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Dental Clinic "Vitadent Plus" - Gagarin

Dental Clinic "Vitadent Plus" - Gagarin

Show Phone Number

ul. Yuriya Gagarina, 23, Ufa, 450105Russia

from 1 user
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Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday09:00 - 20:00
Thursday09:00 - 20:00
Friday09:00 - 20:00
Saturday09:00 - 20:00
Sunday09:00 - 20:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Dentist - ul. Yuriya Gagarina, 23, Ufa, 450105, Russia. Staff: Dr Isabella Kosenko, Dr Natalia Lezhnina, Dr Gizatov Almir Yakupovich.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation
Dental Implants
Sapphire braces

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening - bleach
Teeth Whitening


Dentures - On implants
Dental Crowns
Dental Bridges
See all treatments & prices

About Dental Clinic "Vitadent Plus" - Gagarin

For more information about Dental Clinic "Vitadent Plus" - Gagarin in Ufa please contact the clinic.
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Sapphire braces


Cosmetic Dentist Consultation


Dental Bridges


Consultation and initial examination


Dental Crowns


Dental Implants


fissure sealing


Dental X-Ray


Dentist Consultation




Dentures - On implants


Non-removable prosthetics


Removable prosthetics




Wisdom Tooth Extraction




Resection of root apex


Deep fluoridation of teeth


Gingivitis Treatment


Oral hygiene. Training

Lingual Frenectomy

Excision tongue frenulum


Excision of lip frenulum


Orthodontist Consultation


Paediatric Dentist Consultation


Periodontist Consultation


Treatment of periodontal disease


Restorative Dentist Consultation


teeth replantation


Professional teeth cleaning

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening - bleach


Teeth Whitening


Jewelry for teeth




Porcelain Veneers

Dental Clinic

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Isabella Kosenko - Dentist at Dental Clinic

Dr Isabella Kosenko

Job Title:
Chief doctor. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Excellence in Dentistry I degree Russian Dental Association.
Dr Natalia Lezhnina - Dentist at Dental Clinic

Dr Natalia Lezhnina

Job Title:
Children's dentist 1 categories with 23 years of experience. real doctor "Neboli", which parents trust the most valuable and expensive in his life - the child! Awarded the Certificate of Merit "for many years of fruitful work" in the Republic of Belarus and the health care system "for professional skill." Conducts therapeutic intake of children and adolescents, as well as surgical reception with complex disorders, injuries and their complications. It removes the teeth and holds zubosohranyayuschie operation. Pathology of dental system, read in conjunction with all the organs and systems of a child's body. In its work, the doctor "Neboli" uses only modern children filling materials and anesthetics. Thanks to the special psychological training that the doctor has successfully mastered and applied in their practice, quickly find a contact with children and their parents. Conducts individual interviews and consultations with parents about prevention of dental caries in children, about the proper care of the child's mouth cavity, a preventive treatment for each age group, for a balanced diet. When designing a treatment plan Natalia takes into account the child's dentition system, prevalence and intensity of destruction of hard tooth tissues, as well as genetic predisposition baby. All consultations are free. For more information, you can get an appointment at a specialist on these phones on our website . Also recommend that you read the article " How to care for children's teeth " and " How to teach a child to brush your teeth ." View a video on the prevention of caries in children can be in the " Pediatric Dentistry ". Information on Children and the New Year SHARE, see the section " News ". Treatment and counseling of pregnant women in our clinic is engaged Dr. Khalikov AR, it is possible to make an appointment by clicking on the link . In our group, you can watch video on the formation of caries .
Dr Gizatov Almir Yakupovich - Dentist at Dental Clinic

Dr Gizatov Almir Yakupovich

Job Title:
Podiatrist - Dentist Testimonials on our website in the section "Comments" . Learn more about orthopedics you can find in our website " Prosthodontics. Prosthetic " Watch the video "Age-related changes", "clasp on the attachments", "clasp on the clasp when the defect", "clasp to clasp at the terminal defect", "Veneers ".
Show Phone Number

ul. Yuriya Gagarina, 23, Ufa, 450105Russia

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  2. Russia
  3. Dentists Ufa