About Michael McHugh - Acupuncture Practice
This is the Acupuncture and Hypnosis Clinic of Michael McHugh, located at 15 Westbury park, Westbury Court , Newcastle road off the N4 motorway within 1.5 km South of Lucan Villiage and 44 Westland row Dublin 2. The McHugh Clinic located at 44 Westland row is only open on Fridays from 11 am till 8 pm. At The McHugh Clinic we treat a variety of different ailments and conditions using Acupuncture, Laser therapy, Reflexology and Hypnotherapy. The Conditions we treat include arthritis, sciatica, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow.carpal tunnel syndrome,Tendonitis, acne, Hayfever, sports injuries, tourettes syndrome etc using Acupuncture, Laser therapy or Reflexology and smoking. low self esteem, fears, phobias, fear of flying, weight loss etc using Hypnosis.
In 1996 I qualified as an Hypnotherapist under the tutelage of Mr. Joseph Keaney from the Institute of clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy In Cork City.
I qualified as an Acupuncturist in 2004 from the Lansdowne college of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine under the tutelage of Dr. Vincent Carroll.
In 1999 I quaified as a Reflexologist from the Holistic School of Reflexology under the tutelage of Mrs Olive Gentleman and I.T.E.C.
I am a member of the Acupuncture Council of Ireland and I am very interested in Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Laser therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reflexology and Smoking Cessation.
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