Back Pain Treatment B91 Postcode

All 4 Back Pain Treatment Clinics in B91 postcode

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We have all the information you need about public and private chiropractic clinics that provide back pain treatment in B91 postcode. Compare all the chiropractors and contact the back pain treatment clinic in B91 postcode that's right for you.

Back Pain Treatment prices from £34 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 4 Back Pain Treatment Clinics in B91 postcode with 3 verified patient reviews.

Very Good
from 11 users
Achieve Physiotherapy High Street Solihull - Physiotherapy Clinic in the UKFeatured

Achieve Physiotherapy High Street Solihull

0203 514 1518 ext: 65412 32 High Street, Solihull, B91 3TB
Achieve Physiotherapy High Street Solihullis a premier clinic that specialises in sports injuries, back and neck pain, post-operative rehabilitation, and other conditions. Their team of experienced therapists and trainers is dedicated to assisting their clients in overcoming pain and injuries and achieving their desired outcomes through effective manual therapy and rehabilitation techniques. Achieve Physiotherapy can treat both sports-related and non-sports-related injuries.
Back Pain Treatment  
Spinal Manipulation  
1 other location in B91 postcode for Achieve Physiotherapy Birmingham
Achieve Physiotherapy Solihull

Achieve Physiotherapy Solihull

0203 514 1518 ext: 65411 Combat Sports Centre, Vulcan Road, Solih
Very Good
from 19 users
Solihull Osteopathic Practice, Jeremy James & Associates - Jeremy James

Solihull Osteopathic Practice, Jeremy James & Associates

565 Warwick Road, Solihull, B91 1AW
4.5 from 3 verified reviews
I have literally been fixed head to toeRosie, UK, 05 02 20

I am a complete Osteopathy convert, I was recommended Solihull Osteopathic Practice about a year ago but as I lead an active lifestyle and I'm a regular gym-goer, I didn't think it would be of benefit and the pains I suffered I had pretty much accepted as what I had to deal with. On arrival, you are greeted by the lovely receptionists I have met Donna and Fiona both of which made me feel at ease straight away and also Monty is adorable! You feel relaxed very quickly. Well, after visiting now for 4 treatment sessions I have a new respect and understanding for my body and how it works. I see Jeremy who is extremely skilled at pinpointing what I would term "pain epicentres" managing to understand my rambled attempts at explanations of where I feel the pain is coming from, then he is able through palpation, to find the exact trigger point. After living with knee pain since childhood, to finally understand where the pain is actually coming from ( Jeremy explained a misformation of my hip) this was clarity for the first time in my life regarding this issue, of which doctors had previously misdiagnosed. Tantamount to this I've received treatment by way of deep massage and manipulation for TMJ disorder and ongoing neck pain, as well as, calf and ankle treatment down to my toes! Ask plenty of questions when you visit you get many answers as to how your individual anatomy works and advice on the effects of stress, emotions, sleep patterns and even how the way we breathe effects our daily life! Treatment and instruction on at home daily exercises and breathing techniques have improved my overall health tremendously, I have recommended many friends and family to Solihull Osteopathic Practice of which many have booked appointments for their complaints, I would recommend them to anyone. I have literally been fixed head to toe!

Back Pain Treatment  
Myofascial Release  
Spinal Rehabilitation - Neck and Back Injury  
6 more treatments
Very Good
from 5 users
Atlas Sports Injury Clinic - Birmingham - Mr John Williams

Atlas Sports Injury Clinic - Birmingham

4 Blossomfield Road, Solihull, B91 1LD
This physiotherapy clinic provides pain relief for patients suffering from a range of painful Musculoskeletal and neurological problems. The clinic is located at Birmingham in the West Midlands. Besides physiotherapy, the clinic offers a range of therapies that help to accelerate the pace of recovery of patients. Chartered physiotherapists treat patients and the clinic is registered with the Health Professions Council. Services provided by the clinic are manual physiotherapy, sports massage, chiropractic treatments, osteopathy, acupuncture, chiropody and exercise therapy.
Back Pain Treatment  
Sports Massage  
Spinal Rehabilitation - Neck and Back Injury  
11 more treatments

No further information on Back Pain Treatment clinics in B91 postcode

Nearby clinics that provide Back Pain Treatment:

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Solihull Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Practice - Physiotherapy Clinic in the UK

Solihull Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Practice

The Silhillians Sports Club and Conference Venue, Warwick Rd, Knowle
For more information about Solihull Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Practice in Knowle please contact the clinic.
Back Pain Treatment  
Sports Therapy  
Sports Injury Rehabilitation - Strapping and Taping  
10 more treatments
No score yet
Epione Chiropractic Clinic - Chiropractic Clinic in the UK

Epione Chiropractic Clinic

2188 Stratford Road, Hockley Heath, Solihull, B94 6NU
For more information about Epione Chiropractic Clinic in Hockley Heath please contact the clinic.
Lower Back Pain  
Chiropractor Consultation  
No score yet
Zest Chiropractic - Adjustment room

Zest Chiropractic

149 Swanshurst Lane, Birmingham, B13 0AS
At Zest Chiropractic we’re passionate about natural health and wellness.  We offer gentle, effective care for people with a range of conditions including back pain, neck pain, migraines, headaches, shoulder pain and postural problems. Our chiropractor has over 19 years experience and brings a wealth of skills and expertise to your care. By combining chiropractic adjustments, posture support and lifestyle advice our goal is to help as many people as possible lead healthy, happy, pain-free lives. We're located on the border of Moseley and Hall Green, so are convenient for many Birmingham and Solihull residents. 
Back Pain Treatment  
Chiropractor Consultation from £70
Spinal Manipulation from £45
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