Chin Implant Peru

All 19 Chin Implant Clinics in Peru

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We have all the information you need about public and private plastic surgery clinics that provide chin implant in Peru. Compare all the plastic surgeons and contact the chin implant clinic in Peru that's right for you.

Chin Implant prices from s/3012 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 19 Chin Implant Clinics in Peru with 27 verified patient reviews.

from 118 users
SurgeryinPeru - Plastic Surgery Clinic in PeruFeatured


(01) 7008779 ext: 61572 Monterrey 355, Consultorio 304, Lima, Lima 33
5.0 from 20 verified reviews
Everything is just perfectAna, US, 18 05 22

When I was first researching where to get a breast augmentation in Peru, I was nervous that the reviews online were fake or they deleted negative ones, but my experience truly was a five star experience. I went to 3 consultations and Dr. Daniel SacoVertiz was by far the best. I had no problems with the surgery and get compliments every time I go out. My scarring is barely visible even though its only been 3 month. Everything is just perfect. Its a good price and they speak English which was very important for me. I recommend this clinic to family, friends and strangers. I'm so happy with the results!

Chin Implant S/3010 - S/5644
Rhinoplasty S/8278 - S/11289
Breast Implants S/13170 - S/15052
25 more treatments
from 108 users
Clinic Arroyo Goldstein - Plastic Surgery Clinic in Peru

Clinic Arroyo Goldstein

Calle pablo carriquirry 798 . Corpac. San Isidro, Av Carlos Izaguirre #1000 (cdra10) . Los Olivos, San Isidro, 33
4.6 from 6 verified reviews
She was very upfront about the procedure, the pros and cons and the costsJames, Peru, 06 12 19

I saw Dr Giuliana Arroyo-Goldstein and had a procedure done. She was very upfront about the procedure, the pros and cons and the costs. Dr Arroyo and her staff were very professional during the procedure. Dr Arroyo and her assistant have been available for contact through text and WhatsApp, and we have had two follow up appointments so far. I am very happy that I went to a consultation with Dr Arroyo.

Chin Implant  
Fat transfer to hip from S/5644
Fat transfer to breast S/9407 - S/13170
34 more treatments
No score yet
Clínica Almonte Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva - Plastic Surgery Clinic in Peru

Clínica Almonte Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva

Calle Manuel Ugarteche 311, Selva Alegre, Arequipa
For more information about Clínica Almonte Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva in Arequipa please contact the clinic.
Chin Implant  
Plastic Surgeon Consultation  
13 more treatments
No score yet
Cirugia Plastica Matos - Plastic Surgery Clinic in Peru

Cirugia Plastica Matos

Calle los Tilos 412-Urb. California, Trujillo, 13009
For more information about Cirugia Plastica Matos in Trujillo please contact the clinic.
Plastic Surgeon Consultation  
15 more treatments
No score yet
Dr. Ronny Azabache Cirujano Plastico - Plastic Surgery Clinic in Peru

Dr. Ronny Azabache Cirujano Plastico

Jr. Fco. Bolognesi 740 - of. 107, Trujillo
For more information about Dr. Ronny Azabache Cirujano Plastico in Trujillo please contact the clinic.
Plastic Surgeon Consultation  
18 more treatments
No score yet
Cirugia Plastica y Estetica El Arte De la Belleza - Plastic Surgery Clinic in Peru

Cirugia Plastica y Estetica El Arte De la Belleza

Avenida Arequipa 3184, San Isidro, 15073
For more information about Cirugia Plastica y Estetica El Arte De la Belleza in Lima please contact the clinic.
11 more treatments
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