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Evesham Place Dental Practice

Evesham Place Dental Practice

Show Phone Number

14 Evesham Place, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6HTUK

from 4 users
Filters cached at 2025/01/12 16:12:00

Opening hours

Monday08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday08:30 - 19:00
Wednesday08:30 - 17:00
Thursday08:30 - 17:00
Friday08:30 - 17:00
Prices from £27 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Excellent ServiceScore™ 8.3 from 4 votes ★ 2 verified patient reviews. Visit our Dentist - 14 Evesham Place, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6HT, UK.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation from £60
Dental Implants
Teeth Whitening

Dental Crowns

Tooth coloured Crown from £385
Tooth coloured crown from £385
Dental Bridges
Teeth Cleaning
Root canals


Fillings from £50
See all treatments & prices

About Evesham Place Dental Practice

This dental practice located near the centre of Stratford upon Avon offers a range of up to date dental services in a modern and well equipped facility. Services provided include comprehensive and routine dental examinations, hygiene services, tooth coloured fillings and extractions, placement of crowns, bridges and veneers for teeth enhancement, surgical placement of dental implants to replace teeth lost due to injury or disease, sedation dentistry for nervous patients and emergency dentistry. Patients on the NHS are also welcome.

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Patient reviews

5.0 from 2 verified reviews
Jacqueline D., UK
( Review verified by phone and email)

The reception team are always friendly and really helpful in arranging appointments

5 50 Dental Checkup

I had my routine check up with Katherine recently, who always puts me at ease and explains everything thoroughly. The reception team are always friendly and really helpful in arranging appointments.

Wayne M, UK
( Review verified by email)

The results speak for themselves

5 50 Invisalign™ • Paid: £3800

I recently went through the Invisalign process with Evesham place, and specifically, Dr. Katherine Cordner and my experience have been SO good. I cant believe the difference over only 6 months. And, more importantly, Katherine was helpful, knowledgeable and supportive throughout the whole process. It was evident that she is a Platinum provider for Invisalign and clearly has a LOT of experience in this area. If you are unsure about Invisalign and are wondering whether to choose Evesham Place then my only advice: Just do it! The results speak for themselves)!

Treated by: Dr. Katherine Cordner


  • GDC - General Dental Council (UK) 



Bone Graft


Cosmetic Dentist Consultation


Dental Bonding


Dental Bridges


PFM Bridge


Porcelain Bridge

from £67

Dental Checkup

(to include all intra-oral radiographs)
from £62

New Patient Dental Examination

from £27

Routine Dental Examination

Dental Crowns
from £385

Tooth coloured crown

from £385

Tooth coloured Crown

Tooth coloured crown

PFM Crown


Porcelain Crown


Dental Implants


Single Implant


Dental X-Ray

from £60

Dentist Consultation

(to include all intra-oral radiographs)

from £50

Small filling

from £50


Small Filling

Gingivitis Treatment

Hygienist Session
£51 - £42

Hygienist Session

Long visit to hygienist
from £53

Long visit to hygienist

from £36

Routine hygienist visit


Implant Dentist Consultation


Inlay or Onlay


Restorative Dentist Consultation


Root canals


Sedation for dental treatments


Sinus Lift


Teeth Cleaning


Scaling and Root Planing


Ultrasonic Scaling


Teeth Whitening



Evesham Place Dental Practice - 14 Evesham Place, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6HT,

Payment information


Private Patients WelcomeNHSChildren age 0 to 18 NHS

Dr Andrew Browne

Job Title:
GDC no. 61674 Andrew qualified in 1986 from Sheffield University and in 1998 gained a Masters degree in Prosthodontics (complex restorative dentistry) from Manchester University. Outside dentistry he enjoys having two young children!

Dr Chris Nicoll

Job Title:
GDC no. 67408 Chris qualified from King’s College, University of London in 1992, joining the practice in 2005. Outside work he enjoys, amongst other things, skiing and sky-diving and has been known to pull on a pair of running shoes from time to time.

Dr Nigel Groves

Job Title:
GDC no. 52487 Nigel qualified from Birmingham University in 1978, joining the practice in 2011. He has previously worked for many years in Alcester.
Show Phone Number

14 Evesham Place, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6HTUK

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  4. Dentists Stratford-Upon-Avon