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International Andrology Roma

International Andrology Roma

Show Phone Number

Viale di Villa Pamphili 85, Roma, 00152Italy

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Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday09:00 - 17:00
Thursday09:00 - 17:00
Friday09:00 - 17:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.4 from 10 votes ★ Visit our Urology Clinic - Viale di Villa Pamphili 85, Roma, 00152, Italy.

Popular Treatments

Urologist Consultation

Andrology Consultation
Penile Implant
Peyronie's Disease
Male Sub-fertility
Therapy for Varicocale
LifeStyle and Health Male
Erectile Dysfunction
See all treatments & prices

About International Andrology Roma

International Andrology Rome offers the latest treatments in men’s healthcare. Our clinic is a proud member of International Andrology (IA), an international collaboration network of the leading practitioners of andrology. Our doctors are all trained surgeons Urologists-Andrologists and have played major roles in the development, co-development or improvement of many of the modern surgical techniques currently standard throughout the world, as well as pioneering holistic treatments covering a broad range of men’s health.

In addition to the individual medical excellence, what really differentiates us is the collaboration that IA promotes between our physicians. The surgical techniques and treatments that we offer are constantly improved based on the collective experiences of our doctors, which is facilitated through continuous training and advanced data capturing and analysis systems shared across all our practices. Difficult cases are reviewed collectively and we will always aim to arrange for the most specialist of our doctors to lead these.

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Erectile Dysfunction

Urologist Consultation

Andrology Consultation


Penile Implant


Peyronie's Disease


Male Sub-fertility


Therapy for Varicocale


LifeStyle and Health Male



International Andrology Roma - Viale di Villa Pamphili 85, Roma, 00152,

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Private Patients Welcome
Dr Francesco De Luca -  at International Andrology Roma

Dr Francesco De Luca

Is uro-surgeon urologist at the International Andrology in Rome, London and the San Camillo Forlanini Hospital in Rome. He trained at the University of Rome "Sapienza" at the Urological Clinic "U. Arms "immediately showing special interest in male pathologies and in particular for the surgical andrology, where he earned the title of specialist with honors. He has worked for over four years, as a "fellow" and "specialist registrar" with world-renowned surgeons, actively participating in courses and master of "live surgery" in centers of excellence and international renown as "University College London Hospitals", " Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital "and" Whipps Cross University Hospital "in London. The training course has allowed him to acquire a vast experience in all andrology fields ranging from genito-urethral aesthetic and functional surgery (urethral stricture) to male infertility, microsurgery by the transsexual surgery gino-android and andrological emergencies ( fracture penile, testicular torsion and priapism). It 'a firm supporter group multidisciplinary approach and international cooperation. His field of interest extending from diagnosis and medical-surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction including prosthetic surgery, correction of congenital penile curvature (technical STAGE) for new non-surgical treatments of 'Peyronie (Xiapex®) and surgery plaque with grafting of Peyronie (correction disease on geometric principles sec. Egydio). It also forms part of assisted reproduction paths (PMA) for the treatment of male infertility with microsurgical removal of gametes (MicroTESE) and recanalization of the seminal ducts. He also studied the different phalloplasty elongation and enlargement techniques.
Christos Fliatouras - Surgeon at International Andrology Roma

Christos Fliatouras

Job Title:
Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of L'Aquila. He completed his specialization in Urology at the Clinic urologic oncology hospital Saint Savvas in Athens. It deals with the basic andrology research for erectile dysfunction, male infertility and urogenital surgery. After obtaining the title of specialist in Urology, it has joined the team of International Andrology in 2013, serving first in Athens, Dubai, and currently also in Rome. He is interested only in urogenital surgery, performing more than 200 operations per year genitals. His areas of interest concerning, in particular, the management of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, and the surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease. He co-developed and improved several surgical techniques for the treatment of Peyronie's disease as a member of the team of International Andrology.
Show Phone Number

Viale di Villa Pamphili 85, Roma, 00152Italy

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