich 1968 Born and grew up in Southern Switzerland Dr. med. dent. Lorenza Dahm Ongoing international professional advancement specialising in the fields of: oral surgery, implantology, periodontology, endodonty and aesthetic dentistry Memberships - SSO: Swiss Dentist Society - ZGZ: Zürich Dentist Society - SSP: Swiss Society of Periodontology - AACD: American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
Dr Hülya Gentile - Dentist at Zahnärzte Zürich Gartenstrasse

Dr Hülya Gentile

Job Title:
2007-… Entry to office of Zahnärzte Zürich Gartenstrasse 2006 Assistant/deputy in private office of P. Kerschot, Schaffhausen (SH) 2002-2005 Assistant in private office of T. Gut, Wallisellen (ZH) 2001-2002 1-year surgical training at the polyclinic for oral surgery, ZZMK (ZH), G. Pajarola 2001 Assistant in private office of W. Fischer, cantonal dentist, Zurich 1999-2001 Subsidiary training in TCM (physical and aural acupuncture) 1999-2000 Assistant in private office and clinic for dentistry for old people and disabled persons, ZZMK (ZH), Prof. M. Koller 1999 Doctorate degree to on “Alfred Alexander Steiger, DDS, a pioneer of dentistry” under the direction of Professor P. Schärer, M.S., at the clinic for crown and bridge prostheses, partial prosthetics and knowledge of dental materials, ZZMK (ZH) 1998 National examination at the University of Zurich 1992-1998 Studies in dentistry at the University of Zurich 1989-1992 Part-time, federally recognised matriculation course for adults in Sargans (SG) 1986-1992 Worked as medical assistant in pediatrics office, urology office, internist office, rheumatology office 1984-1987 Training as medical assistant in Chur (GR) 1968 Grew up in Eastern Switzerland, citizen of Sargans (SG) Dr. med. dent. Hüya Gentile Continuous international further training particularly in the sectors of oral surgery, implantology, paradontology, endodontology and reconstructive and aesthetic dentistry Memberships SSO: Swiss Dentists Association SSP: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Paradontologie
Dr Saba Kamouneh - Dentist at Zahnärzte Zürich Gartenstrasse

Dr Saba Kamouneh

Job Title:
Dr. Kamouneh has been working as an independent dentist in the dental office of Zahnärzte Zürich Gartenstrasse since 2012.
Show Phone Number

Gartenstrasse 33, Zürich, CH 8002Switzerland