Dentists Moldova

All 11 clinics that provide Dentistry in Moldova

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We have all the information you need about public and private Moldovan dental clinics. Compare all the dental clinics and contact the dentist in Moldova who's right for you.

Enquire for a fast quote ★ Free consultation ★ Choose from 11 Dentists in Moldova with 3 verified patient reviews. See popular locations and treatments.

Very Good
from 46 users
Dentino - Dental Clinic in Moldova


street Vasile Alecsandri 39, Chisinau, MD2009
5.0 from 2 verified reviews
Quality services, qualified and helpful staffLita, Moldova, 23 01 20

I lost 3 teeth and thanks to the Dentino clinic now I smile again! Quality services, qualified and helpful staff. Well done and thank you. Especially to Dr Sachin!

Dentist Consultation free
Dental Implants 3696 L - 9726 L
Braces 5057 L - 32484 L
5 more treatments
from 35 users
Imperial Dent SRL - Dental Clinic in Moldova

Imperial Dent SRL

Str. Nikolai Zelinski 15/4, MD-2038, Chisinau
Centrul stomatologic “Imperial Dent” reprezinta un concept modern, unic, care se identifica prin  atmosfera placuta, dotare performanta si servicii de inalta calitate. Centrul “Imperial Dent” aduce in prim plan calitatea, seriozitatea si eficienta serviciilor medicale pe termen lung. Beneficiind de sisteme ultramoderne de igiena si sterilizare, specialistii cu o calificare inalta realizeaza cele mai performante si dificile lucrari stomatologice.
Dentist Consultation  
Dental Implants  
Teeth Whitening  
4 more treatments
No score yet
DemiasDent - Dental Clinic in Moldova


Trandafitilor 39 Street, Chisinau, 2068
For more information about DemiasDent in Chisinau please contact the clinic.
Dentist Consultation  
from 20 users
Dentista in Moldavia - Dentista In Moldavia

Dentista in Moldavia

str. Gheorghe Asachi 49a, Chisinau, 2028
5.0 from 1 verified review
La nostra struttura, la Clinica Stomatologica a Chisinau (Moldavia), offre il più ampio panorama nel settore delle cure dentali: , Chirurgia Orale, Protesi fissa, Protesi mobile, Protesi semifissa, Paradontologia, Odontoiatria Conservativa, Odontoiatria Estetica (, Otturazione Estetiche, Gioielli Dentali), Endodonzia, Pedodonzia e Radiologia. Sicurezza, garanzia di qualità e tecniche di avanguardia: tutto questo è “Dentista in Moldavia”!
Dentist Consultation 19 L
Dental Implants 5427 L - 7372 L
Alpha Bio - Israel Bredent - Germania
Cosmetic Dentist Consultation  
8 more treatments
No score yet
Vita-Dent Clinic - Dental Clinic in Moldova

Vita-Dent Clinic

Milestiu str. 16/2, Chisinau, MD 2000
For more information about Vita-Dent Clinic in Chisinau please contact the clinic.
Dentist Consultation  
from 7 users
EliteMed - Dental Clinic in Moldova


Alba Iulia 202, Chisinau, MD 2071
CENTRUL MEDICAL ELITEMED doreste sa aduca prin activitatea sa un suport de specialisti si tehnica superioara care sa asigure rapiditate, eficienta, calitate in realizarea programelor de promovare si imbunatatire a starii de sanatate. Prin impletirea factorului uman reprezentat de o echipa de profesionisti dedicati, cu cel tehnic asigurat de o aparatura performanta, Centrul Medical EliteMed ofera o gama diversificata de investigatii si tratamente. In anul 2016 am deschis clinica dotata cu aparatura performanta si personal pregatit profesional. Principalele atribute ale clinicii sunt: excelenta, solutii integrate, implementarea unui amplu sistem de management al calitatii, rezultate in timp real.
Dentist Consultation  
Teeth Whitening  
31 more treatments
from 8 users
MoldDent - Dental Clinic in Moldova


bd.Dacia 5, Chisinau, 2005
Nowadays, modern dentistry is a painless and high quality process, and  has even become enjoyable and fun.Following the principles of maximum convenience for the patient as our main goal, we set, with the agreement of the patient, a payment plan for dental treatment (taking into account the technology used as well as the amount of time your dentist and the dental team spend with you on your dental treatment). All through the period of dental treatment we keep our patient informed of the details of the treatment. Our teeth need special care. Every day, morning and evening, we resort to using a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash and dental floss. However, it is not enough! Even if you are not worried about a toothache and you think that dental care is not needed, we recommend you visit your dentist twice a year. Only a dentist can spot and stop the development of tooth decay, which is at an early stage of its development can be treated quickly and painlessly. Dental treatment in this case is not burdensome to you. However, if left untreated, tooth decay may turn into pulpitis – the inflammation of the dental nerve, leaving you with a sharp throbbing pain. Treatment in this case is more complicated and expensive. It is also important to remove tartar, also known as dental plaque, from time to time as it will prevent gum disease from happening. It is appropriate to note the statement of scientists: "Prevention is more effective than treatment of already
Dentist Consultation up to 195 L
Dental Bridges  
40 more treatments
from 28 users
Travel To Dentist - Dental Clinic in Moldova

Travel To Dentist

Strada 31 August 37/1, Chisinau
Modern Dental Clinic, English Speaking Dentists, Immediate Dental ServiceThere are 5 dentists working in our dental clinic. Two dentists were awarded the highest category of qualification and the other three - the first category. The main dentist of the clinic has a 20-years experience in the dental field. Availability of personal dental laboratory means for the patient of the clinic that his dental dentures and dental crowns will be constructed under the personal supervision of the attending dentist in the shortest time possible. All 5 dental cabinets of the clinic are equipped with the last generation dental equipment that guarantees the high quality of dental work performed in the most comfortable environment for the patient. The materials and tools used in dental clinic are made in Japan, USA, Germany, Italy, by the manufacturers who perfectly recommended themselves in the world market of dentistry.The clinic works on the program "Anti-AIDS" and "Anti-Hepatitis" that completely eliminates the possibility of viral infection.
Dentist Consultation  
Dental Implant (one stage) from 4377 L
44 more treatments
No score yet
Sos Dental Tourism - Bionic Mouth Research Institute - Dental Clinic in Moldova
Sos Dental Tourism - Bionic Mouth Research Institute has been offering world class dental treatment in Eastern Europe since the establishment of our first clinic in 2012. Our new clinic is one of the most advanced purpose built Dental Clinics in Europe.We specialize in Dental Implants, Artificial Bone Replacement, Sinus Lifting, Periodontal Surgery, Dental CAT Scans, Porcelain Crown and Bridgework. Our porcelain crowns are manufactured in our world class on-site laboratory. The laboratory is on-site and is equipped with the latest technology. 10 of our fifthy four dental technicians are master craftsmen. Our purpose-built clinic comprises 14 new state-of-the-art surgeries in 2 bulidings, staff are 24 internationally experienced dentists working together in order to provide the best care. The technicians and dental specialists (dentist, oral surgeon, periodontist, endodontist, implantologist, CT analyst) work together as a team to ensure the highest quality work. Sos Dental Tourism - Bionic Mouth Research Institute clinic offers a wide range of treatments including basic dental treatments and cosmetic surgery. Founded in 2012 by Dr Palmas, an Italian Dentist, a New York University alumni. Today it is recognized as a reference center in Europe and in the world for the reconstructive and extreme rehabilitation of the mouth. Over 126 operators, 3 Maxillo-Facial teams specialized in reconstructive surgery with non-conventional dental implants, regeneration of lost tissues
Dentist Consultation free
Dental Implants from 5991 L
Veneers from 2258 L
62 more treatments
No score yet
Vivodent - Dental Clinic in Moldova


Bucuresti 13, Chisinau
For more information about Vivodent in Chisinau please contact the clinic.
Dentist Consultation  
No score yet
Dente - Dental Clinic in Moldova


Cuza-Voda 41, Chisinau, 2072
For more information about Dente in Chisinau please contact the clinic.
Dentist Consultation free
Teeth Cleaning  
Dental Checkup  
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