Orthodontic treatment with braces (1st degree of difficulty) - without the cost of braces
Clear Braces
Invisible Braces
Invisible caps Air Complete 2 jaws
Fixed orthodontic device Herbst
Orthodontic Retainer
Orthodontic treatment with braces (3rd degree of difficulty) - without the cost of braces
Orthodontic treatment with lingual braces by Incognito
Orthodontic Retainer - Removing individual impression (1 jaw)
Production models of the jaws (1 jaw)
Removable Braces
Removable orthodontic apparatus
Removing braces are not installed in the "Dial-Dent" (per jaw)
Dental Crowns
The crown on the implant-metal
Dental Crowns - crown-metal
Dental Crowns - Metal-crown on the implant
Crown ceramic (ceramic Cerinate)
Cast Pin tab (pin) of metal, fiberglass, ceramic
All-porcelain crown (including bits with zirconium oxide)
Crown (veneer) plastic temporary
Dental CT
Computed tomography (CT) of both jaws. Recording on CD
Computed tomography (CT) scan of the temporal joint (one joint, one position). Recording on CD
Computed tomography (CT) scan of the paranasal / frontal sinuses, one side (high resolution) Recording on DVD
Dental Implants
Operation implant the Astra Tech (Sweden) - all inclusive
Operation implant the Alfa-the Bio - all inclusive
Operation Installation orthodontic implant
Installation of mini-implants
Dental Sealant
The seal on the milk tooth (the best materials)
Dental X-Ray
X-rays of the paranasal sinuses. Burn to CD or DVD
Dental X-Ray - Aimed X-ray image (1-2 teeth)
Panoramic X-ray picture of OPG
Removable Partial Dentures
Full removable prosthesis
Removable Partial Dentures
Operation of tooth extraction
Wisdom Tooth Extraction - removal of a wisdom tooth operation
Fillings - Art restoration of teeth
Temporary filling in the milk tooth
General Anesthesia for dental treatments
Anesthesia (modern painkillers based artikaina, Germany)
Children's dental anesthesia " Sevoran " (1 hour)
Gum Surgery
Gingivectomy laser (laser cutting off excess gums) - 1 tooth
Invisalign Invisible caps 2 jaws
Lingual Frenectomy
Operation excision of frenulum of tongue
Operation excision of frenulum upper or lower lip
Mouth Guard
Individual sports mouth guards PlaySafe Light
Individual sports mouth guards PlaySafe Medium
Individual sports mouth guards PlaySafe Light-Pro.
Orthodontist Consultation
Paediatric Dentist Consultation
Periodontitis Treatment
Periodontitis Treatment - Correction of oral hygiene
Filling periodontal card. Drawing up a treatment plan
Root Canals
Primary endodontic treatment of one channel (all inclusive)
Primary endodontic treatment of the two channels (all inclusive)
Primary endodontic treatment of three or more channels (all inclusive)
Retreatment of endodontic root canal (all inclusive)
Retreatment of two endodontic root canal (all inclusive)
Endodontic retreatment of three or more root canals (all inclusive)
Removing foreign bodies from the canal (5-60 minutes of work)
Revision of previously treated endodontically tooth (to determine the prognosis)
The operation of raising the bottom of the maxillary sinus
Brushing the Flow by the Air (from hygienist, teeth)
Teeth Whitening
Teeth Whitening
Clinical Whitening Opalescence teeth (company Ultradent, USA)
Laser teeth whitening with gel Heydent
Teeth Whitening by ZOOM 3 System
Removing the jewelry to the teeth
Veneers (ceramic Cerinate)