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Derm Dermatology and Esthetics

Derm Dermatology and Esthetics

Show Phone Number

4411 - 16 Ave NW, Suite 242, Calgary, Alberta, T3B 0M3Canada

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Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday08:30 - 16:30
Wednesday08:30 - 16:30
Thursday08:30 - 16:30
Friday08:30 - 16:30
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Medical Aesthetics Clinic - 4411 - 16 Ave NW, Suite 242, Calgary, Alberta, T3B 0M3, Canada. At, Dr. Alanen and staff are pleased to offer genera...

Popular Treatments

Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation
Treatment for Wrinkles
Dermal Fillers
Spider Veins Treatment
Excessive Sweating Treatment
Laser and Pulsed Light Vein Treatment
Laser Hair Removal
Laser Skin Resurfacing
IPL Skin Rejuvenation
Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment
See all treatments & prices

About Derm Dermatology and Esthetics

At, Dr. Alanen and staff are pleased to offer general medical dermatology (by referral) as well as esthetics services (which do not require a referral).

The clinic was designed with our patients in mind. It is our goal to provide a relaxing atmosphere, friendly staff, and industry leading services and technology.

The clinic is located at 4411 - 16th Ave (Suite #242). It is close to Downtown Calgary, the Foothills Hospital and is 45 minutes from the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

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Patient reviews

See what others think about the clinic's customer service:

Anatalia, Canada04.11.2015
Got response the following day
Liana, Canada24.05.2015
They are very nice and helpful
Tanis, Canada14.04.2015
Awesome clinic
Evelyn, Canada15.09.2014
I received information and plan to get a referral from my GP for an appointment with a Dermatologist


  • AAD - American Academy of Dermatology (US) 


Public transport accessPatient bathroom

Medical Aesthetics


Dermal Fillers


Excessive Sweating Treatment


Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment


IPL Skin Rejuvenation

Dr Alanen uses a combination of the Nd:YAG laser and broad spectrum intense light-based system to safely and effectively treat fine wrinkles excessive facial redness as well as help large pores, skin texture irregularities, and scars.

This represents a significant improvement of the "photo facial". There are no undesirable side effects such as bruising or significant skin irritation.

These treatments stimulate collagen re-growth through gentle heating of the upper dermis, resulting in firmer skin tone. Redness is also reduced by this treatment through the effects of heat on superficial blood vessels.

Most patients experience a noticeable improvement in skin texture imperfections and redness over four to six treatments.


Laser Hair Removal

At, we use a combination of lasers so that hair removal for skin of all colours even dark skin can be safely treated.

Solera Prowave utilizes the latest technology with Solera Prowave lasers. The Prowave system delivers a specially tailored light source for permanent hair reduction. Prowave lasers are best suited for treating skin types I–III.

CoolGlide Laser also utilizes the CoolGlide laser, optimal for dark or tanned skin. Its unique design, longer wavelength and cooled hand-piece increases patient comfort.


Laser Skin Resurfacing

At, Dr Alanen uses a new, revolutionary laser skin resurfacing technique to improve problematic wrinkles, skin texture abnormalities and irregular brown spots.

Effects of Laser Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing is effective but it is expected that there will be several days of "downtime", owing to the nature of resurfacing and healing.

Unlike other systems which can require many treatments to achieve desired results (e.g. Fraxel), the system used at is usually a single-procedure treatment.

Results of Laser Resurfacing

This procedure evenly removes the surface of the outermost portion of the skin - the epidermis - and the body responds by healing with a new, smooth surface of cells. During this healing phase, patients may experience some discomfort usually mild but may require Tylenol.

There is a risk of reactivation of cold sores and this is minimized with appropriate medications prescribed by Dr Alanen.


Laser Skin Tightening

Dr Alanen uses a new, revolutionary and safe skin-tightening system that uses deep infrared heating to remodel deep dermal collagen. It is especially useful to treat sagging, loose skin of the lower face, neck and forehead.

Unlike previous generation skin-tightenining systems (e.g. Thermage), there is no significant pain control that is required. To protect the surface of the skin (the epidermis and upper dermis), a surface cooling device is used.


Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation


Spider Veins Treatment


Laser and Pulsed Light Vein Treatment Laser Vein Therapy can quickly and safely treat spider veins, facial redness, and small varicose leg veins. Vein therapy utilizes the latest generation Nd:YAG laser. is happy to consult you on which vessels can be treated.


Treatment for Wrinkles


Acne Scars Treatment

Acne Scars Treatment

Overview & Treatment

Scars are best prevented by early intervention of active acne by a derrmatologist. New technologies are available for patients with established acne scars. Several different lasers (including resurfacing and fractional lasers) are used at for the treatment of acne scars. The irregular contour and texture of the skin is precisely removed by the laser and the skin heals with a smoother, more even tone. You should expect 3-7 days of "downtime" after a resurfacing procdure.

Where to start?

Acne scar revision therapy is an investment in time and money. It is important that this therapy be performed by a trained and formally accredited dermatologist with experience in lasers. When contemplating any skin laser treatments, always ask about the credentials and experience of the treating physician.


Acne Scars Treatment

Acne Treatment

Acne Treatment


Acne Treatment

What is Acne?
Acne is an incredibly common disorder. It is a myth that it is only problem of teenage years; many adults are troubled by acne as well. Acne is frustrating and leads to emotional distress and low self esteem. It makes people depressed and withdrawn around others.

What causes Acne?
Acne is caused by occlusion (clogging) of skin pores which leads to overgrowth of bacteria, pus, inflammation and pain. Untreated acne can leave scars and persistent redness of the skin.

Acne Myths
Acne is NOT caused by foods and does not reflect poor hygiene (in fact, aggressive soaps and scrubbing may worsen acne).

Treating Acne
Successful acne treatment requires an individualized approach, ideally in a professional dermatology clinical setting. The team at specializes in acne treatment. We will devise ideal, safest and most effective treatment for your acne and acne scars.


Dermatologist Consultation

Your skin is as individual and unique as you are. The Your Skin Consultation was developed by Dr. Ken Alanen to help you understand the specific needs of Your Skin, treat any present ailments, and help promote long term skin health.

Every patient receives 1 on 1 attention with a informative consultation, skin review, and finally treatment/product recommendations.

Its our goal to make you as comfortable and informed as possible throughout your consultation.


Mole Assessment


Rosacea Treatment

Rosacea is a common condition characterized by excess redness of the face which ultimately produces obvious "broken capillaries" and may be associated with acne-type bumps.

What causes Rosacea?

Common risk factors include chronic sun exposure and Northern European heritage. Alcohol, spicy foods, emotional stress and caffeine may make the condition more apparent but do not cause rosacea.

This condition is readily treated with an individualized approach, combining sunscreens, topical creams, laser and, if necessary, prescription antibiotic pills.

What to expect from Rosacea Treatment

This treatment approach minimizes bruising risk while maximizing benefits. There is a mild "pinching" sensation. Topical gel is used to cool the skin before treatments, minimizing discomfort.

Anesthesia or pain medicine is usually not required. Most patients require one to three treatments. Most patients have no downtime.


Skin Cancer Screening


Toenail Fungus Treatment

Beauty Salon Treatments


Beauty Salon Enquiry


Body Treatment



DermaSweep™ Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a type of treatment which helps repair skin that is damaged from the sun, scars, acne and phto-aging. Clogged pores are loosened, fine scars are thinned, fine wrinkles are lessened and hyper-pigmentation pigmentation from years of sun exposure is lightened.


Skin Peel

At, Dr. Alanen and staff use a variety of types of facial peels to improve the appearance of your skin. Glycolic acid peels are the most common peels performed as they are safe and highly effective adjunctive treatments for acne and pigmentation problems. These peels are associated with minimal discomfort and essentially no "downtime".
Not all peels are the same. At, we use a wide variety of agents: Salicylic, Glycolic, AFA, TCA, Jessners solution, and more! Alone or in combination for the treatment of acne, sun damage and skin rejuvenation.


Derm Dermatology and Esthetics - Dr Ken Alanen

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Dr Ken Alanen - Dermatologist at Derm Dermatology and Esthetics

Dr Ken Alanen

Job Title:

Dr. Ken Alanen received his Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine degrees at the University of Western Ontario followed by a five year residency in Laboratory Medicine with FRCPC certification in 1999.

Subsequently, he completed a two year fellowship in Dermatopathology (the art and science of microscopic diagnosis of skin disease) at the University of Colorado under Dr Loren Golitz . He passed the subspecialty Dermatopathology examination, jointly administered by the American Boards of Pathology and Dermatology.

After his dermatopathology fellowship, Dr Alanen completed a residency in Dermatology and received FRCPC certification in 2004. There are less than five similarly trained individuals in Canada.

Dr Alanen has been an invited guest speaker at the American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting and has spoken many times on the national, provincial and local levels. He has also been an invited speaker in Japan. He has co-authored numerous peer reviewed studies as well as a textbook in Dermatology.

Show Phone Number

4411 - 16 Ave NW, Suite 242, Calgary, Alberta, T3B 0M3Canada