Implant Dentist Consultation Berlin, Germany

All 17 Implant Dentist Consultation Clinics in Berlin, Germany

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We have all the information you need about public and private dental clinics that provide implant dentist consultation in Berlin, Germany. Compare all the dentists and contact the implant dentist consultation clinic in Berlin, Germany that's right for you.

Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 17 Implant Dentist Consultation Clinics in Berlin, Germany with 16 verified patient reviews.

from 81 users
A. Grinfeld DMD - Dental Clinic in Germany

A. Grinfeld DMD

Berliner strasse 37, Berlin, 10715
5.0 from 7 verified reviews
Explained in detail what my problem was and gave recommendationsAlexandra, Germany, 13 09 23

The service is great! Dr. Aviva was very friendly and helpful. Explained in detail what my problem was and gave recommendations. Big bonus - fluent English.

Implant Dentist Consultation  
Dental X-Ray  
from 141 users
DentalFirst - Dental Practice of Excellence in Berlin - Dental Clinic in Germany
4.3 from 8 verified reviews
Dental practice situated in Berlin-Westend for general and special dental treatments, implantology (Master of Science Implantology), aesthetic dentistry (Lumineers, teeth whitening), bridges and crowns from our own practice laboratory and prophylaxis.
Implant Dentist Consultation  
Dental Implants 1400 € - 20000 €
Mini Implants  
9 more treatments
Very Good
from 7 users
ZahnÄrztePraxis Dr. Elio Adler and Kollegen - Dental Clinic in Germany

ZahnÄrztePraxis Dr. Elio Adler and Kollegen

Berkaer Str. 41, Berlin, 14199
For more information about ZahnÄrztePraxis Dr. Elio Adler and Kollegen in Berlin please contact the clinic.
1 more treatment
No score yet
Praxis fuer fortschrittliche Zahnheilkunde - Dental Clinic in Germany

Praxis fuer fortschrittliche Zahnheilkunde

Berliner Str. 3, Berlin-Zehlendorf, DE-14169
Berlin in Germany is the location of this dental clinic where the priority of the team is to help patients achieve and maintain optimum dental and oral health and beautiful smiles. A holistic approach is taken by the team while treating patients and all restorations are amalgam free and dentures are metal free. The team is particularly adept at treating nervous patients and ensuring that they have a pleasant dental experience. Services at the clinic include professional dental cleaning, general dental treatments, CEREC same day restorations, children’s dentistry, cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry.
Implant Dentist Consultation  
Dental Bridges  
Dental Crowns  
1 more treatment
from 14 users
Kinder Zahnarzt Praxis am Mehringhof Berlin Kreuzberg - compiling

Kinder Zahnarzt Praxis am Mehringhof Berlin Kreuzberg

Gneisenaustr. 2, Vorderhaus, Berlin, 10961
ZaM Zahnarztpraxis am Mehringhof Zahnärztinnen und Prophylaxe Zahnarzt Berlin und Kreuzberg Spezialisierung: Zahnarzt, Kinderzahnarzt, Kinderbehandlung, Kinderprophylaxe, Prophylaxe, Zahnreinigung, Bleaching, Zahnästhetik, Parodontologie und Zahnfleischbehandlung, Endodontie und Wurzelbehandlung, Prothetik und Zahnersatz, Implantologie und Oralchirugie. Praxisteam: Ihnen stehen für die Erhaltung Ihrer Zahngesundheit vier Zahnärztinnen, je ein Zahnarzt und Fachzahnarzt, zwei speziell weitergebildete Prophylaxe Assistentinnen und das gesamte 15köpfige zur Seite. Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Türkisch, Kroatisch, Eriträisch, Äthiopisch, Persisch, Arabisch Ausstattung: Vier , Mundhygieneraum, Röntgenraum Eigenlabor Mo-Fr 9:00 bis 18:30 Mi Kinderbehandlung ab 14:00 Sa 9:00 bis 14:00 nach Vereinbarung und nach Vereinbarung Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch Heike Schilling und das gesamte Praxisteam
Implant Dentist Consultation  
Dental X-Ray  
2 more treatments
from 10 users
Dr Rolf Kisro Dental Practice - Dr Rolf Kisro

Dr Rolf Kisro Dental Practice

Hackerstrasse 6, Berlin, 12161
Berlin in Germany is the location of this dental clinic where the smiles of patients are improved using state of the art procedures in a comfortable and relaxed environment. Every effort is made by the team to help patients achieve and maintain radiant smiles and to improve their quality of life as a result. Services offered by the clinic are examinations and professional dental cleaning, mercury free restorations, general dentistry, the cosmetic improvement of smiles, treatments for TMJ disorders and the surgical insertion of dental implants where teeth are missing.
Implant Dentist Consultation  
Dental Implants  
Mini Implants  
17 more treatments
from 17 users
Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Schrage - Dental Clinic in Germany

Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Schrage

Lietzenburger Str72, Berlin, 10719
Located in the heart of Berlin in Germany, this clinic offers a range of general and special dental treatments for patients. The clinic uses state of the art equipment and advanced techniques to give optimum dental benefits for patients. Services provided at the clinic include placement of all types of ceramic restorations based on the needs of the patient, professional dental cleaning, denture fitting, surgical placement of dental implants, gum disease treatments and root canal treatments.
Implant Dentist Consultation  
Dental Implants  
4 more treatments
from 8 users
Dentis Dres Zimny und Kollegen - Dental Clinic in Germany

Dentis Dres Zimny und Kollegen

Uhlandstr. 53, Berlin, 10719
For more information about Dentis Dres Zimny und Kollegen in Berlin please contact the clinic.
Implant Dentist Consultation  
Dental Implants  
Bone Augmentations  
5 more treatments
from 4 users
Alex Eins - Dental Clinic in Germany

Alex Eins

Berolinahaus Alexander Platz 1, Berlin, 10178
For more information about Alex Eins in Berlin please contact the clinic.
Implant Dentist Consultation  
Dental Implants  
General anesthesia for dental treatments  
6 more treatments
from 2 users
Zahnarztpraxis Annette Voeste, Dr. med.dent Andreas Straus - Dental Clinic in Germany
For more information about Zahnarztpraxis Annette Voeste, Dr. med.dent Andreas Straus in Berlin please contact the clinic.
Implant Dentist Consultation  
Dental Implants  
Bone Graft  
from 8 users
Zahnmedizinisches Fachzentrum Berlin - Dental Clinic in Germany

Zahnmedizinisches Fachzentrum Berlin

Savignyplatz 5, Berlin-Charlottenburg, 10623
For more information about Zahnmedizinisches Fachzentrum Berlin in Berlin please contact the clinic.
Implant Dentist Consultation  
Dental Implants  
3 more treatments
from 9 users
CMK - Zahnheikunde - Dental Clinic in Germany

CMK - Zahnheikunde

Georgenstraße 23, Berlin, 10117
For more information about CMK - Zahnheikunde in Berlin please contact the clinic.
Implant Dentist Consultation  
Dental Bridges  
Dental Crowns  
5 more treatments
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