VITA Clinics
are specialist centres for reproductive medicine,
IVF-ICSI treatments.
VITA forms part of the IMED Hospital group, a hospital group of
reference in the province of Alicante on the eastern coast of Spain.
VITA is one of the few centres nationally that is integrated within a
hospital environment, offering patients all the benefits of comfort and
security associated with this.
The nearest airport is Alicante with regular flights throughout the
year from Europe.
IMED ELCHE hospital for fertility consultations is located on the outskirts
of Elche, close to Alicante airport. The treatment itself however is carried
out at the IMED Levante hospital.
VITA ensures a close and personalised service with the care and attention to
detail that this treatment merits.
A multidisciplinary team of professionals: gynaecologists, embryologists,
geneticists, urologists, nurses, anaesthesiologists, psychologists and
assistants whose knowledge and experiences are put at your disposal to ensure
an easy and rewarding experience with us.
The VITA fertility clinic is well equipped to provide a comprehensive range
of fertility treatments.
- Fertility Assessment.
- Artificial insemination, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): Partner’s sperm and Donor’s sperm.
Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).
All IVF treatments include the ICSI
method.- Preimplantation Genetic
Diagnosis (PGD).
with anonymous egg donation (we guarantee a minimum of 8 mature oocytes)
with anonymous sperm donation
Shared motherhood for lesbian
married couples (ROPA), one donates the egg the other partner carries out
the pregnancy
- Fertility treatments for single
- Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET).
- Fertility preservation (Egg Vitrification).
- Sperm sample preparation
Exclusive fresh egg donation
programme. “One egg donor for one egg recipient, no sharing, no waiting
- Assisted hatching (if
in vitro culture today five and blastocysts
transfer (if it is necessary).
Embryo freezing
including first year’s storage.
VITA can offer high success rates.
The clinic is also in possession of Quality certificates and have been
recognised with the achievement of awards for Integrated Quality Management and
Environment System in accordance with ISO 9001 and 14001.
All treatments are carried out according to the current Spanish
legislation and where egg or sperm donation is offered, this law
contemplates the ABSOLUTE ANONYMITY of the donors in such a way that
their identity will never be revealed.
The group also differentiates itself with its technology, ensuring both
patients and doctors access to medical records online and all our units offer
free WIFI services.