Dentists La Linea De La Concepcion

All 4 clinics that provide Dentistry in La linea de la Concepcion

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Prices from 50 € - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Free consultation ★ Choose from 4 Dentists in La linea de la Concepcion

Very Good
from 48 users
Crooke Dental Clinic Campo de Gibraltar - Dental Clinic in SpainFeatured

Crooke Dental Clinic Campo de Gibraltar

911 98 04 65 ext: 64741 Plaza de la Iglesia, C. Real, 10 esquina,, La Línea de la Concepción, Cádiz, 11300
Crooke Dental Clinics are experienced in welcoming overseas patients and have developed special protocols to meet their visitors’ needs. Cutting-edge technology allows for immediate assessment and treatment, and the clinic’s own dental laboratories with CAD/CAM technology greatly reduce treatment times, whilst guaranteeing the best possible results. To ensure total peace of mind, all treatments at Crooke Dental Clinics are covered by a full warranty. Private waiting rooms and a dedicated surgical recovery area ensure that patients remain comfortable and relaxed throughout their visit. For added convenience, special accommodation packages in the clinic’s luxury apartment are also available. Each of the Crooke Dental Clinics has its own dental laboratory and dental technicians on-site, significantly reducing treatment times and meaning that temporary teeth can be made on the same day as implant surgery. Digital smile design and CAD/CAM technology allow the best results to be produced accurately and quickly: the first visit and implant placement can be done in 3 hours, temporary teeth within 24 hours and the final carefully matched teeth placed within 3 to 5 days depending on the material used (3 days for resin, 5 days for porcelain). Other treatments are available including dental veneers, aesthetic composites, tooth whitening, CEREC technology, metal braces and aesthetic (ceramic, sapphire) braces. Consultation Initial examination/consultation - FREESingle X-ray
Dentist Consultation free
Dental Implants 700 € - 1100 €
Veneers 450 € - 700 €
38 more treatments
from 8 users
I-Blú Dental Clinic - Dental Clinic in Spain

I-Blú Dental Clinic

aseo Andrés Viñas nº 2,, La Línea de la Concepción, 11300
For more information about I-Blú Dental Clinic in La linea de la Concepcion please contact the clinic.
Dentist Consultation  
Dental Implants  
20 more treatments
from 6 users
Grupoden Dr.Espinel - La Línea - Calle Real - Dental Clinic in Spain

Grupoden Dr.Espinel - La Línea - Calle Real

Calle Real Nº5, Planta 2 - 1ºA, La Línea
For more information about Grupoden Dr.Espinel - La Línea - Calle Real in La linea de la Concepcion please contact the clinic.
Dentist Consultation up to 50 €
Dental Implants  
13 more treatments
1 other location in La linea de la Concepcion for Grupoden Dr.Espinel - Algeciras - Los Sauces
Grupoden Dr.Espinel - La Línea - Menéndez Pelayo

Grupoden Dr.Espinel - La Línea - Menéndez Pelayo

Avda. Menéndez Pelayo 60, Local, La Líne

No further information on Dentists in La linea de la Concepcion

Dentists within 15km of La linea de la Concepcion:

No score yet
Gaigo - Dental Clinic in Spain


Avenida alcalde paco Esteban , local 3, Algeciras, 11207
For more information about Gaigo in Algeciras please contact the clinic.
Dentist Consultation  
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