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Laupenstrasse 37, Bern, 3008Switzerland

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Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Dentist - Laupenstrasse 37, Bern, 3008, Switzerland. Staff: Markus Roux, Jean-Claude Tschumper, Jorg Tschan.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation
Dental Implants
Gum Surgery
Periodontitis Treatment
Bone Graft
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About ZIKO Bern

For more information about ZIKO Bern in Bern please contact the clinic.
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Bone Graft


Dental Implants


Dentist Consultation




Gum Surgery


Periodontitis Treatment

ZIKO Bern - Laupenstrasse 37, Bern, 3008,

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Private Patients Welcome
Markus Roux -  at ZIKO Bern

Markus Roux

Specialist SSO for Oral Surgery Date of birth: 10.12.1954 Preclinical medicine in Freiburg 1976 - 1979 Study of dentistry in Berne 1979 State exams Prix ??"Louis Metzer" for the best examination of the dentists in Bern 1979 Doctorate in dentistry Dissertation by Prof. Lebek, Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology 1980 - 1982 Assistant at the Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Dental Clinics of the University of Bern (today Clinic and Polyclinic for Oral Surgery and Stomatology) 1982 - 1983 Assistant to Dr. Nager in private practice in Freiburg 1983 - 1985 Assistant at the ENT hospital of the Inselspital Work in the field of maxillary surgery (elective maxillofacial surgery, traumatology) 1984 Founding member of the SGI (Swiss Society of Oral Implantology) and member of the board of directors for 20 years) 1985 Senior physician of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the ENT Clinic of the Inselspital 1986-1990 Consultant for oral implantology of the University Clinics and the Inselspital Bern at the ENT Clinic 1986 Start of self-employed practice in Berne Practice with Hr. Dr. W. Zemp, Ms Dr. V. Zemp and Ms. Dr. A. Roux at Laupenstrasse 35 in Berne Practice for dental surgery, oral implantology and elective, mainly orthodontic surgery 1987 - today Member of the Board of Physicians of the Lindenhof Hospital in Berne with treatment right Chronic treatments under general anesthesia Orthodontic surgery / correction of jaw defects Implantology Dentistry Surgery 1996 Practice with Dr. med. Et med. Dent. J.-Cl. Tschumper at Laupenstrasse 37 in Bern 2004-2008 External Ophthalmologist / Instructor for Oral Implantology of the Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology of the ZMK (Department of Dental Medicine, University of Bern) Since mid-2004 Coordinator Study-Club Implantologie Bern 2006 Practice with Dr. med. Dent. J. Tschan at Laupenstrasse 37 in Bern ZIKO-Bern, Center for Implantology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Jean-Claude Tschumper -  at ZIKO Bern

Jean-Claude Tschumper

Specialist for jaw and Facial Surgery FMH Specialist for oral, And facial surgery (D) Specialist SSO for Oral Surgery Date of birth: 6.8.1955 one year Physiotherapiesschule, Inselspital Bern 1976 - 1982 Study of medicine in Neuchâtel and Berne 1982 State exams 1983 Doctorate in Medicine Dissertation with Prof. MW Hess and Prof. H. Cottier, Department of Pathology, University of Bern 1983 to 1984 Assistant surgeon Surgical department District hospital Aarberg, Dr. med. Ch. Klaiber 1984-1987 Study of dentistry in Berne 1987 State exams 1987 - 1990 Department of Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital of Bern, Prof. J. Raveh and Prof. M. Neiger 1991-1993 Assistant Professor of Clinic and Polyclinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital Zurich, Prof. HF Sailer 1993-1994 Department of Oral, Maxillofacial and Maxillofacial Surgery, Klinikum Minden, PD W. Engelke 1996 Practice with Dr. med. Dent. M. Roux at Laupenstrasse 37 in Bern 1996 - today PhD Clinic Permanence, Berne 1996 - today Member of the Board of Trustees of the Lindenhofspital Bern 2006 Practice with Dr. med. Dent. J. Tschan at Laupenstrasse 37 in Bern ZIKO-Bern, Center for Implantology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Jorg Tschan -  at ZIKO Bern

Jorg Tschan

Specialist SSO for Oral Surgery Date of birth: 22.4.1972. He started in 1992 - 1997 his study of dentistry in Berne 1997 State exams 1998 Schulzahnklinik der Stadt Berne, Bümpliz (pediatric dentistry and orthodontics) 1999 - 2001 Structured professional training at the Clinic for Oral Surgery and Stomatology of the ZMK of the University of Bern as specialist dentist SSO for Oral Surgery (Prof. Dr. D. Buser and Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Berthold) 2001 Doctorate in dentistry Dissertation with Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Berthold and Dr. A. Filippi, Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology, University of Bern 2002 - 2004 Oberarzt at the Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology of the ZMK of the University of Bern 2002 - 2005 Teachers and examiners at the Berufsschule für Dentalassistentinnen, BSDA Bern (Dentistry subjects) 2002 - 2007 Lecturer / instructor at the basic course C of the Swiss Society of Sports Medicine (SGSM) in Bad Ragaz and Nottwil 2003 Specialization as specialist dentist for oral surgery SSO 2004 - 2007 Externer Oberarzt / Instructor at the Clinic for Oral Surgery and Stomatology of the ZMK of the University of Bern 2004 - 2006 Employees in the community practice Drs. Roux and Tschumper at Laupenstrasse 37 in Berne 2006 Practice with Dr. med. Dent. M. Roux and Dr. med. Et med. Dent. J.-Cl. Tschumper at Laupenstrasse 37 in Bern ZIKO-Bern, Center for Implantology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery since 2010 PhD Clinic Permanence, Berne
Show Phone Number

Laupenstrasse 37, Bern, 3008Switzerland

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