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Dental clinic "Ortolife"

Dental clinic "Ortolife"

Show Phone Number

Turgenevskaya ulitsa, 76-78, Kyiv, 04050Ukraine

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Opening hours

Please contact clinic for their opening hours
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Dentist - Turgenevskaya ulitsa, 76-78, Kyiv, 04050, Ukraine. Staff: Dr Elena Karachun, Dr Fadi Khaek.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation
Ceramic Veneers

Teeth Whitening

OpaLescence Tooth Whitening
Teeth Whitening

Dental Crowns

Metal-ceramic crowns
All-ceramic crowns
Prosthetic bridges
See all treatments & prices

About Dental clinic "Ortolife"

For more information about Dental clinic "Ortolife" in Kyiv please contact the clinic.
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Removal of tartar with Air-Flow (EMS)


Bone Grafting




Transparent (invisible) ceramic braces


Transparent (invisible) sapphire braces


Incognito lingual braces


Lingual Braces


Metal Braces


Cosmetic Dentistry


Prosthetic bridges


Tooth decay treatment preventive concept

Dental Crowns

Metal-ceramic crowns


All-ceramic crowns


CAT scan




Dentist Consultation




Tooth extraction


Adhesive restoration


Canal Filling


Parodontic surgery








Root canals


Resection of the root apex

Teeth Cleaning

Tartar Removal


Tooth polishing

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening


OpaLescence Tooth Whitening


Zoom 3 tooth whitening


Ceramic Veneers

Dental clinic

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Elena Karachun - Dentist at Dental clinic

Dr Elena Karachun

Job Title:

2001-2006 – Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy, dental faculty ( Poltava City).

2006-2008 – Internship on the base of P. L. Shupik National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, speciality: dentistry.

2007 – received certificate “Ethical-deontological Aspects of Dental Practice”.

2008 – “Removable Prosthetics” (“Fenestra” dental clinic).

2009 – “Innovations in Aesthetic Dentistry”, “Tooth Restoration Using Modern Composite Materials” ( “Kepp” and others).

2010 – P. L. Shupik National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education, got specialization «organization and management of health protection».

Participated in the seminar «Attended the oral implantology Education Seminar» RDS and educational conference Nobel Biocare on modern technologies and aesthetic dentistry.

2010-2011 – head doctor of “Suprem” dental clinic in Kyiv.

2011 – “Medical Law Center” School of Medical Institution Leaders in Kyiv.

Dr Fadi Khaek - Orthodontist at Dental clinic

Dr Fadi Khaek

Job Title:
Orthodontist, president and founder of Lingual Orthodontics Ukrainian Community.

1996-2003 - Danylo Halytskyi National Medical University of Lviv, speciality: dentistry.

2000 – won the first place in restoration contest among the dental faculty students in Danylo Halytskyi National Medical University of Lviv.

2003-2006 - resident of department of children’s dentistry in Danylo Halytskyi National Medical University of Lviv, speciality: orthodontist.

2003-2004 – worked as an orthodontist in “Sophia” periodontal centre in Lviv.

2005 - works in “Rikota” clinic in Lviv.

2006 - works in “Perfect-dent” - leading orthodontic centre of Western Ukraine.

2007-2008 – worked as a vice-president of “Young Dentists Club”, as a leader of educational programs, and in 2009 became a president of the Club.

2007 – holds educational courses, trainings and consultations foe orthodontists all around Ukraine (such meetings were attended approximately by 300 orthodontists already).

2009 – became a freelance consultant and a speaker of “Ortho-system” company (distributor 3mUnitek Company).

Show Phone Number

Turgenevskaya ulitsa, 76-78, Kyiv, 04050Ukraine