Oral Examination And Consultation
Dental Crowns
Ceramic Non Precious Crown
Ceramic Palladium Base (2 sessions)
Ceramic Semi Precious Crown (2 sessions)
High Precious Crown (2 sessions)
Dental Post and Core (Resin Core Build Up)
All Porcelain Crown (Metal Free)
Dental Implants
Diastema Closure
Tooth Implant (Surgical Placement Plus Crown)
Dental X-Ray
Intraoral X-ray
Mouth Impression(Orthodontics)
Acrylic Dentures
Complete Denture (1 Jaw) (5 sessions)
Complete Denture (2 Jaw) (5 sessions)
Palladium Base (2 sessions)
Chrome - Cobolt Alloy (2 sessions)
Primary Tooth Extraction
Surgery On Impaction (Embedded Tooth)
Composite Fillings(One Surface)
Composite Fillings(Two Surface)
Composite Fillings(Three Surface)
Fluoride Therapy
Prophylaxis and Fluoride
Gold Inlay or Onlay (2 sessions)
Night Guard and Sport Guard
Periodontitis Treatment (30 mins)
Root Canals
Anterior Tooth
Emergency treatment (first step of root canal treatment)
Teeth Cleaning
Regular cleaning and Polishing By Ultrasonic P5 Newtron XS
Cleaning With Air Flow System
Teeth Whitening
Teeth Whitening LED (Natural Plus/ In Office) (45 mins)
Individual Plastic Tray (Upper & Lower)
Home Whitening Kits
Teeth Whitening Home kits by Zoom
2 Individual Tray+3 Syringes of Bleaching (2 hours)
2 Individual Tray+4 Syringes of Bleaching (2 hours)
Home Bleaching Tube (Opalescence)
Teeth Whitening (In-Office + Home Kits)
Laser Teeth Whitening (1 hour 18 mins)
Composite Resin (2 sessions)
Porcelain Veneers
Ceramic Porcelain (2 sessions)
Ceramic Porcelain By empress esthetic system (2 sessions)
General Practice
Stitch off (from other clinic)