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Sonas Wellness Centre

Sonas Wellness Centre

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Sonas Centre Blackstairs, Caim, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Y21 W899Ireland

Very Good
from 114 users
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Opening hours

Monday09:30 - 19:30
Tuesday09:15 - 19:30
Saturday09:00 - 14:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Very Good ServiceScore™ 7.1 from 114 votes ★ 36 verified patient reviews. Visit our Acupuncture Clinic - Sonas Centre Blackstairs, Caim, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Y21 W899, Ireland.

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Acupuncturist Consultation
Fertility Acupuncture
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About Sonas Wellness Centre

Background - Siobhan is a Registered General Nurse/Registered Midwife. Siobhan has worked in hospitals in Dublin, England and Australia. She has gained invaluable knowledge and understanding of medical conditions, procedures, diagnosis, blood results, semen analysis and keeps herself updated with research.

Siobhan is also a Herbalist and Acupuncturist. She studied Traditional Chinese Medicine for 5 years and qualified in 2001. Siobhan recommends certain diagnostic procedures to be done and is happy to work alongside the medical profession. The results from diagnostic tests and modern research helps her to focus her skillful application to herbal medicine. Siobhan gives individual dietary recommendations and guidance. Siobhan is only too happy to inform other medical professions about a patient's progress.

More information about Siobhan and Fertility Treatment Centre can be found here.

How does Siobhan diagnose?Siobhan works alongside diagnostic test results and uses her western medicine experience as a Registered Nurse/Midwife, alongside Chinese Medicine diagnosis. All aspects of the person are taken into consideration (medical history, diet, lifestyle and emotional factors). Siobhan also uses tongue and pulse diagnosis.

Conditions Treated: Siobhan is particularly passionate about helping couples with fertility problems

but also treats many conditions including:

Anaemia, Anxiety, Asthma, Arthritis

Back Pain, Bowel Disorders, Bells Palsy

Childhood Disorders, Common Cold, Conjunctivitis, Constipation, Cough

Depression, Diarrhoea, Dizziness, Drug Addiction


Headaches, Hypertension

Infertility, Influenza, Indigestion, Insomnia

Lack of Energy

Me, Menstrual Disorders, Menopause

Nervous Problems

Pain, Palpitation, Peptic Ulcer Period Pain, Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome



Sciatica, Sinusitis, Sports Injuries, Smoking, Stress, Sprains, Stomach Disorders

Tinnitus, Tennis Elbow, Thrush, Urinary Disorders

How Many Treatments?The number of treatments varies depending on the type of illness and the individual. Generally acute diseases can be treated successfully within a few treatments. Chronic problems, which have taken years to develop, may need a more comprehensive treatment. Some people will notice a remarkable difference even after 1-2 treatments.

Herbal Medicine Siobhan uses pure herbs which comprise of flowers, leaves, seeds or roots of plants to treat illness and maintain good health. Different herbs in combinations reinforce each other actions and provide a stronger and faster treatment for many conditions. Traditionally raw herbs are dispersed which are made up into tea. They can also be provided in powder or capsule form. Herbal medicine is non-addictive and the aim of treatment is that they will become unnecessary. All herbs are certified by GMP.

Fertility Treatment Clinic - Siobhan Kehoe
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Patient reviews

4.8 from 36 verified reviews
Mags Condell, Ireland
( Review verified by phone and email)

It was remarkable how we connected straight away and how in tune she was with my situation

5 50 Fertility Acupuncture • Paid: €450

My fertility journey over the past 10 years has been a mixture of the absolute highest highs but also the lowest lows, beginning with a no hassle pregnancy which ended with the birth of our beautiful healthy son.

After this experience we were to travel down a long and hard road to finish our family. When trying to have a second baby we suffered miscarriage after miscarriage natural, missed, late and but eventually our rainbow baby arrived, another son after 3 longs years of trying and heartache.

Our plan when we spoke of having a family was always to have 3 children but this during the ignorance is bliss stage, where we had no idea of the road and journey we would need to go on to achieve this.

I did decide to try for baby number 3 approaching it with positivity, diet etc but again we suffered miscarriage and heart ache and I did reach the point where I decided I could no longer go on, I had two healthy sons and I needed to stop, but just then a friend recommended Siobhan and her treatment.

In Dec ‘20 I was 40 and had my first consultation with Siobhan. I went through my story and journey with her and it was remarkable how we connected straight away and how in tune she was with my situation.
I feel great responsibility in writing this review because I really want to share with anyone reading this that there is hope and this treatment will really work. As I said previously I had made steps and changes to prepare my body for pregnancy but it just wasn’t enough, however with Siobhan’s approach, looking at every part of you and your partners lifestyle and then applying self care through diet, mindfulness, gratitude etc, along with her unique formula of herbs to suit your body it can incredibly change your outcome and it is possible to carry a healthy baby.

We are now in Dec ‘21 and what a difference a year has made, as I sit typing this review I am looking at my beautiful healthy son who is now 7 wks old. If your journey with fertility has been unsuccessful so far I urge you to contact Siobhan and start your journey fresh and in her care. I have learned so much through my consultations with her I really needed to look after me, embrace my inner child, get my mind, body and life ready not only for welcoming another baby into our family but a new way of life for me, I never realised until I opened up in our sessions how low down on my list of priorities I was, Siobhan gave me the tools to stop, self asses and change my ways which allowed me be on a path to create a healthy body and mind which then in turn created the perfect circumstances for a healthy pregnancy.

I wish so much love and light to anyone reading this review. I know if you follow Siobhan’s advice and treatment you can have the successful outcome just like me. Thanks to Siobhan our dreams and family are complete.

Treated by: Ms Siobhan Kehoe

Hi Mags. Thanks so much for your testimonial as I know it will give hope to other couples. Especially a couple with a history of recurrent miscarriage and over 40. I don’t see over 40 as being the biggest issue for a risk of a miscarriage or for poor egg quality and you are proof of that ! ❤️ Also in helping prevent miscarriage it was great to meet and treat you both as each of you is 50 percent of the potential embryo. Animal breeding understands this. Sometimes this is missed with us humans. 😉 You embraced the journey of going deeper. This can be challenging but changes happen quickly. You transformed any inner pain/ fear into self love and I think this is powerful. ❤️.. Also by healing and showing love for the inner child, this allowed healing to happen from the inside out. “We need to look within not outside ourselves for the answers”. While specific herbs and supplements help, I believe healing within is the biggest aspect that helped you have your lovely baby boy. You have such a big heart Mags. And you deserve all the happiness life brings. Thanks again for sharing your inspirational story to give hope. I’m so happy for you both. Siobhán. X

Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Paula, Ireland
( Review verified by phone and email)

I gave birth 3 weeks ago, and we are blessed beyond measure

4.5 50 Fertility Acupuncture • Paid: €1000

November 2021
Having just gotten married in late 2017, we were thrilled to have had no difficulty conceiving our first child a few months later in early 2018, especially as I was approaching 40 and my husband was a few years older than me. When our little boy was 6-12 months old, we decided to start trying again. We were then surprised and anxious when we seemed to be having difficulty this time around.

Because of my age, 40 at that stage, we started getting tests done with the GP within 6 months. I was diagnosed with a health condition, which affects fertility, and put on medication that needed adjusting over the subsequent twelve months or so. We were referred to a fertility clinic and got all the various tests done there in August – November 2020. Initial tests and internal exams were very normal, all looked good. However, the test results in early Nov 2020 showed my AMH levels to
be 0.38. As this was all new to me, I had to ask what normal levels were to put it in context. I was told that in a younger woman, the normal healthy level would be about 25, in a woman my age, the average level would be about 12. Finding mine to be only 0.38 was then extremely upsetting, especially when I had conceived naturally less than three years previously. I was told that my chances of conceiving naturally again were practically nil and that the clinic could try one, possibly two, rounds of IVF but even at that, it could prove difficult to harvest an egg. It was also suggested we could consider a donor egg if that didn’t work.

This was a lot of information to take on, process and see what we were happy with. We decided not to make any further decisions until after Christmas. Just after getting the disappointing results in early Nov 2020, I got a recommendation to try Siobhán. After looking at her website, myself and my husband decided to try Siobhán and her more natural route before trying IVF if necessary. We managed to get a cancellation for mid-Nov and so began our journey with Siobhán twelve months ago.

Siobhán’s methods were less clinical and more alternative than I had imagined they would be, but I decided to be open to all her recommendations. To be honest, I was a little sceptical, as I would be a very pragmatic, proactive person, and with a calmer, slower approach, getting the right mindset wasn’t sitting well on my timeline and sense of urgency. I would be the "golden girl" personality, always trying to do things perfectly and setting very high standards, being hard on myself and trying to never let anyone down, always doing the "right" thing. However, we opened up to her advice, and her recommendations for meditations, books, and many different health supplements. I practised Siobhán's advice for self-love and positive affirmations. Throughout this time, I was doing frequent pregnancy tests, all negative, as my cycles were completely irregular/missing. After about three months of supplements, she recommended Chinese herbs. A few weeks later, on the morning of my 42nd birthday, in April of this year, I did another pregnancy test, basically to ensure I wasn’t pregnant before starting a yoga routine I had found to encourage menstruation if cycles are missing or irregular.

To say I was shocked to see a positive test result was an understatement- what a most amazing birthday present, one I will never forget! The nine months flew by, with a happy, healthy, uneventful pregnancy I gave birth 3 weeks ago, and we are blessed beyond measure.

I have been very open when talking to friends about our journey and recommending Siobhán, as I feel that if someone else hadn’t shared their story and told me about her, we might not be in this fortunate position now. Whether it was the shift in mental mindset, the health supplements, starting Chinese herbs, or a mixture of everything, we will never know. However, I am confident that Siobhán’s various methods played a huge part in achieving this pregnancy and saved a lot of stress by avoiding the IVF route. We are so grateful to Siobhán and are thoroughly blessed with our new arrival, a gorgeous baby girl.

Treated by: Ms Siobhan Kehoe

Ah thanks very much for your review Paula. I know it will give hope so I’m very grateful. 🙏 I’m so delighted for you both with your little girl and my privilege to have been part of your wonderful journey. As you know I understand how being over 40 with very low amh wasn’t the biggest aspect blocking fertility. I feel for you both embracing the journey of self love was important. Also letting the “golden girl” go is a big part for the transformation to positive fertility. With my unique approach I understand how you both became more at one and still within yourselves. This helped reduce inflammation in the body helping create a more positive fertile environment. Specific herbs and supplements helped also. Happy Christmas to you and Jerry. You deserve all the happiness life brings. Thanks again. Love Siobhán x

Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Cindy MARIN MATHOLAZ, Switzerland
( Review verified by phone and email)

Absolutely recommend her to any couple struggling on their baby journey

5 50 Fertility Acupuncture

Siobhan gave us all the keys to have a healthy baby after several losses

We travelled from Switzerland to meet Siobhán in late January 2020 (just before the pandemic) after trying to conceive since early 2018. We had endured 3 medical terminations following 2 diagnoses of severe genetic disorders during the 12 weeks scan and one embryo which didn't develop.

I had heard about Siobhán through a long time Irish friend who had had 2 successful pregnancies after consulting with Siobhan following numerous miscarriages. It was very clear to both my partner and I that the natural and holistic approach that Siobhán was offering was what we were looking for, as opposed to starting an IFV journey for instance.

Siobhán only knew we were travelling from abroad but after observing our tongues, she gave us a very accurate picture of our personalities and prescribed some Chinese medicinal herbs to both of us. We enjoyed her approach that each partner brings 50% to the embryo and are equally responsible for the success of the pregnancy. She also advised us on general nutrition, complements to balance our diet, recommended meditation exercises and writing a daily gratitude journal.

Her approach is about the body and the mind and finding the right balance within both. It's about loving and making time for oneself in order to be ready for a new being coming to life. Actually, the pandemic was a good time to slow down, to stop trying to do a million things and instead meditate, cook, take care of ourselves and really focus on our goal with a positive attitude.

We followed her recommendations from early February until late June (thanks to zoom consultations) and then we decided it was time to "try again" for a baby. I fell pregnant in late July and we followed the protocol of scans, blood and genetic tests to eventually find out in October that all was well with our baby !!

I actually carried on taking most of the herbs until the end of my pregnancy and apart from mild late afternoon sickness during the first three months, I can say I have never felt so good, healthy and energetic!. Siobhán and her team were available all throughout the process if we had any doubts or questions.

Our baby girl Céleste was born just as we started week 40, on 8th April 2021 and we still cannot believe it. We are forever grateful and thankful that our paths crossed Siobhán's and absolutely recommend her to any couple struggling on their baby journey.

PS: I was almost 41 when we had our appointment and our daughter was born not even a month after I turned 42.

Treated by: Ms Siobhan Kehoe

Thanks very much for your testimonial Cindy. I know it will give hope so I’m very grateful 🙏 It is my privilege to have been part of your wonderful journey of love, trust and truth. And such a beautiful gift with your special daughter Céleste.💝 Being 41 for me wasn’t an issue as you are aware. I know you are happy for me to share this. This is a message I want to give to other women also. When we become more centred and balanced, nature has our back in supporting us to recreate a centred and balanced child. This is the best gift for our children. When we give love to ourselves nature gives love to us! ❤️ I’m so happy for you Cindy and Ludo. Céleste is a very fortunate girl. Thanks so much again. Happy Christmas. Siobhán. Xx

Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Joanne McDonald, Ireland
( Review verified by email)

A long story short over a year later we have our beautiful, healthy baby boy who is 5 weeks old

5 50 Fertility Acupuncture

My partner & I have tried to have a baby for 4 years. We tried IVF & egg donation, unfortunately, both had failed, I had extremely low AMH & fertility a doctor said I would be extremely lucky if he could harvest 2eggs from me so he said the best option is to do egg donation. We both decided that we would only do one round. When the pregnancy test came up negative we both felt like we missed out on being parents. A couple of months after this I was talking to a lady who heard about Siobhan & about Chinese medicine.

I said it to my partner who was fairly sceptical but I said give it a shot.
We went to see Siobhan she changed our diet & my outlook on my life. I'm a highly strung person who as Siobhan said ' stop using the word perfect' I never realised how much I said that word till Siobhan pointed it out to me. Siobhan made me relax & open myself more to the universe. The acupuncture was a great help.

A long story short over a year later we have our beautiful, healthy baby boy who is 5 weeks old. We can't thank Siobhan enough. I would highly recommend Siobhan, I am fully convinced without her & her expertise we wouldn't have our baby today.

Treated by: Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Ann Stafford, Ireland
( Review verified by phone and email)

I would definitely recommend to anybody out there

4.5 50 Acupuncturist Consultation

I started going to Siobhan about two years ago as I suffered so badly from migraines, I have gotten great relief since I went to her between having the acupuncture and taken the herbs, without a doubt she has helped me so much, I would definitely recommend to anybody out there who suffers with migraines to visit Siobhan she has helped me immensely. I do still get an odd headache but it wouldn't be anything as severe as it used to be to the point where I feel I wouldn't even need to take a tablet. Thanks so much, Siobhan you've made such a difference 😁

Treated by: Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Gillian & Fergal O'Neill, Ireland
( Review verified by email)

Incredibly after less than 3 months, we found we were pregnant and eagerly expecting our first baby

5 50 Fertility Acupuncture

After trying to conceive for two and a half years, we were about to embark on IVF treatment but heard about Siobhán through a colleague who had successfully conceived while following her guidance. Having never heard of TCM as a fertility treatment so we were happy to give it a try before heading down the route of IVF.
We visited Siobhán and she immediately diagnosed what she felt might be causing our fertility issues and put us on a course of herbs, suggested acupuncture and a change in diet. Incredibly after less than 3 months, we found we were pregnant and eagerly expecting our first baby.

We would highly recommend Siobhán, who uses TCM alongside her experience in modern medicine and explains things so clearly that you will feel confident and reassured.

Treated by: Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Sinead, Ireland
( Verified user. Review confirmed by phone and email)

Happy to have relief and all involved are very professional

4.5 50 Acupuncturist Consultation • Paid: €165

''This is my 3rd session with Alvaro (Chiren Limerick) at Siobhans clinic and my shoulder and arm pain (ongoing for about a year) was relieved instantly and the relief lasted a few hours... the pain came back but less debilitating but had gone again by second appointment and is pretty much nonexistent now... 😃👍

Happy to have relief and all involved are very professional... my only complaint is it is very expensive €165 for initial session and €95 per follow up session .....would also be nice to have a receptionist checking you in and letting you know what is going on especially at first visit.

Treated by: Chiren Limerick
Claire, Ireland
( Review verified by phone and email)

Brought great happiness to myself and my boys

5 50 Acupuncturist Consultation

I went to see Siobhan as I didn't want to go down the route of IVF and I wanted to conceive naturally. Siobhan had a lot of practical advice and experience so I trusted her.
If it weren't for Siobhan I don't think that I would have my healthy little boy who has brought great happiness to myself and my boys.

Treated by: Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Dee, Ireland
( Review verified by phone)

Siobhan’s part in all this was invaluable

5 50 Acupuncturist Consultation

Siobhan comes highly recommended. Her vast knowledge of herbs & acupuncture and her knowledge and experience of fertility from both the conventional medicinal background and her Chinese medicinal training is evident in the immediate visible difference she made, right from the word go! Her professional but gentle manner is second to none.
Don't wait around, make an appointment!! I'm certain it's the most positive change we made and that which made the difference.

We have a little boy born in 2009. His conception wasn't easy, after 3 years of trying naturally we were referred from the gynae in Wexford to a fertility clinic in Dublin for investigation. We fell into the 20% - unexplained infertility category and were one step away from our first IVF consultation when I became pregnant, much to our relief. We were thrilled. Everything went to plan.

After about 3 years we decided that we would try again. It wasn't to be. Once more we found ourselves referred to the gynae clinic. After some hormone assisted monthly cycles I was then booked in for a laparoscopy under general anesthetic to see if there was blockages or to see what the problem could be.

In March 2015 the result of the laparoscopy was not what the consultant had expected. Having had no significant symptoms to complain of, we were so surprised to be given the news that I had Grade 4 Endometreosis, the worst grade.

I always bled heavy, thought it was the norm - seems it wasn’t. I obviously had a high pain threshold. There was endometrial tissue on the outside of my womb, on both ovaries one of which was adhered to the back of my womb and also chocolate cysts within one ovary and a large endometrium, all of which would explain the lack of success in trying to conceive again. They removed what they could however it transpired that given the extent of the endometriosis and my age (38) our only option was IVF. We were gutted.

We did an IVF cycle in November 2015, we got 4 embryos, 2 of which were implanted. I had hyper-stimulation after the stimulating hormones, but otherwise all went to plan, however the cycle wasn't successful, we had a negative pregnancy test at the clinic after the two week wait. It was heartbreaking but was always a risk, with nothing ever guaranteed despite how each stage seemed to go our way. We dusted ourselves off and we remembered we were lucky enough to have 2 embryos to freeze. When ready we would try again.

After Christmas 2015 we decided that we would do a frozen cycle however I really wanted to have a fresh approach, I wanted to be in a better physical and mental place before we used our last chance. I needed to know I had given it everything.
I had heard of Siobhán Kehoe, friends had been but for some reason I never went before despite our struggle to achieve pregnancy. I decided this was something I needed to do.

I went for a consultation with Siobhan in January 2016 and I loved her approach. Right from the word go she seemed to know what I needed to do. Looking at my tongue she knew things about my personality and my body without asking much. She assured me that if I followed the dietary advice she gave, had regular acupuncture before each menstrual cycle and if I took the Chinese herbs that she prescribed, that the inflammation caused by the Endometreosis would improve, my womb lining would be cleared of any clotting and the result would be a perfect home for our embryos (also letting me know not to stop trying naturally though as a natural conception would not be an unrealistic possibility either given the changes that would occur). Siobhan said ideally she would like to work with me for at least 3 menstrual cycles before we began treatment for our frozen cycle. We were willing to wait. I was determined to make the necessary changes and felt that it was worth it to give it my very best shot.

ImmediatelyI felt great, I made the changes she recommended and I saw the results - within 5 days in fact. My bleed was different, a huge change in colour, and clotting was nothing like it used to be. This encouraged me to continue with the changes. I went to Siobhan each month for the next 4 cycles sticking strictly to the diet, taking the herb concoction and various supplements that she recommended and changing doses as she advised along the way.

In May we began the medicines in preparation for our frozen cycle. In mid June I had our embryos transferred and at the end of June 2016 we had the fantastic news that the blood result was a positive. We had conceived. I was pregnant. It felt amazing.

I continued to go to Siobhan, when I became very sick between weeks 6-10 and then once monthly for maintenance ever-since. We are now almost 30 weeks pregnant and can't wait for the safe arrival of our newest family member in early 2017.

Siobhan’s part in all this was invaluable. Without her personal approach, her expertise in acupuncture, her professional advice and her vast knowledge of herbs and supplements, I firmly believe we would not have gotten the result we so wanted and that we achieved.


Treated by: Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Ann, Ireland
( Review verified by phone and email)

Cannot recommend enough

5 50 Fertility Acupuncture

If you are having trouble conceiving well then look no further than Siobhan Kehoe, I cannot recommend her enough. I heard about Siobhan through a friend. She explained to me how Siobhan helped people through Chinese Medicine. Initially I suppose I was a bit sceptical about it all if I'm honest. At the time we were trying for our second child and after about six months and no success we sought medical assistance. From there I was referred on to a fertility expert and blood tests confirmed that i wasn't ovulating.I was put on a course of non-steroidal fertility medicine to stimulate ovulation so i thought problem solved!!! Six months later later I still wasn't pregnant even though blood tests were confirming that I was indeed now ovulating. I knew myself that there was something wrong and that there had to be another reason why i wasn't getting pregnant. Also my periods by now were very dark and looked anything but healthy.

So it was from there I got in contact with Siobhan and it was the best move I could have made!!! She explained to me from looking at my tongue that my body was DRY (a form of infertility) which basically means that my body lacked any moisture which therefore meant it was nearly impossible for me to conceive. Straight away she started me on a course of herbs and acupuncture but did tell me that due to the severity of the dryness in my body it could take up to twelve months before I was pregnant. Fourteen months later I discovered I was pregnant so her timing was bang on. We now have a two month old beautiful baby boy and we couldn't be happier!

I firmly believe without Siobhan's help we would not be where we are today. If there is anyone out there having problems conceiving my advice to you from our wonderful experience is to get in contact with Siobhan because you will not look back. Thanks for everything Siobhan.

Treated by: Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Mairin, Ireland
( Verified user. Review confirmed by email)

I am confident and happy to follow her advice and recommendations

4.5 50 Acupuncturist Consultation

Consultation & Acupuncture.
Siobhan was professional,friendly and knowledge and I am confident and happy to follow her advice and recommendations.

Very good

Treated by: Ms Siobhan Kehoe

Thanks for a great review Mairin. Lovely to meet you!

Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Elaine, Ireland
( Review verified by phone and email)

12 weeks pregnant and everything is looking good following Fertility Acupuncture

5 50 Acupuncturist Consultation, Fertility Acupuncture

Myself and my husband had been actively trying for many years. It was so difficult year after year of disappointment. I began to look at alternative therapies as I found Western medicine was no help to me. (PCOS, peptide hormone-resistant, overweight and milder underlying conditions) I was generally told lto ose weight and that was it. Siobhan asked me about my overall health, my periods, my lifestyle and checked out my tongue. Siobhan gave me wonderful advice, I could tell straight away how much she knew and how experienced she was. She was telling me things about myself that were spot on and exactly what I had been experiencing. Siobhan then did acupuncture prescribed me raw herbs and supplements and advised one diet and a nutritionist. I started to take the herbs straight away and thought I would do the diet when I ggot backfrom holidays. I was excited to take my herbs, and see the changes in my periods and digestion. I didn't get a chance to see any of those changes though! Whilst on hholiday(2 weeks after treatment) I discovered I was pregnant. We really could not believe it, genuinely thought that this day wouldn't come. IVF/IUI etc was a route that we were hoping not to go down emotionally and financially. I wish I had gone to Siobhan years ago. I did go on to have a bleed, so jumped in the car to Siobhan for specific herbs and supplements to prevent miscarriage and stop the bleeding. 2 scans later and 12 weeks pregnant and everything is looking good. I am continuing my herbs and visiting Siobhan. I just wish more people knew about Siobhan and TCM. Forever grateful.

Really easy to find. Perfect location with car park close by.

Treated by: Ms Siobhan Kehoe

Thanks for a brilliant review Elaine! Hope all is well with you.

Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Ms Siobhan Kehoe
Joan, Ireland
( Review verified by phone)

will continue to refer her to the many people who are out there hoping to have a family

4.5 50

Siobhan advised me to stop breastfeeding the baby I had, since I was thinking about having a second. At nine months, she said the baby was sufficiently nourished and it was time to prepare my body for another pregnancy to take the next baby to term in as healthy a way as possible. I started taking herbs she prescribed and put my trust in her abilities since I had conceived my first baby under her care, after 18 months of trying. After three or four months I was pregnant again. This pregnancy felt a bit different, but not much. I was slightly more nauseous, but it ended after month three and things seemed to be going well. When I went for my first scan, it became evident, that I was in fact, carrying triplets. I carried to 35.5 weeks and they were born healthy, at 5.6, 4.12 and 4.14. Two boys and a girl, which is, apparently the most common gender assembly for spontaneous triplets, meaning, non IVF. In Holles street, we were visited by almost every staff member and catering staff member in the hospital, since it was so rare for triplets to arrive right to the ward. We had all three babies in my room by day three, and only because they didn't want to overwhelm me by bringing them all down at once from ICU. I was 38 when I conceived and there is a gap of 18 months between the triplets and our eldest. We are so grateful to Siobhan for having brought all of these babies to term. They are two years old this Autumn, and all of our four children have been extremely healthy. One of the triplets has an egg allergy, and eczema, which is gradually improving with age, but other than that, we haven't had to go to the GP for any health issues.

I have no hesitation in reccomending SIobhan. I have been telling people about her work for the past four years, and will continue to refer her to the many people who are out there hoping to have a family, like we were. And don't worry, I have to also add, that we are her only case of triplets - so far!!

Treated by: Ms Siobhan Kehoe
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  • TCMCI - Traditional Chinese Medicine Council of Ireland (Ireland) 
  • IRCHM - Irish Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine (Ireland) 
  • An Bord Altranais (Ireland) 


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Acupuncturist Consultation


Fertility Acupuncture

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Fertility - Alternative Treatment


Holistic Health Consultation

Sonas Wellness Centre - Sonas Centre Blackstairs, Caim, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Y21 W899,

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Ms Siobhan Kehoe -  at Sonas Wellness Centre

Ms Siobhan Kehoe

  Acupuncture, Fertility Medicine, Gynaecology, Herbalism, Maternal and Fetal Medicine, Midwifery, Nursing, Pain Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Traditional Chinese Medicine

Siobhan Kehoe - Acupuncturist & Herbalist Registered Midwife & Nurse/Dip Acupuncture/Herbs LIC.China
Member of A.F.P.A, I.R.C.H.M. & A.C.H.I,

Background - Siobhán Kehoe is a Registered Practitoner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), qualified in 2001. She studied TCM for five years. She completed a 3 year Dip Course in Acupuncture and a 2 year dip course in Chinese Herbalsim. She studied and practiced in China for a while where she obtained a Licentiate in Acupuncture. She has a Cert in Acupuncture Fertility Network. Her background is Nursing. Siobhán is a registered General Nurse and Registered Midwife. She holds a good knowledge of diagnostic tests and modern medicine. She finds that the diagnostic tests and modern research helps her to focus her skillful application to Herbal Medicine.
Siobhán is only to happy to inform other medical professionals about a patients progress, and work alongside the medical profession. Siobhán has been practising in Wexford since 2002 and practiced prior to this in Dublin. Siobhán recently completed a diploma in Obs & Gynae with Dr Trevor Wing. This is the first course of its kind outside of China

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Sonas Centre Blackstairs, Caim, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Y21 W899Ireland