I did stapler method circumcision in this Clinic. The Circumcision was performed by Dr Shafiz. Prior to the circumcision, I went through lots online stuff and I was terrified with all the experience sharing. But I wanted to do it anyway. I was terrified and worried even when I was sitting and waiting to meet Dr Shafiz.
However, immediately after meeting him, I started to feel so relaxed because of his jovial, frank but assuring outlook. I went through the surgery.
Pain: a red ant bite is more painful than this overall procedure. All I felt was few knock sensations at the base of the penis and I felt nothing afterwards. Suddenly the Dr asked if I want to see before the wrapping, I was surprised like "done already". I was worried though if I might feel excruciating pain after the local anaesthesia effect is gone. To my surprise, there wasn't any. When I was checking prior to circumcision, people said, first erection after circumcision will be after the 3rd day. But I had an erection on the same night after surgery which was less than 12 hours after surgery. That erection was a bit painful for 2 days though because of the tightness of bandage. For this, I took the painkillers. But that is all. I didn't take any painkillers after that 2 pills. Other than the extra effort to take shower without getting it wet, everything else was just normal. I was able to walk, sit, stand normally. As I pre-applied leaves, I went on shopping and movie spree. it was all okay.
Healing: On the 5th day I opened bandage as advised by Dr Shafiz. There was a bit of swelling due to the sensitivity of my glans. eventually, that went away also. The pins started to fall from 14th day onward. on 16th days 45% of the pins were gone. In less than 4 weeks time, all the pins have fallen down on its own. there was a bit of would last up to 30th of December. But realized that it was my fault. Due to being paranoid, I was irrigating the growing skins in the name of cleaning. I got busy on 30th. so I couldn't do the "cleaning" and 31st morning I realised it's fully healed.
Scar: I like what I am seeing. It is a very clean cut, high precision cutting. The last thing I wanted to see was a mutilated genital in my pants and I am very happy the see the "workmanship" if I can call that.
Service: I am a difficult customer, to begin with. I will be fuzzy about a service. Good things are, generally, they nailed the service level. Very friendly staffs, The doctor made me give a review of fantastic beasts and the crimes of Grindelwald. That is the most comfortable thing he did during the entire process. I have no idea if he is a harry potter fan. I was encouraged to WhatsApp the doctor if I have any concerns from time to time. I bet I made use of that perk. I pestered Dr Shafiz a lot with my paranoia. I was sending him tsunamis of questions for every change I observed. I am just grateful how he was responding back every time to keep my mind at peace.
Price: I initially planned for laser circumcision which was advised to be RM600. However, later I decided to go for stapler circumcision. The total cost of the procedure was RM1500. (I am not listing the price. I am pretty sure the price is subject to the clinic, the flow of procedure and so on. So do consult with the friendly staffs). I find the price very economic when considering the fact that the tool used itself should be expensive, anaesthesia not cheap either, Dr fee, special cupped underwear, medications & ointments. I find the price is really reasonable. I would especially pay for that kind of pain-free experience and a clean scar for lifelong aesthetic appearance of the penis. I even feel like I underpaid when I consider the doctor's post-surgery consultations via WhatsApp.
Thanks for the experience. I will return to this clinic for any of my needs.