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Ashleigh Physiotherapy Clinic

Ashleigh Physiotherapy Clinic

Show Phone Number

26, Stoneygate Road, Stoneygate, Leicester, LE2 2ADUK

from 35 users
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Opening hours

Monday07:30 - 20:00
Tuesday07:30 - 17:30
Wednesday07:30 - 17:30
Thursday07:30 - 20:00
Friday07:30 - 17:00
Saturday08:45 - 10:30
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Outstanding ServiceScore™ 9.4 from 35 votes ★ Customer Service Award 2023 ★ 1 verified patient review. Visit our Physiotherapy Clinic - 26, Stoneygate Road, Stoneygate, Leicester, LE2 2AD, UK.

Popular Treatments

Physiotherapist Consultation
Deep Tissue Massage
Sports Massage
Back Pain Treatment
Spinal Rehabilitation - Neck and Back Injury
Full Body Massage
Spinal Manipulation
Sports Therapy
See all treatments & prices

About Ashleigh Physiotherapy Clinic

Located 0.3 km from Stoneygate, this clinic provides Physiotherapist Consultations. Treatments available include Injection Therapy, Repetitive Strain Injury Treatment and Shortwave Diathermy. The clinic provides Acupuncture, Massage Therapy and Physiotherapy / Physical Therapy. Appointments on Saturday, 08:45 to 10:30. Payment plans for patients available.
The Ashleigh Clinic
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Patient reviews

5.0 from 1 verified review
David, UK
( Review verified by phone)

After listening to his advice I'm now walking with no pain

5 50 Physiotherapist Consultation

I've been limping for 2+years with hip trouble.

I went for an x-ray at the General and then spoke to Craig,

After listening to his advice I'm now walking with no pain.

Thank you, Craig.

Treated by: Mr Craig Mortimer

Hi Dave, That's great news Dave. As I said when we discussed your hip. Just because you have an Arthritic/ Degenerative hip on an X Ray doesn't mean you need a new hip replacement. It is NORMAL to see degenerative changes in joints as we get older and many are still pain free. A significant amount of pain radiates from the tissues that surround the joint because of changes in walking patterns. If you work on that, a significant amount of pain can reduce in a lot of cases. Well done and keep up with everything we discussed

Ashleigh Physiotherapy Clinic
Ashleigh Physiotherapy Clinic
Donna, UK
(We were unable to verify the reviewer)

I am now back to a full range of movement and am running again

Physiotherapist Consultation

I broke my knee cap and was told after the healing process that I would not get my full range of movement back in my leg which was devastating, however, Ashleigh Clinic and Craig Mortimer totally believed that I would get back to normal. After treatment which did take time but was totally worth it I am now back to a full range of movement and am running again.

My experience was excellent I would recommend The Ashleigh Clinic every time.

Treated by: Mr Craig Mortimer

See what others think about the clinic's customer service:

Alison, UK29.03.2015
Craig has been helpful my arrogant GP is not!! Now it is going to cost me but it will be worth it,
Andrea, UK13.09.2011
I prefer the sound of this one.



Ankle Injury Treatment

Fractures and soft tissue injuries to ligaments, Tendons and muscles

Biomechanical assessment

Full assessment by our registered Podiatrist with full biomechanical assessment if required and custom made Orthotics (Innersoles) to correct mal alignment which causes pain and loss of function


Use Of Ice and cold to help promote speedy and full recovery


Extensive fully equipped clinic. Long Wave, Specialist TECAR clinic, Interferential, Lumbar and Cervical Traction, Laser, Short Wave Diathermy, Magnotherapy, G5, Intermittent Compression

Exercise Therapy

Ex Military physiotherapists who can provide one to one and structured fitness and rehab programs to individual requirements


Injection Therapy

Specialist Injection Therapy Clinic to aid recovery and resolution of acute or chronis soft tissue problems. Memebers of Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Orthopaedic Medicene

Physiotherapist Consultation

Assessment and treatment to your specific needs by one of our experienced physiotherapists


Basic Pilates muscle re education programs where necessary. Progressing onto full routines for fitness and rehabilitation

Repetitive Strain Injury Treatment

Assessment for soft tissue damage and mechanical causes to determine relevant treatment and help prevent fuure problems

Shortwave Diathermy

Use of electromagnetic current electrodes to help speed cellular regeneration

Spinal Rehabilitation - Neck and Back Injury

Extensive equipment and manual therapy techniques available for recovery of acute and chronic Back and neck problems

Sports and Occupational Rehabilitation

We currently offer our expertise to Premiership and Championship professional football and Rugby clubs, Leicestershire County Cricket Club, Leicester Riders basketball club and private patients


Sports Injury Rehabilitation - Strapping and Taping

Taping and full rehab programs individual to the patients requirements and needs

Sports Therapy

We have extensive facilities of equipment and purpose built facilities to offer all patients


With 15 years treating whiplash and members of Medical Legal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MLACP)

Massage Therapy


Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy for relaxation and well being from our qualified Aromatherapist

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep trigger point and soft tissue massage for treatment of injuries and pre and post sports event preparation and recovery

Full Body Massage

For relaxation, treatment of injuries and pre and post sports event preparation and recovery


A full history and consultation to evaluate the patients problems and provide the appropriate treatment

Pregnancy Massage

For relaxation and relief of pain and tension. To help mother to be to cope with day to day pregancy and post natal discomfort

Sports Massage

Pre and post evet sports massage and in conjunction with rehabilitation and treatment suggested by physiotherapist



Back Pain Treatment

Spinal adjustments and advice for recovery and prevention

Spinal Manipulation

Practised by both our physiotherapist and Chiropractors for treatment and to aid recovery from injury



Acupuncturist Consultation

Fully qualified acupunturist for the treatment of many conditions from anxiety, skin complaints, pain and habitual problems such as smoking, weight loss and dibilitating problems such as hay fever etc. Please call the clinic for further information.

Holistic Health



Accupressure is the use of acupuncture points and trigger (Hashi) points for the relief of pain and anxiety. This can be performed by our Shiatsu and acupunturist with complementing techniques
Ashleigh Physiotherapy Clinic - 26, Stoneygate Road, Stoneygate, Leicester, LE2 2AD,

Payment information

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Private Patients WelcomeBUPABUPAAXA PPP HealthcareAXA PPP Healthcare

Mr Craig Mortimer

Miss Isha Joshi

Miss Vanessa Swaine

Show Phone Number

26, Stoneygate Road, Stoneygate, Leicester, LE2 2ADUK