Trigger Point Therapy Bukit Jalil

All 6 Trigger Point Therapy Clinics in Bukit Jalil

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Trigger Point Therapy prices from rm82 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 6 Trigger Point Therapy Clinics in Bukit Jalil with 13 verified patient reviews.

Very Good
from 17 users
Spine, Sport, Stroke Rehab Specialist Center - Sri Petaling - Physiotherapy Clinic in MalaysiaFeatured

Spine, Sport, Stroke Rehab Specialist Center - Sri Petaling

03-9212 1174 ext: 64459 36G, Jalan Radin Anum, Bandar Baru Sri Petaling, 57000
Your Physio is a physiotherapy clinic that strives after providing patients with personalised treatment that would meet all of their health needs. We take pride in employing a young and vibrant team of therapists who are professional at work and in addition pleasant to work with. Because of that we are able to create a cozy and comfortable environment for our patients. Our team maintains strict hygiene standards in the clinic, including proper hand sanitising and additional antimicrobial sanitising of hard surfaces to reduce the risk of harmful virus and bacterial infections. We provide a wide range of treatment options like dry needling, manual therapy (soft tissue massage, joint mobilisation etc.) and a comprehensive functional rehabilitation program accommodated to the needs of the individual. In our clinic you will be offered the best service at affordable pricing.
Trigger Point Therapy RM110 - RM140
Physiotherapist Consultation up to RM50
Dry Needling RM100 - RM120
29 more treatments
1 other location in Bukit Jalil for Your Physio Sdn Bhd.
Spine. Sport. Stroke Rehab Specialist Centre Puchong

Spine. Sport. Stroke Rehab Specialist Centre Puchong

03-9212 1174 ext: 69985 26-G, Persiaran Puteri 1, Bandar Puteri,
Very Good
from 12 users
Miracle Physiotherapy Rehabilitation & Pain Clinic - Physiotherapy Clinic in Malaysia

Miracle Physiotherapy Rehabilitation & Pain Clinic

46, Jalan Tasik Utama 7, Medan Niaga Tasik Damai, Sg. Besi, 57000
4.8 from 9 verified reviews
We are a clinical health profession working closely with physicians and a certified Physiotherapy center that has registered Physiotherapists allied with the Malaysian Physiotherapy Association (MPA) with years of experiences. Having a background of Private setups and Government hospital experiences, we have developed many unique treatment modalities to help all our patients to rehabilitate and maintain after their back to active daily living. What We DoWe offer a wide range of unique physiotherapy services, pain control and weight management programs. Our treatment protocols are the finest selected from various successful treatment plans around the world via our vast collaboration worldwide. At Miracle Physiotherapy, we treat, we rehabilitate, we restore functions and analyze each protocols to treat the source of the illnesses and maintain what our patients have achieved to prevent recurrence. At Miracle, we educate all our patients on our treatment plans and home exercise programs to ensure our patients are independent from further medical treatment dependency. Our PhysiotherapistAt our center, our primary focus is you. We have highly qualified experienced and well trained professional Physiotherapists to provide you with the utmost proactive treatment process, physiotherapy assessment and diagnosis in a holistic approach facilitating you in the best recovery process and well-being.
Trigger Point Therapy  
Stroke Rehabilitation  
24 more treatments
Very Good
from 13 users
Myscoli Physio - Physiotherapy Clinic in Malaysia

Myscoli Physio

4.5 from 4 verified reviews
Thanks Carol for her encouragement and knowledgeTan, Malaysia, 24 04 20

I would like to express my gratitude and respect to Caroline Lai for her commitment and patience in helping my son to deal with his scoliosis treatment with Schroth method. She is one of the certified ISST - Schroth therapist in Malaysia who always motivates my son and gives him the confidence to succeed. After 2 months of treatment, visually my son's body is more balance in his hips and has better posture by improving muscle strength. Thanks Carol for her encouragement and knowledge.

Trigger Point Therapy  
Maitland Joint Mobilization  
Dry Needling  
13 more treatments
Very Good
from 7 users
ELITE PHYSIOTHERAPY - Physiotherapy Clinic in Malaysia


Elite Physiotherapy is a one stop Centre for your pain management and Injury rehabilitation. We provide Physiotherapy and Rehabilitative services incorporating advanced techniques and latest technology for the early recovery of our clients.  Our Physiotherapists are well qualified and highly experienced in providing evidence based physiotherapy treatment. After carefully assessing and identifying the source of your problem we tailor treatment plan based on your personal needs for an optimal recovery. Apart from treatment, we also design exercise programs and train you for preventing recurrence. Our Services Pain Management Musculo - Skeletal Rehabilitation Neurological Rehabilitation Sports Injury Rehabilitation Geriatric Rehabilitation Pediatric Physiotherapy Women’s Health Physiotherapy Pilates  Home Physiotherapy
Trigger Point Therapy RM80 - RM100
Physiotherapist Consultation up to RM20
Dry Needling RM80 - RM100
16 more treatments
No score yet
A Plus Rehab and Healthcare Centre - Physiotherapy Clinic in Malaysia

A Plus Rehab and Healthcare Centre

6G, Jalan Puteri 4/2, Bandar Puteri,, Puchong, 47100
Medicalcharacteristics 1.      We imported top-quality medical equipment from various countries to treat our clients. 2.      Our teams of medially trained personnel consist of a variety of rehabilitation skills that specialize in their respective areas. 3.      Our treatment models are designed and tailored for different individuals based on their problems on a one-to-one basis and group rehabilitation sessions are available as well. 4.      Regular evaluations are conducted to determine the level of improvements. Treatment models are then adjusted based on the current circumstances. 5.      We provide a comfortable environment throughout the treatment sessions.
Trigger Point Therapy  
Physiotherapist Consultation free
Ourtreatment services focus on Neurology Rehabilitation and Musculoskeletalproblem recovery. NeurologyRehabilitation (1)   Stroke (2)   TraumaticBrain Injury (3)   SpinalCord Injury MusculoskeletalRehabilitation (1)   Jointand muscle pain (2)   Tendonand ligament injury (3)   DegenerationArthritis (4)   Post-surgerymobilization (5)   Lowback pain (6)   Frozenshoulder (7)   Sciatica (8)   Scoliosis (9)   Stiffneck, neck strain (10)          Extremity lymphedema (11)          Sport Injury (12)          Taping and Splinting Chargingstandard 1.A single treatment   RM 100 / 1 Time 2.Treatment package   RM 500 / 6 Time Thepricing: RM100 each course. Each course consists a few treatment. Courseduration: 1 to 2 hours. 
Stroke Rehabilitation  
30 more treatments

No further information on Trigger Point Therapy clinics in Bukit Jalil

Nearby clinics that provide Trigger Point Therapy:

Very Good
from 43 users
Platinum Physio - Bangsar - Physiotherapy Clinic in MalaysiaFeatured

Platinum Physio - Bangsar

03-9212 1174 ext: 34138 2F-13, 2nd Floor,, Bangsar Village II, No 2-2, Jalan Telawi 1,, Bangsar Baru,, 59100
4.8 from 8 verified reviews
Will complete my package of 10, and likely to sign up for 1 more to ensure all my imbalanced muscleLee, Malaysia, 02 01 23

5th session on 30 December, able to walk well without a walking stick. First 3 sessions I went with a stick which started with a swollen ankle/arch joint and hip pain on both sides trying to manage with a stick, rather imbalanced movement. Natasha worked on my inflamed lumbar area and taught me exercises to strengthen my weak outer calf muscles as well as my buttock muscles to help me to carry myself in a more balanced way. Will complete my package of 10, and likely to sign up for 1 more to ensure all my imbalanced muscles are going to be retrained.

Trigger Point Therapy  
Physiotherapist Consultation from RM60
Stroke Rehabilitation  
29 more treatments
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