Breast Reduction Marbella

All 13 Breast Reduction Clinics in Marbella

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Breast Reduction prices from 3697 € - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 13 Breast Reduction Clinics in Marbella with 14 verified patient reviews.

Very Good
from 205 users
Marbellia Clinic - Plastic Surgery Clinic in SpainFeatured

Marbellia Clinic

911 98 04 65 ext: 60060 Maestra Doña Carola 8, Marbella, 29602
REASONS TO CHOOSE MARBELLIA CLINIC (See our sister clinic LowCostmetic Clinic in Madrid ) SAFETY Our operations are performed only in first class large private hospitals, fully equipped with modern operating rooms, intensive care unit (ICU), diagnostics laboratory and radiology, multidisciplinary medical teams (all medical specialities), 24 hours diagnostic, medical and surgical emergency services and any resources that may be necessary for our patients. The implants and products used for our treatments are approved by National and European Health Administrations, include the manufacturer's warranty and are top quality. All our patients undergo a rigorous health care and assistance quality control for treatments to be safely performed. A thorough check is performed preoperatively designed to suit each patient according to the criteria of the A.S.A. (American Society of Anesthesiology), which may consist of blood count, coagulation, chemistry, electrocardiogram, X-ray, ultrasound, thyroid, liver, kidney, lungs, etc. Your Plastic Surgeon will attend any pre and postoperative incidence with our entire team, being the staff on duty and reachable for patients. Patients have a 24/7/365 dual system of urgent postoperative medical attention, phone and online, as well as in person to which they can turn to if necessary. Personalized postoperative check ups and follow up are performed, based on the type of treatment, its evolution and the needs of each patien
Breast Reduction 3697 € - 5557 €
Breast Lift 3469 € - 5720 €
Nipple Reduction from 865 €
2 more treatments
from 491 users
Cirumed Clinic Marbella - Dr Manuel Ortiz Abello

Cirumed Clinic Marbella

Edif. Panorama, Planta baja, Local 2, Ctra. De Cadiz, km 184, Marbella, 29603
4.7 from 11 verified reviews
Cirumed Clinic Marbella es una moderna clínica de cirugía plástica y estética dirigida por médicos y profesionales altamente calificados que realizan tratamientos estéticos no quirúrgicos y procedimientos de cirugía plástica de modelación corporal de vanguardia para realzar su apariencia. Nuestra clínica de cirugía plástica se establece dentro de un entorno hospitalario con dos quirófanos y ocho suites. Hemos combinado un ambiente clínico con lujosas sensibilidades estéticas para crear un entorno acogedor. Nos especializamos en tratamientos personalizados y a medida para pacientes de todo el mundo. Vamos más allá para asegurarnos de que sus tratamientos y cirugías estéticas sean seguras, cómodas y precisas, garantizando resultados que se adhieran a sus expectativas personales. Pacientes de todo el mundo visitan a nuestros cirujanos plásticos para aprovechar sus técnicas quirúrgicas únicas — nuestros cirujanos son pioneros en procedimientos específicos exclusivos de ellos, como el Lifting Brasileño de Glúteos (BBL).
Breast Reduction  
Breast reduction /breast uplift using scar sparing and minimal scar techniques.
Breast Lift  
Cirumed Clinic Marbella,Spain, Cirumed Clinic Marbella uses car sparing (minimal scar) breast uplift techniques with and without breast augmentation.If breast uplift is combined with breast enlargement/breast augmentation,Cirumed Clinic Marbella,Spain, uses preferably microtextured, soft touch "sensitive" breast implants which yield the highest degree of patient satisfaction.Cirumed Clinic Marbella,Spain, prefers Natrelle implants.All surgeons at Cirumed Clinic Marbella,Spain, also hold positions in the department of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of Hospital Quiron Malaga.All aesthetic procedures of higher complexity will be carried out by the head of department, Dr.Alexander Aslani.This gives the patients of Cirumed Clinic Marbella to have their treatments with the consultants who work up to cutting edge standards in an academic department.
Nipple Reduction  
Nipple reduction is mostly performed as part of breast augmentation of breast uplift. If the request is nipple reduction alone, the procedure is done under local anestetic as a day case. The use of a laser scalpel improves the quality of scarring.
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No score yet
Tomas Dario Zapata-Clínica Quirón Marbella - Plastic Surgery Clinic in Spain

Tomas Dario Zapata-Clínica Quirón Marbella

Calle Alcalá 15-D, Marbella, 29660
For more information about Tomas Dario Zapata-Clínica Quirón Marbella in Marbella please contact the clinic.
Breast Reduction  
from 72 users
Clínicas Fernández Blanco - Centro Marbella - Plastic Surgery Clinic in Spain

Clínicas Fernández Blanco - Centro Marbella

Avenida Severo Ochoa, 53, Local 1 y 2, Marbella, 29603
5.0 from 1 verified review
The clinic was lovely, modern and cleanAnne, Spain, 26 04 24

Dr Lopez is very professional and her English is excellent. She was very thorough and explained things very clearly. I liked that she didn’t try to talk me into any other treatments than the one I enquired about (unlike other clinics). The clinic was lovely, modern and clean. The receptionists were also lovely and spoke good English. It was a pleasure to meet them all. I cannot comment on the treatment I enquired about at the clinic, as I haven’t had it done yet.

Breast Reduction  
It is an intervention is to reduce the volume of the breast, reshaping the way the breast, and raising the nipple areola complex. Due to the need to dry skin and gland breast, this technique is associated with its outcome scars that are barely perceptible.
Breast Lift  
Mastopexy surgery is used to correct the saggy breast. It could be combined with a volume reduction or with an augmentation with breast implants or fat transfer. 
Breast Liposuction  
4 more treatments
from 98 users
Clínica Dr. Campos - Plastic Surgery Clinic in Spain

Clínica Dr. Campos

Avda. Ricardo Soriano 65 - 5, 2 Edificio Rincón del Mar, Marbella, 29600
4.5 from 1 verified review
We dispose of personnel with the ability to communicate fluently in the following languages: Spanish, English, French, Russian. Our medical and administrative staff is available not only for local patients but also for those patients that come from abroad. From Marbella we can direct and inform patients of all necessary details while visiting Costa del Sol. The Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Clinic of Dr. Campos, with more than 30 years of experience in Marbella, disposes of international standing surgeons that provide all types of aesthetic surgical interventions using the most innovative techniques. Our qualified nursing staff will help in obtaining a rapid and comfortable recuperation post surgery. Our Dental Unit consists of great specialists in General Odontology, Implantology and Aesthetic Dentistry. At Clinic Dr. Campos in Marbella we attend to dental emergencies and provide all types of dental treatments. Our Beauty and Aesthetic Unit is the noninvasive department that consists of qualified professionals in skin care, massages, cosmetology and treatments with the most innovative equipment.
Breast Reduction  
Breast Lift  
1 more treatment
from 21 users
Aria Medical Group - Marbella HC International Hospital - Plastic Surgery Clinic in Spain

Aria Medical Group - Marbella HC International Hospital

Casa Santa Isabel, s/n, Urb. Las Mimosas, Marbella, 29660
5.0 from 1 verified review
For more information about Aria Medical Group - Marbella HC International Hospital in Marbella please contact the clinic.
Breast Reduction  
Breast Lift  
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