Bariatric Surgery Clinics Brussels

All 7 clinics that provide Bariatric Surgery in Brussels

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Prices from 40 € - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 7 Bariatric Surgery Clinics in Brussels with 6 verified patient reviews.

from 62 users
Belgium Surgery Services - Brussels - Bariatric Surgery Clinic in BelgiumFeatured

Belgium Surgery Services - Brussels

02 588 59 75 ext: 39436 AZ Jan Portaels hospital, Gendarmeriestraat 65, B - 1800 Vilvoorde, Dublin 17
4.4 from 5 verified reviews
Definitely very organised and very professionalHazell, UK, 01 02 19

I’ve just had surgery, everything went as planned the care was excellent doctor Chris was fabulous and talked straight. He was quite happy to give you his time before and after surgery. Definitely very organised and very professional 💯

Bariatric Surgery Consultation from 40 €
All patients are welcome for a free of charge baratric consultations at our clinics to help them choice what type of obesity surgery will help you the most to lose your overweight
Gastric Sleeve 6100 € - 6600 €
The gastric sleeve is the latest weight loss procedure that shows promising results. By restricting food absorbtion and reducing hunger the gastric sleeve might be your best option. Advantages of gastric sleeve include lower cost, less dumping, fewer complications and does not require adjustments after the initial surgery. How does the Gastric Sleeve work? The vertical sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive form of weight loss surgery in which approximately 85% of the stomach is removed leaving a cylindrical or sleeve shaped stomach with a capacity ranging from about 60 to 150 cc, depending upon the surgeon performing the procedure.
Gastric Bypass 7500 € - 7950 €
The gastric bypass or stomach bypass is one of the surgical techniques for treating morbid obesity. Alongside purely restrictive techniques, such as gastric banding, and largely malabsorptive techniques, such as Biliopancreatic Derivation by Scopinaro, this is a combined technique. As with a purely restrictive intervention such as the adjustable gastric band, this surgery is largely a restriction of the food intake, with reduced digestion a less important factor. However, the long-term results are noticeably better than those for purely restrictive surgery. This is due to reduced food intake and a reduced feeling of hunger.
1 more treatment
from 21 users
Claris Clinic - Bariatric Surgery Clinic in Belgium

Claris Clinic

Site Hôtel Dolce, Chaussée de Bruxelles, 135 B, La Hulpe, 1310
For more information about Claris Clinic in Brussels please contact the clinic.
Bariatric Surgery Consultation  
Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon  
from 6 users
JH - Clinique Edith Cavell - Bariatric Surgery Clinic in Belgium

JH - Clinique Edith Cavell

Rue Edith-Cavell 32, Brussel, 1180
5.0 from 1 verified review
Services of a high standard are offered for international patients by this highly trained and experienced bariatric surgeon who consults with patients at his clinic located at Dendermonde in Belgium. His goal is to improve the health and appearance of patients with morbid obesity and help them enjoy a happy and healthy future. A detailed initial health examination of the patient is performed to ensure that they are candidates for bariatric surgery and procedures are performed if required 8 weeks after the initial consultation. Services include sleeve gastrectomy procedures, gastric bypass surgery, duodenal switch procedures and bariatric surgery revision procedures.
Bariatric Surgery Consultation  
Gastric Sleeve  
Gastric Bypass
Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass  
3 more treatments
1 other location in Brussels for JH - AZ Sint-Blasius Campus Dendermonde
JH - Polyclinique Hopital Saint-Pierre

JH - Polyclinique Hopital Saint-Pierre

Boulevard de Waterloo 129, Brussel
from 39 users
Mediclinic - Plastic Surgery Clinic in Belgium


Louizalaan 487, Brussel, 1050
A range of surgical cosmetic procedures are offered by a highly qualified and experienced team at this clinic located at Brussels in Belgium. The goal of team is to improve the appearance of patients by performing procedures of a high standard. A thorough first consultation is scheduled to understand the requirements of patients before procedures are performed. Services provided include the surgical reshaping or augmentation of the features of the face and breasts, male breast reduction surgery, surgical body sculpting procedures, genital augmentation surgery and intra-gastric balloon procedures for obese patients.
Gastric Balloon Overall Concept from 2750 €
Rhinoplasty Small from 2950 €
Rhinoplasty Large from 3950 €
24 more treatments
from 24 users
Ballon Gastrique - Bariatric Surgery Clinic in Belgium

Ballon Gastrique

Avenue Henri Jaspar, 101, Bruxelles, 1060
For more information about Ballon Gastrique in Brussels please contact the clinic.
Bariatric Surgery Consultation  
Gastric Sleeve  
Gastric Balloon  
No score yet
Clinique du Poids Idéal  Brussels Weight Loss Center - Bariatric Surgery Clinic in Belgium

Clinique du Poids Idéal Brussels Weight Loss Center

Rue des Alexiens, 11 – 13, Bruxelles, 1000
A multidisciplinary team treats patients at this clinic located at Brussels in Belgium. The focus of the team is to help patients of all ages lose weight. The team has served the needs of patients from the year 2010. High quality services are provided for medical tourists by the team. A detailed assessment of patients is conducted and the most appropriate weight reduction plan according to their unique needs is formulated. Services include diet and exercise prescriptions, management of eating disorders and the monitoring of post-bariatric surgery patients to prevent weight gain.
Bariatric Surgery Consultation  
Gastric Bypass  
2 more treatments
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