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Faccia Cirurgia Plastica E Estetica - Lisboa

Faccia Cirurgia Plastica E Estetica - Lisboa

Rua Xavier de Araujo, Edificio Laranjaras Plaza A/B, 1600 - 226, Lisboa, 1600226Portugal

Very Good
from 431 users
Filters cached at 2025/01/09 19:21:56

Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 19:30
Tuesday09:00 - 19:30
Wednesday09:00 - 19:30
Thursday09:00 - 19:30
Friday09:00 - 19:30
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Very Good ServiceScore™ 7.0 from 431 votes ★ Customer Service Award 2023 ★ 4 verified patient reviews. Multi-specialty clinic - Rua Xavier de Araujo, Edificio Laranjaras Plaza A/B, 1600 - 226, Lisboa, 1600226, Portugal.

Popular Treatments

Plastic Surgeon Consultation

Breast Implants

Breast Implants


Rhinoplasty - Male
Rhinoplasty - Female

Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty - Man
Abdominoplasty - Women


Gynecomastia or Male Breast Treatment
See all treatments & prices

About Faccia Cirurgia Plastica E Estetica - Lisboa

Our mission is to provide our clients with the best medical care and results to create a sense of internal comfort and satisfaction with physical appearance. We offer services in the field of aesthetic medicine, nutrition and general medicine.

In Faccia we believe in high quality services that are provided by a professional and experienced team. Our doctors constantly learn about new surgical techniques, appliances and treatments to give our patients satisfaction that they deserve. All of your questions can be answered online, through the phone or in the form of a chat. We also offer online consultations. In addition our patients can take advantage of 3D simulation, that allows them to see the final results before carrying out the procedure.

FACCIA - Clínica Plástica e Estética
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Patient reviews

4.5 from 4 verified reviews
Henry M. D. Jr, Portugal
( Verified user. Review confirmed by email)

The doctor was knowledgeable, friendly, and highly professional in every regard

5 50 Laser-Assisted Liposuction • Paid: 100 €

Excellent! Lovely facility and staff. The doctor was knowledgeable, friendly, and highly professional in every regard. He was open about pricing and requirements for the procedures we discussed.

Thanks for your words

Dr Miguel Andrade
Dr Miguel Andrade
Annemarie Bennett, Portugal
( Verified user. Review confirmed by email)

I felt assured and comfortable during my consultation

4.5 50 Plastic Surgeon Consultation

My vist to faccia clinc was excellent. Dr Miguel Andrade was very thorough and took his time with explaining all the details in question. I felt assured and comfortable during my consultation

Treated by: Dr Miguel Andrade
Ludiele Beck Lourenco, Portugal
( Verified user. Review confirmed by phone)

The doctor was incredibly helpful we left the clinic very confident about it

4.5 50 Gynecomastia

Excellent 1st appointment. Was able to understand everything about the procedure. The doctor was incredibly helpful we left the clinic very confident about it.

Bec, Germany
( Verified user. Review confirmed by email)

Great clinic

4 50 Dermal Fillers

Great clinic. Dr. Miguel was absolutely great and very friendly. Next time I’m in Portugal I will make sure to book an appointment with them again.

Treated by: Dr Miguel Andrade

Hello Thanks

Dr Miguel Andrade
Dr Miguel Andrade
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  • EBOPRAS - European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (International) 
  • ERS - Entidade Reguladora da Saúde (Portugal) 
  • SPCPRE - Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia Plástica, Reconstrutiva e Estética (Portugal) 
  • IQS - Instituto da Qualidade em Saúde (Portugal) 


ParkingAccessible to disabled peoplePublic transport accessWheelchair accessible toiletAccess without stepsDisabled parkingPatient bathroomWireless access

Clinic services

Emergency serviceText message remindersHome visits

Travel services

International travelLocal travelLocal accommodationTranslation servicesLocal guideTours and vacation servicesPick up service from hotelPick up service from airport

Languages spoken


Plastic Surgery


Areola Reduction


Arm Lift


BBL - Brazilian Butt Lift


Body Lift


Breast Implant Revision

Breast Implants

Breast Implants



Breast Lift

Breast Lift




Breast Reconstruction


Breast Reduction


Brow Lift


Buccal Fat Removal


Butt Implants


Calf Implants


Cheek Implants

Chin Implant

Chin Implant


Genioplasty - Man


Genioplasty - Women

Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty (eyelids)


Eyelid Surgery


Asian Blepharoplasty




Blepharoplasty - Man


Blepharoplasty - Women


Eye Lift


Rhytidectomy or Facelift


Endoscopic Facelift


Mini Facelift


Fat Transfer




Gynecomastia or Male Breast Treatment


Inverted Nipple Surgery




Lip Lift


Lip Reduction




Arm Liposuction


Back Liposuction


Knee Liposuction


Laser-Assisted Liposuction


Neck Liposuction


Power-Assisted Liposuction


Thigh Liposuction


Tumescent Liposuction


Mommy Makeover


Muscle Implants


Neck Lift


Nipple Reduction




Pectoral Implants


Plastic Surgeon Consultation


Rhinoplasty - Male


Rhinoplasty - Female






Closed Rhinoplasty


Nasal Tip Surgery


Testicular Implant

Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty - Man


Abdominoplasty - Women


Intimate Surgery

Medical Aesthetics

Dermal Fillers

Fill Wrinkles and Folds (3 hours)


Augmentation of the Lips


Facial Implants


Resorbable implants




Treatment of Localized Fat - Man


Treatment of Localized Fat - Women


Cervical Lifting (1 hour 30 mins)


Lipomodelação Body - Male


Body Lipomodelação - Women




Scar Removal

Treatment for Wrinkles

Treatment of Excessive Sweating - Hyperhidrosis in Man (30 mins)


Treatment of excessive sweating - Hyperhidrosis in Women  (30 mins)



Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Massage Therapy


Body Massage - Male


Body Massage - Women


Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Faccia Cirurgia Plastica E Estetica - Lisboa - Plastic surgeon Chief

Payment information

Credit cards


Private Patients WelcomePublic Health InsuranceDental Plans AcceptedEuropean Health Insurance Card
Dr Miguel Andrade - Chief Executive at Faccia Cirurgia Plastica E Estetica - Lisboa

Dr Miguel Andrade

Job Title:
  Chief Executive
--Degree in Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon having completed the course with a final average of seventeen values and classification of Very Good.

-- Made the internship at General Hospital of Santa Maria and began Complementary Internship for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Reconstructive through national competition in 1993, through which occupied the only spot open this year in that specialty in the Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery, Reconstructive Hospital Egas Moniz, then headed by Prof. Exm.º Boléo-Thomas.

Mr Sofia Ribeiro

Rua Xavier de Araujo, Edificio Laranjaras Plaza A/B, 1600 - 226, Lisboa, 1600226Portugal