All-on-6 Dental Implants Lviv

All 5 All-on-6 Dental Implants Clinics in Lviv

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We have all the information you need about public and private dental clinics that provide all-on-6 dental implants in Lviv. Compare all the dentists and contact the all-on-6 dental implants clinic in Lviv that's right for you.

All-on-6 Dental Implants prices from 124558 ₴ - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 5 All-on-6 Dental Implants Clinics in Lviv

Very Good
from 18 users
Premium Lifecell Agenc - Lviv - Fertility Clinic in UkraineFeatured

Premium Lifecell Agenc - Lviv

Tarnavskogo st, 43, Lviv, 79000
The leading agency in Ukraine providing the best service in Ukraine in a field of IVF&Surrogacy.Why choose us? - working with leading IVF clinics in Ukraine - superior care and bigger compensation for surrogate mother for more comfortable pregnancy with your child - 24\7 accessibility  - full legal support regarding Ukrainian and International laws
All-on-6 Dental Implants  
Immediate Implant Placement  
Metal-Free Implants  
1 more treatment
Very Good
from 10 users
Lviv International Dental and Otorhinolaryngology Center - Dental Clinic in Ukraine

Lviv International Dental and Otorhinolaryngology Center

Okruzhna 94a, Pasichna 39v, Lviv, 79040
Clinic,especially Dr.Igor Pelikan is specialized in dental esthetic rehabiltation,using the newest technologies,with predictable outcome. Large experience and knowledge  since 2005  in endodontic,periodontic,orthodontic treatment,hard and soft tissue grafting,zirconia and ceramic restorations,gaves you opportunity to get a white,right proper,healthy, or the strongest screw retained hygienic smile for minimum period of time.Just one doctor, who makes any procedure you need-correctly,painless,esthetical,with clinical prognosis over 10 years.
All-on-6 Dental Implants 126243 ₴ - 252486 ₴
Dental Implants 12624 ₴ - 42081 ₴
All-on-4 Dental Implants 84162 ₴ - 168324 ₴
Very Good
from 12 users
Symbiotyka - Dental Clinic in Ukraine


Kubiiovycha St, 29, Chervonoyi Kalyny Ave, 58, Lviv
For more information about Symbiotyka in Lviv please contact the clinic.
All-on-6 Dental Implants (1 jaw) (STRAUMANN implant + abutment (zirconium) + orthopedic construction (metal-free) + warranty) from 180000 ₴
Dental implantation (STRAUMANN implant + abutment (zirconium) + crown (metal-free) + warranty) 34700 ₴ - 42500 ₴
Immediate Implant Placement (STRAUMANN implant + abutment (zirconium) + crown (metal-free) + warranty) from 34700 ₴
3 more treatments
from 9 users
Medical Democracy Agency - Lviv - Dental Clinic in Ukraine

Medical Democracy Agency - Lviv

Knyagyni Olgy , 100, Lviv City, 79053
Medical travel agency providing support for foreigner  in choosing the best clinic and doctor for their treatment.
All-on-6 Dental Implants 252486 ₴ - 336648 ₴
NeoArch is an improved concept of All-on-6-implants treatment when final permanent fixed arch is placed within 10 days after initial surgery.
Immediate Implant Placement from 29457 ₴
Single Implant from 29457 ₴
3 more treatments
from 10 users
MediSapient - Main


Sakharova Street 23, Lviv, Adama Mitskevycha 9, Kyiv, Lviv, Kyiv, 7900
MediSapient Medical Agency provides a wide range of medical services, including plastic surgery, dentistry and hair transplant procedures. 
All-on-6 Dental Implants  
Dental Implants  
Immediate Implant Placement  
3 more treatments

No further information on All-on-6 Dental Implants clinics in Lviv

Clinics that provide Dental Implants in Lviv:

from 39 users
Dental Office - Irena Pshyk, MD, PhD.Featured

Dental Office

Martovycha 5/1, Lviv, 79005
5.0 from 1 verified review
Excellent, clean and hygienicDennis, Ukraine, 09 02 20

Excellent, clean and hygienic, I highly recommend this dental clinic and the hygienist was exceptional. Do not hesitate, you are in good hands.

Dental Implants  
All-on-4 Dental Implants  
Dental Crowns  
3 more treatments
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