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St. Stephens Gate Medical Practice

St. Stephens Gate Medical Practice

Show Phone Number

55 Wessex Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR22TJUK

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Opening hours

Monday08:00 - 18:30
Tuesday08:00 - 18:30
Wednesday08:00 - 18:30
Thursday08:00 - 18:30
Friday08:00 - 18:30
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Psychologist - 55 Wessex Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR22TJ, UK. Wessex Street in Norwich is the location of this NHS GP prac...

Popular Treatments

Psychologist Consultation
Heart Disease Treatment
Cancer Screening
Diabetes Treatment
Breast Check
Flu Vaccine
Cervical Check
Emergency Contraception
See all treatments & prices

About St. Stephens Gate Medical Practice

Wessex Street in Norwich is the location of this NHS GP practice where high quality primary healthcare services are provided with the caring approach of a traditional family GP practice. Late evening appointments are scheduled for the convenience of busy patients and their families. Services provided include general health examinations under the NHS for men, women and children, the administration of childhood and adult immunizations and travel vaccinations, chronic disease management, treatments for minor ailments, minor surgical procedures, weight management assistance, family planning assistance, non NHS medicals and the administration of facial injectables.

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Psychologist Consultation

General Practice


ECG - Electrocardiogram


Alcoholism Treatment


Asthma Specialist Consultation


Blood Pressure Monitoring


Cancer Screening


Breast Check


Cervical Check


Children's Health Consultation


Diabetes Treatment


Family Planning Consultation


GP Consultation


Health Screening Consultation


Men's Health Consultation


Mental Health Consultation


Minor Surgery Consultation


Smoking Cessation Consultation


Travel Health Consultation




Flu Vaccine


Vaccination Consultation


Weight Loss Consultation


Women's Health Consultation

Obstetrics / Gynaecology


Antenatal Treatment




Emergency Contraception



Heart Disease Treatment

St. Stephens Gate Medical Practice - 55 Wessex Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR22TJ,

Payment information


Private Patients WelcomeEuropean Health Insurance CardNHSEmergency NHSCIGNA HealthcareCIGNA Healthcare

Dr Alan Gall

Registration Number:
Job Title:
  General Practitioner

Dr Andrew Pyper

Registration Number:
Job Title:
  General Practitioner

Dr David Goldser

Registration Number:
Job Title:
  General Practitioner

Dr Frances Scouller

Registration Number:
Job Title:
  General Practitioner

Dr Jeanine Smirl

Registration Number:
Job Title:
  General Practitioner

Dr Karen Heaton

Registration Number:
Job Title:
  General Practitioner

Dr Richard Larsson

Registration Number:
Job Title:
  General Practitioner

Dr Teresa Cafferty

Registration Number:
Job Title:
  General Practitioner

Mrs Clair Haylock

Job Title:
  Practice Nurse

Mrs Kim Dyke

Job Title:
  Nurse Practitioner

Mrs Maxine Copson

Job Title:
  Lead / Senior Nurse

Mrs Michelle Kears

Job Title:
  Practice Manager

Mrs Sylvia MacDonald

Job Title:
  Practice Manager

Ms Debbie Thwaites

Job Title:
  Practice Nurse

Ms Loraine Leggett

Job Title:
  Practice Nurse
Show Phone Number

55 Wessex Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR22TJUK

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  4. Psychologists Norwich