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St. Pauls Osteopathy Practice

St. Pauls Osteopathy Practice

Show Phone Number

50-54, St. Pauls Square, Birmingham, West Midlands, B3 1QSUK

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Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday09:00 - 17:00
Thursday09:00 - 17:00
Friday09:00 - 17:00
Prices from £22 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Osteopathic Clinic - 50-54, St. Pauls Square, Birmingham, West Midlands, B3 1QS, UK. This osteopathy focused Birmingham clinic offers a range of...

Popular Treatments

Osteopathy from £35


Reflexology with warm stones from £37
Reflexology from £30
Indian Head Massage from £22
Reiki Healing from £25
Hopi Ear Candling from £25

Hot Stone Massage

Warm Stone Massage (Back) from £28
Warm Stone Massage (Full Body) from £48
Warm Stone Delux from £60
See all treatments & prices

About St. Pauls Osteopathy Practice

This osteopathy focused Birmingham clinic offers a range of other complementary therapies for the health and wellbeing of patients. A range of musculoskeletal problems, digestive problems, respiratory disorders and injuries are treated using osteopathy and cranial osteopathy. Cranial osteopathy is used particularly to treat disorders affecting babies and elderly patients. Other therapies available at the clinic are reflexology, iridology, aromatherapy, homeopathy, Reiki, acupuncture, hypnotherapy and aqua detoxification. The clinic is registered with most major private health insurance companies.

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from £35

Osteopathy (30 mins)

Massage Therapy

Aromatherapy Massage
from £22

Aromatherapy Massage (Back) (30 mins)

from £38

Aromatherapy (Full Body) (1 hour)

from £38

Aromatherapy Massage (Full Body) (1 hour)

Hot Stone Massage
from £28

Warm Stone Massage (Back) (30 mins)

from £48

Warm Stone Massage (Full Body) (1 hour)

from £60

Warm Stone Delux (1 hour 30 mins)

from £28

Warm Stone Massage (Back) (30 mins)

from £48

Warm Stone Massage (Full Body) (1 hour)

from £60

Warm Stone Delux (1 hour 30 mins)

from £22

Indian Head Massage (30 mins)


Acupuncture Treatment
from £45

Acupuncture Treatment - Initial Consultation (1 hour 30 mins)

from £35

Acupuncture Treatment - Subsequent (1 hour)

from £45

Acupuncture Treatment - Initial Consultation (1 hour 30 mins)

from £35

Acupuncture Treatment - Subsequent (1 hour)

Holistic Health

from £25

Hopi Ear Candling (30 mins)



from £37

Reflexology with warm stones (1 hour)

from £30

Reflexology (1 hour)

from £25

Reiki Healing (30 mins)

St. Pauls Osteopathy Practice - 50-54, St. Pauls Square, Birmingham, West Midlands, B3 1QS,

Payment information


Private Patients WelcomeEuropean Health Insurance CardNHSEmergency NHSCIGNA HealthcareCIGNA Healthcare

Dr Bruce Bodle

Miss Gurdev Nota

Mrs Bernie Hubball

Mr Mark Butterworth

Miss Shannah Jay

Show Phone Number

50-54, St. Pauls Square, Birmingham, West Midlands, B3 1QSUK