Weight Control Aldwych

All 6 Weight Control Clinics in Aldwych

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We have all the information you need about public and private general practices that provide weight control in Aldwych. Compare all the gps and contact the weight control clinic in Aldwych that's right for you.

Weight Control prices from £55 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 6 Weight Control Clinics in Aldwych with 6 verified patient reviews.

from 15 users
Feeling to Healing Therapy - London - Psychology Clinic in the UKFeatured

Feeling to Healing Therapy - London

0203 514 1518 ext: 66124 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ
5.0 from 2 verified reviews
A life-changing experienceMatt, UK, 26 05 24

A life-changing experience. Our marriage is reaching new heights after receiving couple therapy at this clinic.

Weight Control from £55
Sexual Health Advice £40 - £62
Nutrition Counselling  
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Organic Remedies Clinic Holborn - Massage Clinic in the UK

Organic Remedies Clinic Holborn

97 Southampton Row, Russell Square, London, WC1B 4HL
Organic Remedies Ltd was registered on 2000 and first branch was open to patients on Chancely Lane, Holborn, London. The second clinic was open on 2009 which is 1 m to Baker Street underground station, London. On July 2013, Holborn Branch relocate to 97 Southampton Row,Russell Square,London, WC1B 4HL in order to expand the treatment rooms and better environment.
Weight Control up to £60
TCM & I-LIPO weight loss I-Lipo won Best Slimming Treatment of the Year Award,  Paris 2010-2011. Pain free and no side effects. Quick results
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage from £35
Deep Tissue Massage from £60
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Balance Hypnosis London - General Practice in the UK

Balance Hypnosis London

39 Cranley Gardens, Palmers Green, London, N13 4LT
Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss, Anxiety, Fear and Phobias and Hypnobirthing in Harley Street and North London. Parking for patients and visitors available.
Weight Control  
Smoking Cessation Consultation  
Clinical Hypnotherapist for Smoking Cessation, Hypno-Band, Anxiety, Depression,Fears & Phobias,Stress, Confidence and Hypnobirthing
No score yet
GinSen Swiss Cottage - Massage Clinic in the UK
GinSen’s highly qualified practitioners are trained in Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. We focus on the treatment and prevention of disease and place great emphasis on good health through lifestyle management. Patients receive personalised treatment most suited to their particular condition and individual needs.
Weight Control  
The duration of treatment depends on the amount of weight the client wishes to lose.  In addition to taking Herbal Tea, treatment involves 3 sessions of Acupuncture each week, each session lasting 60 to 70 minutes. For those clients who cannot attend Acupuncture regularly, following an initial consultation it is possible to send Herbal Tea or other herbal remedies by mail in order to help your weight loss. However, it is always preferable to meet your Practitioner on a regular basis. Regular consultations will help keep you on track and will alert your Practitioner to any changes that need to be made to your herbal formula.
Deep Tissue Massage  
Fertility Acupuncture  
1 in 5 couples have problems with primary and secondary fertility-so you are not alone. At Gin Sen we have helped many couples conceive. There isnow a growing body of evidence that shows that TCM Acupuncture and HerbalMedicine can help improve your chances of having a baby. Fertility Acupuncture at Gin Sen are divided into 3 areas oftreatment: 1.      Natural Fertility Acupuncture for Men and Women 2.      IVF/ICSI support Acupuncture 3.      Preventing Miscarriage Acupuncture In this special and stressful time in a couple’srelationship, our specialist Gin Sen TCM Fertility Doctors help guide youthrough the fertility process of improving your body’s qi, blood and organbalance in order that you can have an increased level of success in conceiving.And helping you both relax and adjust to what is sometimes a difficult periodin your relationship. Many people are leaving starting a family until later inlife or until modern life permits and we need to help the body return fromoverwork, overstress and excessive demands we have made on our health andwellbeing. A full consultation of both you and your partner provide our Doctorswith the information to design the appropriate treatment plan for you both. Sometimes our Fertility Acupuncture and Fertility TCM herbaltreatment is given in addition to Assisted Reproductive Techniques andsometimes it is appropriate to try the completely natural route with TCM Herbsand Fertility Acupuncture.  At Gin Sen weoffer you the ability to have this treatment instead of, or in addition, toyour current treatment. IVF Acupuncture is given at specific times before and afteryour transfer so please let us know as soon as you have your dates. Our TCM Doctors are ready here to advise you- please come infor a free consultation to assess what we can offer you on your conceptionjourney. We are rea
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from 43 users
Fleet Street Clinic - Physiotherapy Clinic in the UK

Fleet Street Clinic

29 Fleet Street, London, EC4Y 1AA
4.7 from 4 verified reviews
The Fleet Street clinic in London is a multispecialty clinic that offers range of treatments to patients. The travel clinic is rated as the best in the U.K and has vaccines for all kinds of travel related diseases. The clinic also provides GP services and has a team of dedicated GPs. Other treatment options at the clinic are psychotherapy, osteopathy, acupuncture, dentistry, podiatry, eye care and the services of a qualified dietician. The clinic is equipped with a laboratory for medical tests. An annual membership for affordable GP services are available for patients.
Weight Control  
GP Consultation from £70
A 15-minute Private GP appointment
Cancer Screening  
15 more treatments
from 13 users
Balance My Hormones - Balance My Hormones- Bespoke Hormone Replacement and Optimisation Therapy

Balance My Hormones

Balance My Hormones Ltd., International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London, EC1A 2BN
UK and Europe wide treatments for men and women with low TEST0STER0NE, androgen sex hormones and IGF1.   Treatments for women with low T or low Androgens. Anti-Ageing IGF1 increasing hormones to bring you into a more  youthful state.  Andropause, Somatopause, Menopause  and adult IGF-1 hormone deficiency therapy through UK clinics, dispensed by UK pharmacists. Access to treatments for Male Menopause, MANoPAUSE, Hypogonadism, Adult Onset Hypogonadism, Low T, Female Menopause, Low Female T, Hormone Balancing, Somatopause due to adult IGF-1 hormone deficiency. Free initial advice.  Easy at home blood testing available.  Treatment Package Consultations at £189. One off Consultation from Doctor from £130 outside treatment plans. Enquire for more details. 
Weight Control through Hormone Balancing £159 - £250
Sexual Dysfunction Treatment
Sexual Dysfunction Treatment for Women (Low T) £52 - £400
Through proper hormone balancing our doctor may be able to help you with your sexual dysfunction.  Many instances women experiencing less than satisfactory sexual function may be suffering from low androgens or T. We have affordable treatments and experience treating women with low T. 
Sexual Dysfunction Treatment for Men (Low T) £52 - £400
Through proper hormone balancing our doctor may be able to help you with your sexual dysfunction.  For men who are refractory to PDE-5 therapy or erectile dysfunction tablets, there may be an underlying cause such as low male androgens or low T.  Getting to the bottom of the problem and addressing the underlying cause such as  deficient or low male hormones along with adjunctive ED medicines can help men regain their function. You may have been told by your GP that your T level is fine or normal but what they might not tell you is that normal ranges combine sick patients, healthy patients, and elderly patients without taking into account your symptoms. We look to optimise your hormones and age adjust to a more appropriate range. We look at your symptoms and our doctor makes a diagnosis based on a holistic view of your health. 
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