Mole Removal Hull

All 2 Mole Removal Clinics in Hull

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What is Mole Removal?

Mole removal is the removal of benign pigment producing cells in the skin. Surgical and nonsurgical mole removal procedures are performed.  

What are the types of Mole Removal procedures?

Nonsurgical mole removal procedures include laser assisted mole removal and electrosurgery for mole removal. Surgical mole removal includes mole removal by shaving and mole removal by excision.  

Are Mole Removal procedures painful?

Mole removal is performed after administering local anaesthetic to numb the skin. Patients feel no pain during surgical or nonsurgical procedures. They may feel pain or discomfort after the anaesthetic wears off.  

When can I travel by air after Mole Removal?

Patients should not travel by air for two days after their surgery.  

How long does recovery take after Mole Removal procedures?

Patients take about two days to recover after nonsurgical mole removal procedures and up to a week after surgical mole removal procedures.

What after care is required after Mole Removal procedures?

Patients should take all prescribed medications correctly. They should avoid strenuous exercises and lifting heavy objects for at least a week. They should keep the bandages dry for two days. They should avoid exposure to the sun for a few weeks. Patients should avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for at least a week. Patients can place ice packs over the area, if swelling occurs. Patients should sleep with their head elevated for three days to keep down any swelling. Patients should avoid touching or scratching the area until the wound is completely healed.

We have all the information you need about public and private medical aesthetics clinics that provide mole removal in Hull. Compare all the medical aesthetics specialists and contact the mole removal clinic in Hull that's right for you.

Mole Removal prices from £376 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 2 Mole Removal Clinics in Hull with 16 verified patient reviews.

from 591 users
Beautiful Beings- UK - Medical Aesthetics Clinic in the UKFeatured

Beautiful Beings- UK

01482 736170 Allanhall House, 15 Allanhall Way, Kirkella, East Yorkshire, HU107QU
4.7 from 16 verified reviews
The surgery itself if pain free and was done in about an hour and a halfEmma, UK, 12 10 20

After years of being unhappy with my breasts (areola), I finally did my research and so happy I choose Dr Rahman to do my surgery! I travelled quite far to have them done but I would do it all again. Results are fantastic and after a week the healing is amazing. The surgery itself if pain free and was done in about an hour and a half. Only wish I did it sooner!!!

Mole Removal
Mole Excision x 2 (without histology) up to £745
Mole Excision (without histology) £375 - £475
Mole Removal £375 - £475
20% discount on  the treatment as Valentine's offer.
6 more treatments
from 50 users
Hull Plastic Surgeons - Plastic Surgery Clinic in the UK

Hull Plastic Surgeons

The Spire Hull Hospital, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU16 5QU
Hull Plastic Surgeons offers a wide range hand, skin, cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Services include arm lifts, breast lifts and enlargements, male and female breast reductions, brow lifts, chin lifts or implants, mole removal, liposuction, carpal tunnel decompression, and nose reshaping. Nipple reshaping, hand surgery, fat transfer and tummy tuck procedures are also available. Hull Plastic Surgeon consultants hold positions in NHS Hospitals. A majority of the consultations, procedures, and follow-up appointments are held at the Hull and East Riding Spire Hospital.
Mole Removal from £730
Skin Tag Removal from £730
Wart Removal from £730
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