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Bradley Physio - Rochdale

Bradley Physio - Rochdale

Show Phone Number

92 Edenfield Road, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL11 5AEUK

from 7 users
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Opening hours

Monday08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday08:00 - 20:00
Thursday08:00 - 20:00
Friday08:00 - 20:00
Saturday08:00 - 12:00
Prices from £40 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Excellent ServiceScore™ 8.5 from 7 votes ★ 2 verified patient reviews. Visit our Physiotherapy Clinic - 92 Edenfield Road, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL11 5AE, UK.

Popular Treatments

Physiotherapist Consultation
Spinal Manipulation
Pilates from £40
Sports Injury Rehabilitation - Strapping and Taping
STT - Soft Tissue Therapy
See all treatments & prices

About Bradley Physio - Rochdale

The Bradley Physio Clinic is found at Spotland in Rochdale. It is described as a physiotherapy and sports injuries clinic. Among the problems it promises help with are sciatica, frozen shoulders, osteoarthritis, neck, knee, back, foot and hip pains, chronic headaches, incontinence, osteoarthritis and whiplash; to name but a few. Among the treatment approaches employed in helping patients with those problems are physiotherapy, which is the clinic’s mainstay, aromatherapy, acupuncture, sports massage, reflexology and electrotherapy. The clinic incorporates a small but rather well equipped and family run gym.

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Patient reviews

5.0 from 2 verified reviews
Lydia C., UK
( Verified user. Review confirmed by phone and email)

I would highly recommend

5 50 Physiotherapist Consultation

Visited the clinic today for the first time and was very impressed, booked my next appointment before leaving. I have been suffering with crps and a lot of pain after having a fall down the stairs for the last three months. Even though the session was painful I have more movement in my hand than I have had in the last three months. I have a long way to go but feel a lot more confident of achieving a recovery now. Thank you so much. I would highly recommend xxx

Hazel B, UK
( Verified user. Review confirmed by email)

I have every confidence that my problem will be resolved

5 50 Physiotherapist Consultation • Paid: £4850

Very friendly helpful staff. Problem diagnosed and treatment commenced . I have every confidence that my problem will be resolved

See what others think about the clinic's customer service:

Tracy, UK16.11.2011
Great - fast, easy & efficient.





Physiotherapist Consultation

from £40


One to One Introductory Session

Sports Injury Rehabilitation - Strapping and Taping


STT - Soft Tissue Therapy



Spinal Manipulation



Acupuncturist Consultation

Bradley Physio - Rochdale - 92 Edenfield Road, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL11 5AE,

Payment information


Private Patients WelcomeNHSCIGNA HealthcareCIGNA Healthcare

Patrick Bradley

Job Title:
Patrick Bradley always knew his future lay in sport. A schoolboy player for Manchester United, he managed to play football while keeping up his schoolwork and completing his A Levels. So when a knee injury dashed his dreams of becoming a professional footballer he decided to train as a physiotherapist.

Tracy Bradley

Job Title:
Tracy Bradley graduated from the world renowned St Thomas’ Hospital, London before relocating to Manchester to begin working as a physiotherapist in some of the North Wests leading teaching hospitals for many years. She has completed her Post-Graduate Diploma in Orthopaedic Medicine, a Foundation Course in Acupuncture and is a fully qualified APPI registered teacher of modified pilates. Tracy leads the team of physiotherapists that provide the pilates classes as well as working with Patrick to ensure Bradley Physio continues to remain one of the leading physiotherpy clinics in the North West of England.

Joanna Surgeon

Job Title:
Joanna Surgeon wanted to be a physio from a young age after several sporting injuries required the expert knowledge and care of a physiotherapist. After graduating from the University of Liverpool in 2008 she worked for the NHS for 3 years gaining experience in a wide variety of clinical settings.During this time she also worked at Rochdale Rugby Union Football Club covering match days and training sessions for the mini, junior and senior players.
Show Phone Number

92 Edenfield Road, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL11 5AEUK

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