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Dental Europe

Dental Europe

Show Phone Number

Wallisellenstrasse 5, ZurichSwitzerland

from 5 users
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Opening hours

Monday08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday08:00 - 19:00
Thursday08:00 - 19:00
Friday08:00 - 19:00
Prices from CHF 90 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Dentist - Wallisellenstrasse 5, Zurich, Switzerland. Staff: Dr Zoltán Csatári, Ms Ibolya Varga, Ms Adrienn Csatári.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation

Dental Implants

Implant ANKYLOS (Germany) from CHF 1030
NOBEL Implant from CHF 1190
Implant STRAUMANN SL ACTIVE (Switzerland) from CHF 1370
Implant ALPHA BIO (Nobel Group) Israel from CHF 830
Professional Teeth Whitening - ZOOM from CHF 1120


Prosthesis on 1,2,3 implants (circular pillar retention) from CHF 2450
Prosthesis on 4,5,6 implants (retention bar) from CHF 2890
Metal prosthesis for precision attachment from CHF 2210
See all treatments & prices

About Dental Europe

For more information about Dental Europe in Zurich please contact the clinic.
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Dental Crowns
from CHF 365

Crown or ceramic-metal deck unit

from CHF 365

Crown or ceramic-metal bridge unit on implant

from CHF 540

Zirconia Crown

Dental Implants
from CHF 1030

Implant ANKYLOS (Germany)

from CHF 1190

NOBEL Implant

from CHF 1370

Implant STRAUMANN SL ACTIVE (Switzerland)

from CHF 830

Implant ALPHA BIO (Nobel Group) Israel


Dentist Consultation

from CHF 2450

Prosthesis on 1,2,3 implants (circular pillar retention)

from CHF 2890

Prosthesis on 4,5,6 implants (retention bar)

from CHF 2210

Metal prosthesis for precision attachment



from CHF 1160

Flexible removable prosthesis

Removable Partial Dentures
from CHF 280

Temporary removable prosthesis (1-4 teeth) per piece

from CHF 370

Temporary removable prosthesis (5-8dents) per piece

from CHF 590

Temporary removable prosthesis (5 teeth)

from CHF 1040

Removable plastic prosthesis

from CHF 1160

Removable metal prosthesis

from CHF 90

Tooth extraction

from CHF 210

Surgical Extractions

from CHF 410

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

from CHF 95

Dental Hygiene or Jaw Treatment

from CHF 1120

Professional Teeth Whitening - ZOOM

Dental Europe - Wallisellenstrasse 5, Zurich,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Zoltán Csatári -  at Dental Europe

Dr Zoltán Csatári

As an analyst, he is always one step ahead of others. It leaves nothing to chance and thus defines all processes to the benefit of the customer. His personality is the assurance that Dental Europe offers professional services in all areas, and that patients come home blissfully and at home after their dental care.
Ms Ibolya Varga -  at Dental Europe

Ms Ibolya Varga

She also represents a high level in the dental field. She leads the customer service team, the French and German collaborators of Dental Europe. She graduated from the Faculty of Psychology, which gives her a valuable help in solving complex everyday problems.
Ms Adrienn Csatári -  at Dental Europe

Ms Adrienn Csatári

She graduated from the Faculty of Political and Legal Sciences at the University of Budapest in 2004. She participates in the drafting of contracts and advises Dental Europe in the areas of commercial law and labor law. Knowledge, honor and experience are the pillars of his work.
Show Phone Number

Wallisellenstrasse 5, ZurichSwitzerland