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Active Physiotherapy - Bolton

Active Physiotherapy - Bolton

Show Phone Number

Total Fitness Bolton, Waters Meeting Road, Bolton, BL1 8TTUK

Very Good
from 6 users
Filters cached at 2025/01/28 12:59:21

Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 20:30
Tuesday09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday09:00 - 18:00
Thursday09:00 - 20:30
Friday09:00 - 18:00
Saturday09:00 - 12:00
Prices from £40 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Very Good ServiceScore™ 7.5 from 6 votes ★ Visit our Physiotherapy Clinic - Total Fitness Bolton, Waters Meeting Road, Bolton, BL1 8TT, UK.

Popular Treatments

Initial Assessment (inc treatment) from £48

Sports Massage

Sports Massage from £40
Sports Massage from £65
Injury Prevention Screening or Physio MOT from £65

Personal Gymnastics

Gym Based Rehabilitation Session from £48
Gym Based Rehabilitation Session from £65

Physical Therapy

Treatment Sessions from £43
Treatment Sessions from £65
See all treatments & prices

About Active Physiotherapy - Bolton

Active Physiotherapy is an up and coming facility that has two clinics to serve you. Their experienced Physiotherapists are available to treat musculo-skeletal conditions & sports injuries. The clinics have access to latest gym equipment and therapy pools. Common treatments include spinal Problems - including prolapsed discs, degeneration, sciatica, lumbago, stiff/painful neck, whiplash, joint dysfunction, arthritis, injury, pain/swelling/stiffness in joints, tennis elbow and golfer's elbow etc. Home visits can also be arranged if required and the clinic promises to schedule an appointment for you within 48 hours of your call/request.

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  • CSP - Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (UK) 
  • HCPC - Health and Care Professions Council (UK) 


Public transport access

Clinic services

Open weekends


from £65

Injury Prevention Screening or Physio MOT (1 hour)

Personal Gymnastics
from £48

Gym Based Rehabilitation Session (30 mins)

from £65

Gym Based Rehabilitation Session  (1 hour)

Physical Therapy
from £43

Treatment Sessions (30 mins)

from £65

Treatment Sessions (1 hour)

from £48

Initial Assessment (inc treatment) (45 mins)

Massage Therapy

Sports Massage
from £40

Sports Massage  (30 mins)

from £65

Sports Massage  (1 hour)


from £43

Acupuncture (30 mins)

Active Physiotherapy - Bolton - Total Fitness Bolton, Waters Meeting Road, Bolton, BL1 8TT,

Payment information

DiscountsChequesCredit cards


Private Patients WelcomeBUPABUPAAXA PPP HealthcareAXA PPP HealthcareCIGNA HealthcareCIGNA HealthcareWPAWPASimplyhealthSimplyhealth
Mr Richard Hulbert - Physiotherapist at Active Physiotherapy - Bolton

Mr Richard Hulbert

Job Title:
He qualified as a physiotherapist from the University of Bradford in 2006. He then moved back home to Bury to work in a local physiotherapist practice part time whilst continuing to study Masters level modules in chronic pain and therapeutic exercise at university. In 2007 Richard started working with Bury football club and has done so ever since. During his time at the football club, Richard has worked with all levels of athletes at the club, from first team professionals to the 8 year old academy players.
Show Phone Number

Total Fitness Bolton, Waters Meeting Road, Bolton, BL1 8TTUK

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