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OKOMED Eye Clinic

OKOMED Eye Clinic

Show Phone Number

Tallinskaya st.,26, Moscow, Russia, 123458Russia

Very Good
from 26 users
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Opening hours

Monday10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday10:00 - 18:00
Thursday10:00 - 18:00
Friday10:00 - 18:00
Saturday10:00 - 18:00
Sunday10:00 - 17:00
Prices from 5875 ₽ - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Very Good ServiceScore™ 7.8 from 26 votes ★ 1 verified patient review. Visit our Eye Clinic - Tallinskaya st.,26, Moscow, Russia, 123458, Russia.

Popular Treatments

Eye Specialist Consultation 8812 ₽
Cataract Treatment 117495 ₽ - 293739 ₽
RLE - Refractive Lens Exchange 249678 ₽ - 308426 ₽
Eye Exam 5875 ₽ - 23499 ₽
Intraocular Lenses 249678 ₽ - 293739 ₽
Glaucoma Treatment 88122 ₽ - 176243 ₽
PTK - Phototherapeutic Keratectomy 38186 ₽ - 76372 ₽
Squint Reduction 44061 ₽ - 55810 ₽
Panretinal Photocoagulation from 57279 ₽
Vitrectomy - Eye Floaters 249678 ₽ - 381860 ₽
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About OKOMED Eye Clinic

The"OKOMED" eye clinic is a specialized ophthalmologic,out patient clinic in Moscow since 1997 providing the full range of computer diagnostics, eye surgery and treatment both laser and conventional for adults and children. The clinic is equipped with full set of the last generation necessary medical facilities produced by world leading manufactures.We remove cataracts by the method of micro incision cataract surgery (MICS) upto 2 mm with phacoemulsification and implantation of the best available multifocal foldable intraocular lenses (IOLs) using INFINITI® Vision System (Alcon, USA).To correct abnormalities of refraction of small or moderate degree we are using eye operation - LASIK (Laser - Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) by an excimer laser of the last generation “Allegretto Wave”(Germany).We offer up-to-date method of cornea treatment – CROSS - LINKING too! Corneal collagen cross-linking with riboflavin, also known as CXL, CCR, CCL and KXL is successfully using for treatment of keratoconus and primary and post-operative endothelial epithelial dystrophy (EED) of the cornea.Glaucoma could be treated by full range of eye operations such as non penetrating deep sclerectomy, deep sclerectomy with allodrainage and others. Vitreoretinal pathology (retinal detachment, hemophtalm etc.) is treated by vitrectomy surgery with full necessary set of surgical manipulations (endolasercoagulation, separation of commissure of the vitreous body, blocking of retinal breaks, introduction of perfluorocarbon, silicon etc.) Often vitrectomy is combined with simultaneous phacoemulsification of cataract and IOL implantation. Our clinic has achieved a significant progress in surgical treatment of exudative form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).The main feature of the clinic is a medical team of eye specialists of the highest qualification and skills,who are pupils,disciples and former colleagues of the famous Russian ophthalmologist Svyatoslav Fyodorov, one of the pioneers of refractive and cataract surgery.Our leading professors provide FREE distance consultations of patient's medical reports and records to give their recommendations and prescriptions regarding possible treatment of the case and advice their "Second Opinion".We always offer an individual, comprehensive approach to every patient and also we are ready to provide all our patients with travel arrangements support. The «ОKOMED» eye clinic - is a friendly and very responsible ophthalmology!We have a very rich experience of curing foreign patients from all over the world and we are always ready to provide them with any possible support to visit our eye clinic for consultations, diagnostic and treatment, if indicated, including travel arrangements. Many of our doctors are English speaking, some of them speak Arabic and Spanish.

We will help You to save or to restore Your vision!

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Patient reviews

4.0 from 1 verified review
Bahzad, Russia
( Verified user)

The doctors were friendly and ready to answer the questions

4 50 Eye Specialist Consultation

For the first time, it was good about remembering me, my call and situation. The doctors were friendly and ready to answer the questions.


  • ESCRS - European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (International) 


ParkingPublic transport accessDisabled parking

Clinic services

Open weekends

Travel services

International travel - Any international patient who applied to OKOMED and received an approval from us in accordiance with medical indications for an eye treatment could be provided with our support in obtaining entry visa and travel arrangements.Local accommodation - The OKOMED is ready to assist our patients in on-line or off-line reservation of accommodation facilities in Moscow. Translation services - There are English speaking doctors in the OKOMED eye clinic, some doctors speak Arabic and Spanish, but if a patient prefers to have a personal professional interpreter from Russia into foreign language, we could assist to book this service extra upon the request.Pick up service from hotel - Upon request we could assist to provide pick up service.Pick up service from airport - Upon request we could assist to provide pick up service.

Languages spoken


Eye Care

117495 ₽ - 293739 ₽

Cataract Treatment

The cataract (age related) is one of the most common eye disorders among people of old age. This eye disease connected with opasification of the natural human crystalline lens.This means that the affected person has poor vision and the images are unclear and blurred.Cataract surgery in our clinic is performed by the method of micro incision cataract surgery (MICS) with ultrasonic phacoemulsification and implantation of intraocular lenses(IOLs). In “OkoMed” eye clinic we use the latest model of phacoemulsificator the INFINITI® Vision System (Alcon, USA) and ultra-thin flexible, the best available today, intraocular lenses of the "PREMIUM class” from the leading manufacturers of the UK, USA and Germany such as Aspheric Ultima, Rayner Superflex, Aqua Free and multifocal M-Flex Rayner (UK), Aspheric Foldable Bioline Yellow and multifocal AT LISA (Germany), multifocal AcrySof IQ Natural, AcrySof IQ toric and aspheric, AcrySof IQ ReStor, Alcon (USA).

5875 ₽ - 23499 ₽

Eye Exam

Our experienced optometrists start an eye examinations with patient’s eyesight check up. It is not just helping a patient to know the eyesight condition, but sometimes it could also help to identify other health problems, to detect other health-related conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. An eye tests and examinations can ensure your prescription is up-to-date, and monitor early signs of eye disease, including glaucoma and cataract. For most people this is every two years to make an eyesight check up. Usually it includes: Visometry (Checking of visual acuity with correction and without it); Determination of refractions condition; Measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP); Determination of parameters of eye glasses or contacts; The "OKOMED" clinic provides the full range of eye examinations, investigations and necessary tests including Ocular or Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) which is a noninvasive scan of the internal structures of the eye and Fluorescent angiography (FAG) that is an eye investigation where special dye and camera are used to look at blood flow in the retina and choroid, two layers in the back of the eye as well as endothelial microscopy (TEM). OCT in combination with FAG allows to determine the presence and location of choroidal neovascular membrane (CNV), detachment of pigment epithelium of the retina, the phenomenon of fibrosis and to determine the indications for surgical treatment of these disorders.

8812 ₽

Eye Specialist Consultation

Eye Specialist Consultation - OKOMED Eye ClinicDr Nadezhda Korshunova - OKOMED Eye Clinic

After preliminary examinations and consultation of ophthalmologist or after the course of eye treatment in the clinic “OkoMed”, our patients have an opportunity to be consulted extra by a doctor of medical science(MD), professor with huge experiences in ophthalmology and eye micro surgery. An independent opinion of our professional ophthalmologists - professors, MD’s, PhD’s, eye surgeons skilled in complicated eye surgeries, who are for many years both collected, compiled and studied the information about various eye diseases being scientists in this field will definitely help you to recover or to save eyesight.

88122 ₽ - 176243 ₽

Glaucoma Treatment

The "OKOMED" eye clinic provides the full range of antiglaucoma surgery  such as Non-penetrating deep sclerectomy (NPDS) at initial glaucoma, non-penetrating deep sclerectomy at 2-3 stages of glaucoma, non-penetrating deep sclerectomy with allodrainage, as well as deep sclerectomy (DS), deep sclerectomy with allodrainage, multiple posterior scleral trepanation at secondary diabetes neovascular glaucoma.

249678 ₽ - 293739 ₽

Intraocular Lenses

Implantation of an extra, phakic intraocular lens (so called “glasses inside the eye”) successfully corrects refractive defects of high degree: myopia up to -26.0 D, hyperopia up to +15.0 D, astigmatism up to ± 6.0 D. Phakic intraocular lens (PIOL) can correct astigmatism of high degree - up to ± 6.0 D if there are contraindications to the excimer laser correction, for example, at eyes with a "thin" cornea. Phakic lens are implanted into anterior or posterior chamber of the eye. When there is a combination of astigmatism with myopia or hyperopia, appropriate spherotoric (SPIOL) are implanted. This type of IOLs containing myopic or hyperopic spherical and toric components. Currently, posterior chamber PIOLs are mostly implanted. This operation is performed through a micro incision of 2.5 mm, which does not require stitches under local anesthesia, on outpatient basis, and it takes 15-20 minutes only. After surgery, a patient quickly recovers and returns to his normal life without any restrictions.

from 57279 ₽

Panretinal Photocoagulation

Panretinal laser coagulation of the retina (PRLC)  or photocoagulation is an out-patient procedure and is used in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration. PRLC has been proven to lower the risk of severe vision loss from these eye diseases.  A special type of laser is used to make tiny burns that seal the retina and stop vessels from growing and leaking. Also it is effective in the treatment of some other eye disorders including retinal ischemia, neovascularization of the choroid or retina.

249678 ₽ - 308426 ₽

RLE - Refractive Lens Exchange

The clinic performs surgical correction of refractive errors of the primary and induced - acquired after previous refractive eye operations and refractive errors after implantation of intraocular lenses. Replacement or exchange of the natural lens for the artificial intraocular lens (IOL) can correct any refractive errors of high degree from -30.0 D to +30.0 D. This type of eye surgery can be performed even at eyes with a "thin" cornea, in the case of stabilized keratoconus and when there are contraindications for laser correction.Implantation of multifocal toric IOL’s provides distance and near vision without additional spectacle correction. Very often astigmatism is associated with myopia or hyperopia of high degree and this condition can be corrected by refractive replacement of the natural lens only. In such cases, the natural lens is removed by phacoemulsification method and the special soft spherotoric IOL is implanted.

44061 ₽ - 55810 ₽

Squint Reduction

Squint (strabismus, cross eyes) may be concomitant or incomitant (paralytic). It could be convergent strabismus (esotropia) in which one eye turns inward, divergent strabismus (exotropia) in which one eye turns outward, vertical strabismus in which one eye turns upward. When the eye turn occurs all of the time, it is called constant strabismus. When the eye turn occurs only from time to time, it is alternating strabismus. Strabismus surgery strengthens or weakens eye muscles, which changes the alignment of the eyes relative to each other.

249678 ₽ - 381860 ₽

Vitrectomy - Eye Floaters

The "OKOMED" eye clinic successfully performing vitreoretinal surgery of the disorders of the posterior segment of the eye.Vitrectomy (removal of the vitreous body) by access through a microscopic incision of the eye at the flat part of the ciliary body using the superfine tools allows to treat successfully vitreous opacifications, haemophthalmos, retinal detachment, combination of the retinal detachment with the pathology of vitreous and lens.Vitrectomy with removal of the newly formed membranes and commissure near the retina is performing in the case of epiretinal membranes (inner limiting membrane peeling), vitreo macular traction syndrome, macular retinal tears, diabetic macular edema, edematous form of age-related macular dystrophy.Special technologies are used during vitrectomy surgery as a supplement to this technique: endolasercoagulation, blocking retinal breaks and holes, separation of commissure of the vitreous body , the introduction of gas, perfluorocarbon and silicone.

Laser Eye Surgery

70057 ₽ - 81806 ₽


To treat abnormalities of refraction of small or moderate degree we also using eye operation - LASIK (Laser - Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) by an excimer laser of the last generation “Allegretto Wave”(Germany). LASIK stands for laser in situ keratomileusis, which means using a laser underneath a corneal flap (in situ) to reshape the cornea (keratomileusis). This procedure utilizes a highly specialized laser (excimer laser) designed to treat refractive errors, improve vision, and reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. An ultra-thin flap is created on the eyes surface during LASIK corrective eye surgery. After laser energy is applied to reshape the eye, the flap is replaced to serve as a type of natural bandage. LASIK has advantages over other vision correction procedures, including a relative lack of pain afterward and the fact that good vision usually is achieved by the very next day. The surgeon uses a computer to adjust the excimer laser for your particular prescription.

38186 ₽ - 76372 ₽

PTK - Phototherapeutic Keratectomy

According to the medical indications and contraindications the OKOMED eye clinic offers to the patients all the best methods of refractive surgery available for today.Using Excimer laser we provide both LASIK and PRK (Photorefractive keratectomy) surgery. Photorefractive keratectomy was the first method of vision correction using Excimer laser. PRK is a non-contact Excimer laser ablation of cornea surface layers, having no influence on the inner structures of the eye. The main purpose of this surgery is practically the same as in LASIK procedure, this is to improve vision by correcting abnormalities of refraction. PRK could be effective for: Myopia (short or nearsightedness) from -1,0D to 6,0 D, Astigmatism from -0.5D to -3.0 D and Hyperopia (farsightedness) up to +3.0 D. PRK and LASIK are basically the same technique, however there is a difference between them. In PRK procedure, epithelium is removed and the outermost layer below the epithelium is treated with laser. In LASIK, epithelium is not removed. The surgeon will fold the epithelial layer out of the laser treatment field, and fold it back in its original place after cornea has been reshaped by laser. PRK does not involve a knife, microtome or cutting laser as used in LASIK, but recovery period versus LASIK could last longer.

OKOMED Eye Clinic - Prof Nina Shigina

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Dr Nadezhda Korshunova - Ophthalmologist at OKOMED Eye Clinic

Dr Nadezhda Korshunova

Job Title:
  English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian

The General Director of the clinic, full member of European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS), MD Korshunova Nadezhda Konstantinovna, is the main specialist of the centre who has been the leading refractive surgeon of the clinic of the famous Soviet/Russian ophthalmologist, professor Svyatoslav Fyodorov during 30 years.

Prof Albina Ivashina - Ophthalmologist at OKOMED Eye Clinic

Prof Albina Ivashina

Job Title:
  English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian

Scientific supervisor and consultant of the clinic - MD, full member of European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS), professor Ivashina Albina Ivanovna, a disciple and colleague of academician Svyatoslav Fyodorov, an active creator and successor of his scientific and clinical school.

Dr Mikhail Gulyaev -  at OKOMED Eye Clinic

Dr Mikhail Gulyaev

  English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian

The chief doctor and the leading surgeon of the centre – full member of European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS), Dr.Gulyaev Mikhail Vasilievich, a surgeon with the experience of more than 20 thousands of eye operations in Russia and abroad.

Vladimir Neyasov - Ophthalmologist at OKOMED Eye Clinic

Vladimir Neyasov

Job Title:
  English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian

Dr. Neyasov Vladimir Sergeevich is a laser surgeon of the clinic, full member of European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA), a skilled ophthalmologist.

Dr Aleksandr Yugay - Ophthalmologist at OKOMED Eye Clinic

Dr Aleksandr Yugay

Job Title:
  English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian

Dr.Yugay Aleksandr Gerasimovich is a doctor of highest grade, full member of European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA), very experienced vitreoretinal surgeon. He also consulting and operating the most complicated cases of posterior segment of eyeball.

Prof Nina Shigina - Ophthalmologist at OKOMED Eye Clinic

Prof Nina Shigina

Job Title:
  English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian

Professor Shigina Nina Alekseevna, MD, full member of the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS), homotoxicologist and an expert in cell therapy with the record of service of more then 40 years and huge experience of surgery of appendages of an eyeball.

Show Phone Number

Tallinskaya st.,26, Moscow, Russia, 123458Russia