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VITA Fertility (IMED Elche)

VITA Fertility (IMED Elche)

Show Phone Number

C/ Max Planck, s/n. - Elche Parque Empresarial, Elche, Spain, 03203Spain

Very Good
from 5 users
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Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday09:00 - 19:30
Wednesday09:00 - 19:00
Thursday09:00 - 19:00
Friday09:00 - 19:00
Free consultation ★ Prices from 80 € - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Very Good ServiceScore™ 7.2 from 5 votes ★ Visit our Fertility Clinic - C/ Max Planck, s/n. - Elche Parque Empresarial, Elche, Spain, 03203, Spain.

Popular Treatments

Fertility Specialist Consultation free
IVF-ICSI In Vitro Fertilisation 4500 € - 4800 €
AI - Artificial Insemination 900 € - 1200 €
Egg Freezing up to 2500 €
ICSI - Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
IUI - Intrauterine Insemination
Blastocyst Transfer free
Embryo Freezing up to 400 €
Vasectomy 1100 € - 1205 €
Sperm Freezing from 375 €
See all treatments & prices

About VITA Fertility (IMED Elche)

VITA Clinics

are specialist centres for reproductive medicine, IVF-ICSI treatments.

VITA forms part of the IMED Hospital group, a hospital group of reference in the province of Alicante on the eastern coast of Spain.

VITA is one of the few centres nationally that is integrated within a hospital environment, offering patients all the benefits of comfort and security associated with this.

The nearest airport is Alicante with regular flights throughout the year from Europe.

IMED ELCHE hospital for fertility consultations is located on the outskirts of Elche, close to Alicante airport. The treatment itself however is carried out at the IMED Levante hospital.

VITA ensures a close and personalised service with the care and attention to detail that this treatment merits.

A multidisciplinary team of professionals: gynaecologists, embryologists, geneticists, urologists, nurses, anaesthesiologists, psychologists and assistants whose knowledge and experiences are put at your disposal to ensure an easy and rewarding experience with us.

The VITA fertility clinic is well equipped to provide a comprehensive range of fertility treatments.

  • Fertility Assessment.
  • Artificial insemination, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): Partner’s sperm and Donor’s sperm.
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).

    All IVF treatments include the  ICSI method.
  • Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).
  • IVF with anonymous  egg donation (we guarantee a minimum of 8 mature oocytes)

  • IVF with anonymous  sperm donation

  • Shared motherhood for lesbian

    married couples (ROPA), one donates the egg the other partner carries out the pregnancy

  • Fertility treatments for single mothers
  • Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET).
  • Fertility preservation (Egg Vitrification).
  • Sperm sample preparation
  • Exclusive fresh egg donation

    programme. “One egg donor for one egg recipient, no sharing, no waiting lists

  • Assisted hatching (if required).
  • Extend in vitro culture today five and blastocysts transfer (if it is necessary).

  • Embryo freezing

    including first year’s storage.

VITA  can offer high success rates.

The clinic is also in possession of Quality certificates and have been recognised with the achievement of awards for Integrated Quality Management and Environment System in accordance with ISO 9001 and 14001.

All treatments are carried out according to the current Spanish legislation and where egg or sperm donation is offered, this law contemplates the ABSOLUTE ANONYMITY of the donors in such a way that their identity will never be revealed.

The group also differentiates itself with its technology, ensuring both patients and doctors access to medical records online and all our units offer free WIFI services.

read more


  • Consejería De Sanidad De La Comunidad Valenciana (Spain) 
  • SEF - Sociedad Española De Fertilidad (Spain) 


ParkingAccessible to disabled peoplePublic transport accessWheelchair accessible toiletAccess without stepsDisabled parkingPatient bathroomWireless accessOn-site pharmacy

Clinic services

Emergency serviceOpen 24 hours - We are within a hospital .Open weekends

Travel services

International travel - Advice on travelLocal travelLocal accommodationTranslation servicesLocal guidePick up service from hotelPick up service from airport

Languages spoken



900 € - 1200 €

AI - Artificial Insemination

Artificial insemination treatment is one of the easier assisted reproductive techniques. It’s about inserting sperm in an unnatural manner in the uterus during ovulation period to achieve pregnancy.

Depending on the source of the sperm we have two types of artificial insemination: with partner sperm (AIH or homologous insemination) or with donor sperm (or heterologous insemination)

Before starting a cycle of artificial insemination it is necessary to verify that the partner meet a number of conditions:

  • Check the patency of the fallopian tubes to ensure the passage of sperm for fertilization and the zygote reaches the uterus.
  • Exclude possible malformations of the uterus through an ultrasound that could affect fertilization, implantation and pregnancy. Make a hormonal analysis, to exclude hormonal diseases.
  • With a semen analysis check that there is a minimum quality of the semen. It must have a minimum of concentration and / or mobility requirements.
  • The age of the woman, which directly affects the success or failure. From the age of 36 is when the pregnancy starts to decrease.
  • Ensure that there is no risk of infection for the partner and / or future baby through a potential risk of hepatitis B or C, HIV, rubella, syphilis and toxoplasmosis.

- See more at:


Blastocyst Transfer

Blastocyst is included within the price of an IVF-ICSI treatment should it be needed

Cycle Monitoring

up to 2500 €

Egg Freezing

Nowadays, many women choose to delay childbearing for personal, family or work reasons. However, we must keep in mind that after 35 years the female fertility decreases as the quantity and quality of oocytes decreases.

We are also increasingly receiving more often young women who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and after undergoing chemotherapy treatments or radiation, meet sterility problems arising from cancer treatment.

Treatment Includes:

Initial consultation: Fertility consultation + Pelvic ultrasound scan + Medical report

Follow-up consultation and Telephone follow-up consultation

Ovulation induction: All ultrasound assessments during treatment cycle

Sedation fee

Transvaginal oocyte retrieval under ultrasound guidance into operating theatre

Recovery in a single room after the oocyte retrieval

Laboratory services: eggs vitrification (Included first year's storage

Review consultation

In VITA we have a program of female fertility preservation by vitrification of oocytes to avoid severe infertility problems.

up to 400 €

Embryo Freezing

Embryo freezing includes first year of storage

Fertility Specialist Consultation

First consultancy is free of charge

Fertility Test

from 1100 €

FET - Frozen Embryo Transfer


ICSI - Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

ICSI is included within all IVF treatments

IUI - Intrauterine Insemination

4500 € - 4800 €

IVF-ICSI In Vitro Fertilisation

IVF with Donor Eggs
5900 € - 6200 €

IVF-ICSI In Vitro Fertilisation with Donor Eggs

Egg donation is annonymous in Spain. At VITA we offer one donor for one recipient and guarantee a minimum of 8 mature oocytes
5900 € - 6200 €

IVF with Donor Eggs

Egg donation is annonymous in Spain. At VITA we offer one donor for one recipient and guarantee a minimum of 8 mature oocytes
from 5300 €

Shared Motherhood - ROPA technique for same sex married female couples

ROPA (Reception of ovocytes of the partner) or know as shared motherhood for married lesbian couples is a technique where one of the women undergoes ovarian stimulation to prodcue the eggs that will be inseminated with donor sperm and the resulting embryo is transferred to the uterus of  her partner.

from 600 €

Sperm - FISH Analysis

from 80 €

Sperm Assessment


Sperm DNA Fragmentation

from 375 €

Sperm Freezing

Includes first year of storage
from 920 €

Surgical Sperm Retrieval


1100 € - 1205 €


Standard vasectomy 1100 euro + consulation 105€ with urologist
VITA Fertility (IMED Elche) - VITA Assisted Reproduction in Spain

Payment information

Free initial consultationCredit cards


Private Patients Welcome
Mrs Sonia Esteve - Manager at VITA Fertility (IMED Elche)

Mrs Sonia Esteve

Job Title:
  Fertility Medicine
  English, Spanish
Dr José Manuel Lozano Pérez - Doctor at VITA Fertility (IMED Elche)

Dr José Manuel Lozano Pérez

Job Title:
  Fertility Medicine
  English, Spanish
Dr María Ángeles Carracedo Caballero - Embryologist at VITA Fertility (IMED Elche)

Dr María Ángeles Carracedo Caballero

Job Title:
  Fertility Medicine, Embryology

Mrs Myriam Regidor

Job Title:
  International Patient Coordinator
  English, French, Spanish

Mrs Yolanda Pickett

Job Title:
  International Patient Coordinator
  English, Spanish
Show Phone Number

C/ Max Planck, s/n. - Elche Parque Empresarial, Elche, Spain, 03203Spain